“The Way of Cain.”
THE first man born of a woman into this world was the first being to tread this road, and Scripture has called it by his name. It is the road that leads farther and farther away from God. “And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord.” It is, in short, the straight road to hell.
Cain took the initial step―out of the presence of the Lord. He builded a city and called it after his son. The same chapter that records this (Gen. 4), also records the first example of polygamy. The coarseness of sin soon appears; the way of Cain is the down-grade to hell. The result of Lamech’s polygamy was at least three sons, who all made their mark upon their age―nay, upon all time.
Jabal “was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle.” He was the first who shaped the calling of agriculturist, and its kindred pursuits.
Jubal “was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ.” He was the founder of the musical profession.
Tubal-Cain “was an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron.” He was the father of inventions and engineering. You say, “What harm in all this?” No doubt they altered the aspect of affairs for the better―their city was more comfortable. Perhaps rivers were spanned―articles of domestic comfort brought into common use―the sweet sound of the harp and organ charmed the ear at holiday and leisure time―commerce was set on its basis in short, the rudiments of the world were there, developing in this nineteenth century into such scenes as Oxford Street, London, and Broadway, New York, present, with their theaters and music halls―luxuries that once destroyed the Grecian and Roman empires, and may yet destroy the English.
“Well, but what harm in all this?” you cry. Just this―all these things were used to forget God―to please themselves alone.
Look at those waving fields of fast-ripening grain—at those sleek cattle chewing the cud of contentment―at that farmstead with its signs of rustic plenty. The good hand of God is not withholden or niggardly in bestowing His creature mercies. But the curse of Cain, alas! is often upon a scene like that. Forgetfulness of God is there.
Look at that busy shop. See the bustling shopkeeper courteously and assiduously attend his customers. He is shrewd, honorable, well-spoken of by all as a thorough-going, sound business man. But again the curse of Cain is often upon such a scene. God is forgotten.
Once more, step in imagination into that theater. Mark the animated faces as they crowd pit, and gallery, and dress-circle. Listen to the ringing cheers, or the musical laugh, as they watch the well-turned actors. How far away from their thoughts is God! How unwelcome the thought of death and judgment to come! The curse of Cain is upon the brow. They hurry on, careless and heedless, to the eternal burnings. Nay, they will even pay to have their time whiled away thus. Soon they will all be in eternity. But where?
“I am the Way.”
The Lord Jesus had gathered His disciples round Him, and was having His last, loving talk with them. He tells them He is leaving them, but will come again for them, and receive them unto Himself. Thomas―the doubting one―asks the dark question― “Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?”
Yes, that is the great, grand question to be solved. Which is the way to heaven? One says, prayers, ordinances, Bible-reading, weeping is the way. The Lord Jesus had just instituted the Lord’s Supper, and had given them a new commandment. But He does not mention these things. He says, “I am the way.”
Despairing sinner, look not to means but to a Person, who was once in death, but now is at God’s right hand in heavenly glory. That is THE WAY which precludes all others. He is the way to the Father, and to heaven.
Simon Peter was taught a fundamental lesson in those words, “Whither I go, thou canst not follow me now; but thou shalt follow me afterward.”
Yes, the Lord Jesus alone had to meet the full tide of God’s wrath against sin. Alone He had to enter the darkness―to endure the hiding of God’s face. Alone He had to die―His blood had to be shed.
God is satisfied with His perfect work, and now the believer in Jesus can know Him as the way. The worshipper, too, enters “into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh” (Heb. 10:19, 2019Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, 20By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh; (Hebrews 10:19‑20)).
Have you believed on Jesus, the Son of God?
“The Error of Balaam.”
Balaam’s error was that whilst knowing the reality of eternal things he tampered with them for reward. Unconverted ministers and professors of religion, beware. The hireling prophet said, “Let me die, the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his.” Yet he was unprepared to live the life of the righteous. How then could he expect to reap a different harvest from that which he had sown?
Perhaps you have seen the last days of godly parents. You have marked their peace and joy in departing. And inwardly you have longed for the same end. You believed in the reality of their Christianity. Ah! you must be converted yourself. You must live for Christ or else you cannot die in Christ. If you sow the wind, you will reap the whirlwind. What of your last end?
Again, Balsam said, “I shall see him, but not now; I shall behold him, but not nigh.” He was speaking of Christ prophetically, and concerning Israel.
If you go on, as you are, you know that when you see Christ, and “every eye shall see him,” it will not be near, but afar off, on the great, white throne of judgment. Oh! the moral distance between the righteous Judge and the ungodly sinner!
Poor, misguided Balsam sold his never-dying soul for earthly gold. What are you doing?
You are troubled about your sins―about your soul. But your business, your family, your pleasure, your sins, keep you from Jesus. The curl of the lip, the sneer, keep others from the Saviour. Their reward is applause and popularity, and they damn their souls for that. As you love your soul, consider well these things. You would have the respectability of religion without the cross.
And what of Christ? He says, ―
“I am the Truth.”
He is the revealer of the Father―the truth about Him. And more if you come to Christ, you will know what an utterly unworthy, contemptible life you have been leading―you will learn the enormity of sin. The poor bat-like infidel thinks everything is out of joint, and sadly needs squaring. If he came to Christ, he would get the solution to every question. How can he find out truth, when he has never come to the truth―Christ Himself, the Son of God? Come to Him then as you are, and instead of being a sham professor like Balaam, you will become a real possessor.
“Perished in the Gainsaying of Core.”
Now, as in the days of Moses, men are bringing their thoughts to the Word of God, and by them judging it. In Numbers 16 we read the sad history of those who allowed their own thoughts to work in the things of God, and the solemn lesson of their punishment. God had ordained the priests with Aaron, the High Priest, to offer the sacrifices. These Levites, who had work to do in connection with the tabernacle, but were not allowed to offer sacrifices, presumed to dictate to Moses in the matter, and really to God. They thought they were quite able to offer these sacrifices, and to do without the office of the priesthood.
Has this not its counterpart in this speculative nineteenth century? Do not even ministers from their pulpits question and even deny the necessity of the atonement―therefore of the eternity of punishment, and therefore of the inspiration of Scripture. The fundamental truths of Holy Scripture are like stones in an arch, if one be taken away, the whole arch is destroyed.
Aaron, the High Priest, is a type of Christ, and the summary way in which God punished those who presumed to impose their own thoughts upon His word, teaches us the lesson in type and shadow as to what God thinks of Christ, and what an awful thing it is on our part to seek without Him to worship God, and reach heaven. It will end fatally.
Let me briefly describe the end of Dathan, Korah (Core), and Abiram.
A test was made on a certain day. Aaron, and the priests of God, took their censers with fire in them and incense thereon, whilst two hundred and fifty of the rebels’ supporters took their censers with strange fire, and all alike stood in the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.
Moses by the direction of God warned the children of Israel to separate themselves from the tents of the malcontents.
Then Moses told them a new thing would happen―the earth would open her mouth and swallow them up. Their scientists might have answered, “Our text-books of science do not tell us that such an event, as you describe, has ever happened―therefore we do not believe it, do not trouble ourselves about your gloomy pari passu with the reasoning of the present day―the ostrich’s trick of burying her head in the sand when overtaken in the chase, and therefore fancying her body is not seen. And shallow infidelity echoes such reasoning to the full. That shuts out God, and therefore the miraculous must disappear. Even the Creator of nature’s laws cannot, must not, vary them in a single instance. But the earth in Moses’ day did open her mouth, and swallow them up alive, and thud sudden destruction came upon them. And mores fire came from above and destroyed the two hundred and fifty with their arrogant claims. Judgment from above and judgment from beneath quickly answered their blasphemies. How the Israelites fled terror-stricken at their cry as judgment overtook them? The censers of the two hundred and fifty were beaten into broad plates and become the covering of the altar―an object-lesson to all, that Aaron alone, and the God appointed priests, were to offer at that alter, What a striking lesson in type and shadow that Jesus, the Son of God, is the alone way of approach to God. Ye who say that Christ is man, and not God, beware. Ye, who would fondly dream of getting to heaven by your imitation of Christ, rather than on the ground of His sacrifice, and atonement at Calvary’s cross, beware. Christ is infinitely precious in GOD’s sight—He is the only and all sufficient way to God. He says, ―
“I am the Life.”
The way of Core is death: He is the life. Past death and resurrection, He is the Giver of eternal life to those who believe on Him. Out of Him nothing but spiritual death reigns, and systems of religion, where He is not known as the One who made atonement on the cross, are dead and damning. Their churches are sepulchers where dead men are galvanized into a ghastly semblance to life.
“He that believeth on ME hath everlasting life” (John 10:47). Precious Saviour―winner of salvation ―communicator of eternal life to those who believe on Him! Many know the wondrous joy of possessing that life, and how the Holy Ghost thrills their souls as He speaks to them of Jesus, and leads them by faith and in spirit into the Father’s house, there to drink the cup of wondrous joy and fellowship, with the Father, and the Son. By-and-by all these things will be theirs without alloy, naught to disturb or destroy this wondrous communion, when they shall see His face and be with Him for all eternity.
Friend, let not the worthless husks of religious reasoning rob you of these profound joys, but believe now in the Son of God. He is the life.
If Satan has his way―the way of Cain, Christ is the Way. If Satan propagate his error―the error of Balaam, Christ is the Truth. If Satan leads his religious dupes to death―the second death, perishing in the gainsaying of Core, Christ is the Life.
A. J. P.