(1 John 1:3).
THY Christ is ours, blest Father!
Thy holy, spotless One,
To us He is most precious,
Thy well-beloved Son.
Thou lovest Him, our Father,
Because it was His joy
To do Thy will most holy,
From all eternity.
And Thou, O God, dost love Him,
Because in richest grace,
His life He gave most freely
When standing in our place.
We love Him, God our Father,
Because He first loved us,
And gave Himself a ransom
For us on Calvary’s cross.
We know Him now exalted
At Thy right hand on high,
Our hope, our rest, our treasure,
Our everlasting joy.
Oh, grace beyond all measure,
That sinners such as we
Should have the same blest Object,
Most glorious God as Thee!
M. S. S.