Romans Pt1

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Address—P. Jennings
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I do want to thank my brother in here for being willing.
To take up this subject.
It, it, it's a subject that just keeps expanding in my own soul. And So what I used to be to be able to do in four or five meetings, it might take a little bit longer. And you know, I'm not in any hurry. If you're not in any hurry, we probably will get just far enough in this in this series this week.
To get a taste of deliverance, and that's a wonderful thing for us to realize that the work of Christ is a complete salvation. It's not just the salvation that's delivered us from the penalty of our sins, but it's a salvation that has completely delivered us.
From the indwelling power of sin within us. And yet.
This is truth that we have to lay hold of. We have to first have an understanding of it and then in our life God teaches us the reality of the power of the work of Christ.
And so I would like to start. The Lord has given me a little bit of an introduction that's outside of the book of Book of Romans. So we're going to go to Exodus chapter 13.
To begin.
These are verses that the Lord gave me recently as I was going through the my, my personal reading as I was going through the Old Testament. These verses just kind of stuck out and, and they have stuck in my enjoyment and brought clarity, more clarity to my own soul as to the the.
Truths that we have in the book of Romans, Exodus chapter 13 and verse 17.
Says And it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God let them not through the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near. For God said, lest peradventure the people repent when they see war, and they return to Egypt. But God led the people about.
Through the way of the wilderness of the Red Sea.
And the children of Israel went up and harnessed out of the land of Egypt. And so God had a specific path for the children of Israel to take as they left the ******* of Egypt. And there was one way that God did not want them to take, and He would not leave them that way.
And that was he would not take them by way of the Philistines.
I would like to just speak a little bit about that. There is no way we can really grasp what this expression the Philistines means until we get through the whole series.
When we get through the whole series, we're going to have an understanding about the way of the Philistines, but I want to just give a little.
Short description of what the Lord has brought brought it to my own soul. The way of the Philistines is the energy of the flesh.
In divine things.
It's the energy of the flesh in divine things.
And so as we go through the book of Romans, we're going to see that one of the salvations, one of the deliverances that we begin to enjoy as we understand the value of the cross is that we have no connection to the law.
We have no connection to the law because the law energizes man in the flesh.
And so God says, if you go by the way of the Philistines.
All you're going to know is war.
And when you all you know is war, you get weary.
And you decide.
This Christian life is too difficult. I have tried, I have tried, I have tried. I fail. I fail, I fail and I'm just going to give up.
And so God.
Here for the children of Israel.
Says I'm not taking you that way well.
If we know our hearts and we know our tendency, our tendency is to naturally go that way. We'll get into this as we get into farther into the truth of deliverance and as the Lord sets us free from any, any possibility, you might say, of thinking.
That there's there's any benefit in taking up spiritual things in the energy of the 1St man.
We're going to learn as we go through the book of Romans. That's not God's way. What is God's way? Let's look at it.
In verse 18, but God led the people about through the way.
Of the wilderness of the Red Sea. Now, in order to get to the wilderness of the Red Sea, you have to go through the Red Sea. What is a Red Sea speak of? Speaks of death and resurrection. Now we know that if we want a full picture of our death and resurrection with Christ, we have to go through, you might say, the wilderness. We have to go across the Jordan.
But as the children of Israel.
Cross the Red Sea and in the morning they looked down at the Red Sea. They saw their enemies dead on the seashore.
And that's where Satan loses his power, when we begin to understand our death and resurrection with Christ.
When we when we realize the value of the work of Christ and how?
At the cross of Christ, God became completely satisfied with the question of our sins.
Are the tremendous advantage.
By taking in the value of death and resurrection, the wilderness of the Red Sea is how God, through the experiences of our life, applies that truth of having died and risen with Christ. So there's a practical aspect of the of of death and resurrection that we we begin to learn to apply.
In in very practical ways.
When it comes to temptation. And so let's go on. Let's go on to the second, second First Chronicles Chapter 22.
Another verse the Lord picked up out of my reading, and it's been an encouragement to me because I believe it's true. I'm going to apply it to the truth that God has to open up to us from Romans.
First Chronicles chapter 22 and verse 18 says.
Is not the Lord your God with you? And he hath he not given you rest on every side?
For he hath given the inhabitants of the land in your hand, and the land is subdued before the Lord and before his people.
Now this is a pretty encouraging time in David's life. We know that David did not always experience this rest, did he? But he had come to a point in his life where he could say where God could say that he had rest on every side. Now I shared this.
This scripture at Morningstar camp this year and.
A young person came up to me afterwards and he said, Phil, we didn't quite understand what you meant by David, that he had rest and that we can have rest. I asked the young people when I read this verse, I said, how many of you want rest from all your enemies? Of course, they all raised their hand, and only some of them understood what I was saying. I guess we're kind of like sheep, aren't we? And.
You know this.
Rest would be the constant, you might say harassment, of the power of the enemy in our lives. The enemy knows where our weaknesses are, and he chips away at our peace, and he chips it away at our ability to rise above the difficulties that are around us. We don't always know the value of the work of Christ. We don't always.
Where to find the strength and the power to rise above to temptations and the the power of sin in our lives and and so.
Sometimes as believers, we think, well, this life is nothing but a struggle. It's nothing but a struggle. And I guess I just have to accept the fact that it's always going to be a struggle. Well, for David, it wasn't. It wasn't always a struggle.
David had rest now. Where was where was Anna like? Where was an elect? It was still there. It was still there.
We, we, we, we read the verses that we wore with Amalek all our lives. And that's, that's true.
But the intensity of the battle.
Can be either heavy or because of the truths of deliverance and what is taking place at the cross. We might be able to not be such a target for the enemy all the time if we knew the power of death and resurrection, if we knew how to apply it, if we knew the wilderness of the Red Sea having they already passed through the Red Sea when they.
Into the wilderness.
And so as the more we understand how God has brought deliverance through the gospel.
And the gospel is not just how we got saved from going to hell, but it's a deliverance. It's a salvation that is complete. And so I would like to turn to one more scripture. And I realize we're taking up time, but there's no reason that we should not introduce this subject and already.
Find joy and hope. We may not know what the subject is about, but Scripture has already opened up to us.
And revealed itself as being having the power to deliver.
Against the power of our enemies. So let's let's go to the last part of Romans. We just went through the last part of Romans in our Wednesday evening viral study.
And I noticed these verses and I want to share them with you because I think it's important.
Verse 29 says, And I am sure that when I am come unto you, the apostle Paul is speaking to the Romans. Here I shall come in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ.
There's an indication here that the apostle Paul had not in the book of Romans, completely developed all of the good news that God has for the church, for the Roman believers. Let's turn over one more page in my Bible anyway to.
Verse 25 of the 16th chapter.
Now to him that is of power.
To establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery which was kept secret since the world began.
The Apostle Paul here seems to be kind of wedding the same thing.
Appetite for more?
And as I develop these truths as we go through this Roman series.
I want the Saints to realize that what we have in Romans is foundational. Truth is truth, which gets the roots established in the value of the work of Christ to bring about in our souls a deliverance.
From and rest from our enemies.
But the Apostle Paul has more than that. But what seems to be so?
Instructive to me is he didn't choose to lay it out.
In the book of Romans.
In other words, there's foundational truth. That's first.
And then there's truth regarding Christ in us, our relationship as the bride.
All spiritual blessings in heavenly places, those truths which we like to enjoy, don't we? We like to get together and speak of these truths, but sometimes I'm afraid we haven't taken up the foundational truth and then established in that first.
And so we get into the secrets and the mysteries, and we're still somehow connected to the first Man in our own souls.
And that doesn't work. We can't take Adam into the heavenly spiritual blessings. We need to have the deliverance in our souls, the enjoyment of having rest before God.
Not being harassed, as it were, by what the enemy was burning is whether it's the power of sin, whether it's whatever it may be in our lives, we need deliverance so that there is liberty and freedom. So I would like to present the fact that the book of Romans is the 1St letter.
Of the letters now, it wasn't written first.
But it is in the Scripture, It's at the very beginning of Paul's communications to the church, It's the 1St letter, and the 1St 8 chapters are the foundational truths of the gospel. Now there's a reason for that.
Placed it there because he wanted us to get a hold of that first.
He wanted us to realize what it was to be free and at liberty. Let's just turn over to John chapter 8 and then I'll go on. In the book of Romans, John chapter 8. This is only using this verse.
To the Lord Jesus may have had more in mind than the book of Romans when he said this to his disciples.
Verse 32 of Romans of John chapter 8. John chapter 8, verse 32. And he said, And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Well, as I was growing up in my Christian experience, I look back and have to.
Question to some degree, how much of the foundational truths I received by those who were setting the truth before me.
How much were they concerned about me, about laying the foundation of the gospel first?
Because the tremendous struggle that I experienced in my Christian life in the 1St 2025 years of wanting to go on with the Lord seems to indicate that there was a problem with laying the foundation of the gospel and.
The Lord uses everything for His own His own purposes. I'm thankful for the struggles that I went through because in those struggles the Lord brought clarity to my soul.
As regard to the deliverance that has taken place at the cross, and so let's turn to Romans, Romans chapter one.
Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle.
Separated unto the gospel of God.
What a wonderful thing it was for.
God to reveal the truth of the gospel. The gospel means good news, and we're going to find exactly what the gospel centers around. Let's go on verse 3 concerning his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Now we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that all of God's good news.
Is because of.
And comes through the Lord Jesus Christ. You know God isn't looking for anything from what we are and Adam he tested that for 4000 years just to make sure that we understood that he wasn't going to find anything that would satisfy our delight his heart. I sometimes think about that you think about 4000 years is a long time.
God in his wisdom made a way in which man cannot turn to him and say, you know what? If you just give me a chance, I could have proved to you that you could find fruit for me. But God tested him in every way, and the end of that test, the result of the end of the test, was the cross.
For man fully proved that he could not bear free.
For God and he crucified the Son of God.
That is the ultimate proof that man could not bear fruit for God and that God had to be done with man, and so in His plan and in His purpose, His purpose has always been to bring blessing through His Son Jesus Christ.
Verse four says declared to be the Son of God.
With power according to the spirit of holiness. By the resurrection from the dead well.
God has fully displayed his power. You know, I think of some of the things that we as.
Members of Adam's fallen race.
Have to.
The results of sin in our lives.
Sometimes for some it is a tremendous struggle.
Some of these struggles, I don't know what they are. I don't know what it is to struggle with certain aspects of fallen creation.
But there are some who would ask the question.
Could I ever be delivered?
From this awful circumstance or condition that I find myself in myself and.
Well, if you want to know the answer, and only faith sometimes can can see from the Word of God that there is deliverance and there is power for every single circumstance of our experience as children of fallen atoms.
God displayed his power.
Defeating the whole question of sin.
God was able to fully.
Vindicate His own glory and completely satisfy His own righteousness when it came to the question of sin. If God can do that for His own glory, then He has the power.
To meet us wherever we are in the circumstances of the struggles that we go through because we are children of fallen Adam.
So God here declared the Lord. Jesus is declared to be the Son of God with power. That power was manifest in the resurrection.
There is no display of greater power than the resurrection from the dead, considering the Lord Jesus was made sin on the cross.
So the circumstances of the Lord's death.
Display the power of God through resurrection.
The Lord Jesus rose from the dead.
With absolutely no connection with sin on his person, he was made sin.
But he had fully met the demands of sin, and God had won a complete victory over sin. And God's power is fully on display by the fact that he rose from the dead. But he didn't just rise from the dead.
Without displaying the spirit of holiness, it says according to the spirit of holiness. So what this in very short, what this speaks to me of is.
God didn't compromise who he was.
In in defeating the power of sin, when you and I stand before him as accepted in Christ, in in the condition of never changing righteousness.
God didn't do anything to compromise who he was in bringing me into that into that place of blessing. We we sometimes hear a song he came down to my level because I couldn't get up come up to his God did come down to our level in the person of the Lord Jesus being made becoming a man, but he did not come down to our level to compromise who he was in his holy.
Righteous character and he didn't compromise when it came to how he dealt with the question of sin, but he did bring us up.
To his his glory, didn't He? Without any compromise. It was according to the spirit of holiness that the resurrection took place. Never was there.
Any lowering of God's character.
And so God has displayed himself as a God of power.
In defeating the foes.
And so Paul goes on here.
And and begins to.
Begins to do a little introduction by whom we we have received grace and apostleship. Now I just want to speak about the principle of grace because I thought as I was growing up, I thought I understood what grace was.
And yet.
I in in in my mind. Grace had to be connected in some way to what I brought to God. God could be gracious if I was willing to meet.
Some type of standard I had to please God in some way in order for God's grace to flow out.
That was the influence of the law in my life. I didn't know it, but as deliverance began to come more and more into my soul, I began to have more and more a sense of what grace is.
And grace.
Has to do with who God is.
We are in this place of blessing on the principle.
Of God having a heart of love not limited in His power, so that there would be nothing to hinder His mercy and His love flowing to me. Now in those statements that I just made, how much of that had to do with me?
None, nothing, nothing. And the sooner we realize that the blessing that we give in our Christian life has to do with who God is and not who I am, the more growth there will be, the more liberty for the Spirit to work, then just plain the more blessing will flow. And God.
Will be unhindered.
In ministering, you might say.
His love all around, but the less we understand of grace, the more of a hindrance we are to His working out, His blessing. And so we need to grow in grace.
That's a experience that God works as we realize less and less has to do with me, and more and more is what he has already done.
And so I just want to encourage you. The Apostle Paul understood this. He was the man that God met on the road to Damascus and he was going to persecute the Christians. He didn't deserve anything. Yes, he was well known as a man of the law, but the what did the law do? Well, it ended up that he was a persecutor of the church and so.
The Apostle Paul knew that all of this blessing that had come to him and the reason why God was using him as a vessel.
Is because of who God was.
And didn't have anything to do with what he brought to God. And so he said, by whom we have received grace and apostleship for the obedience of the faith among all nations for His name's sake. You know, the word obedience of the faith is mentioned twice in Romans. And it's just come home to my soul recently, what that really means to my soul.
It's at the end of the book, too, So it begins with the obedience of faith, and it ends with the obedience of faith.
And you know, it's necessary for us to obey the gospel, isn't it, if there isn't faith towards the Lord Jesus. And when we put our faith and trust in the Lord Jesus, we're taking our faith and trust out of ourselves and putting it in the work which he has done.
So there's deliverance from the penalty of our sins by that, isn't there? Calling on the name of the Lord Jesus, saying he is the only way in which God can forgive my sins, what he has done on the cross. But if we want deliverance from the power of sin, we have to have the obedience of faith as well, because I have to be willing to obey the fact that there's nothing that I can bring in Adam in the first man to God.
For his approval or his blessing, I have to see myself as bankrupt, and I'm going to get everything from death and resurrection. I have to be willing to see the end of Adam in order for the blessings and deliverance of the gospel to come.
And that is a lifelong experience sometimes.
Seeing what I am in the first manner of no value to God.
And so we begin to look at things different when obedience of faith has more to do with deliverance from the penalty of sin, but it begins to mean something in connection with the deliverance from the powers. And because as we go into Romans chapter 6.
But the end half of chapter 5, we see a definite change of God's blessing not flowing through Adam, but God's blessing flowing through Christ. There's a there's a a definite demarcation there where God says I can't bring any blessing through the 1St man. In fact, I never intended to.
It is only in and through the Lord Jesus and your association, your identification with Him.
That you are going to find deliverance from what the power of sin. And from halfway through five through 8, you get that subject developed about how we're delivered from the power of sin. But he takes us up in a new man in order to bring about that deliverance. And so this this verse here for the obedience to the faith.
You know the only blessing that can come to us in our daily, everyday reality of life.
Can only come as we walk by faith.
As only as these truths are made good in our practical life and.
We just have to be willing to bow to them.
We just have to be willing to say God is right.
I'm nothing.
Christ is everything and it's in His life that I'm going to find this liberty and this freedom. It says if you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Will this truth sets us free from what we are in connection with the 1St man. It just absolutely does. The truth will put such a distance.
Between US and Adam, and it will unite us.
In the blessing of being in Christ.
And this is where.
Our deliveries come straight.
Well, I've gone 45 minutes and that's about all of these parents with children can take. Is that correct?
Would you like 15 more minutes?
OK, because I really want to be conscious. You know, spouting truth doesn't do any good if nobody can pay pay attention to it. But I'd love to go on. And so it says. I love Paul's introduction where he he introduces himself, you might say, to the Romans I love.
I love the spirit of the Apostle Paul because the apostle because the Lord has brought me down somewhat.
Of the same road and I see a reflection of what he's done in my own life with the apostle. It says grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ to all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be Saints, grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. Now before we go into the doctrine of the Epistle.
We need to, we need to understand that we're in relationship.
OK, you can't have doctrine. You cannot benefit from doctrine if you are not in the enjoyment of your relationship. That is sometimes the problem when we take up ministry.
If by any stretch of the possibility, we are some somewhat under the.
In our growth or somewhere under the law, you know what the law does, The children of Israel, God was up on the mountain when the law was given and the children of Israel were down there and God says don't even touch the mountain.
That's what law does. It puts a distance between God and man. But there's no distance here. Paul understands the truth of what the cross of Christ has done for us, and he brings the Romans into relationship with God as Father. He begins the epistle this way. Now we just might think, well, this was just something he said.
It was, but to my soul it's not.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. You know if we go through this epistle and the enjoyment of the relationship of knowing God as our Father, there will be blessing.
But if we go through the relationship, if we go through this epistle with any thoughts that I have to live up to some standard in order to please God, then this that to the to the degree in which that is true will be the to the degree in which the blessing is hindered. And so I realize we're all in a different place in our growth before the Lord. Every single one of us is in a different place.
And we are growing at the rate that God is able to take us along. And so some of the things that I that I bring out.
Probably won't sink in.
I just want to share what God has given me so that He can use it whenever He chooses in your development to bring you into a nearer and an unhindered relationship with Himself.
And so it says first, I think my God, through Jesus Christ for you, all that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world. Now the apostle Paul probably knew that they had needed this truth that he was going to develop before them and that in their growth they were maybe just very young in their growth, but the apostle Paul saw their faith.
And that is one of the most beautiful things as I travel about and I meet with people and I spend time with people.
So I see their face, you know, when you when you get delivered from.
These legal tendencies that I have to admit, we're all part of my life.
You know you don't look for flaws anymore. You look for faith. You see the reality of people's life in connection with their Lord and Savior.
And this is beautiful. The Apostle Paul here is setting an example. He could look at these Saints. He knew they needed to be developed in these truths. But he could look at he could look at them and he could say, your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world. There had been evidence of their faith, and he wasn't concerned about their flaws. And you know what? It's true.
We're going to get into.
Tomorrow or tomorrow, we'll get into how the moralists take things up and they, they, the moralist puts it consultants, this elevated position and he becomes a judge and he's looking down and yeah, all he sees is flaws. But the apostle Paul, all he self faith. And that's that's a beautiful thing about being a Christian.
Is we have faith and we can recognize it in others. For God is my witness whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing, I make mention of you always in my prayers. That's something I wish I could do. I wish I did more, but prayer is just.
The apostle Paul having fellowship with with God. And who was he having fellowship with God about? He was having fellowship with God about the things, and he was seeking their blessings.
The presence of God's, you know, sometimes when I drive, the Lord just gives me time to just commit different ones. And I don't do it near the way I should because I know that there would be far more fruit and blessing if there was more of this. But it's a time to be in God's presence and just just lift up different ones.
For spiritual blessing.
Making a request, if by any means now at length I might have a prosperous journey by the will of God to come unto you, well, I wanted, I want you Saints, to know your brethren here, and tell her to know that I've had the same desire for several years to come to you. But I wanted to come to you not in my time. I wanted to come to you in the Lord's time. And I feel like for some reason it's the Lord's time.
And he allowed me to be able to.
Come to be able to present these truths and to be able to enjoy your fellowship, to be able to see your faith and to be able to to as we're going to see here. It's not just one way for I long to see that I might impart into you some spiritual gift at the end. You might be established. That is that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me. And so as the apostle Paul met with.
The Saints of God.
He wasn't just concerned about what he could bring to them. He wanted to be able to enter into what God was bringing them through, what they were enjoying. He wanted to see the developments in their lives and he wanted a blessing from them. And that's one of the wonderful things that that God has given me the privilege of as where I go, where I trust, wherever he leads me. But I'm getting to know the Saints.
I'm seeing Saints that I thought were different than they were, and I'm finding out there's lots of faith there. There's lots of what God is doing in molding them into the end of Christ. And it's a tremendous thing. But you know, the Apostle Paul, he wanted to come to the Romans that he might impart a spiritual gift. So he wanted to take the, the power, you might say, of his apostleship and turn it into.
Spiritual blessing.
For the assembly in Rome. But God had different intentions.
He hindered him from coming to Rome so that he might write the book of Romans. I've said this for those that have heard this before. You're hearing it again, but he had greater purposes even than the Apostle Paul could imagine. That instead of coming and imparting a spiritual gift and maybe being able to sit in their presence and being able to to unfold these truths.
He wrote the book of Armies so that.
Not only would the Romans be established, but you and I would be established. It would be a part of God's plan and bringing us into the value of the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And so aren't we glad sometimes when God changes our plans or when He hinders our plans?
Because he's got greater purposes even the Apostle Paul sometimes couldn't fathom.
The the way in which God was going to use him because he could only see what was in front of him. Now I I would have you would not have you ignorant rather than that often I purpose to come into you, but was hindered that I might have some fruit among you also as among other Gentiles. Well, you know.
This little time in my life where I have the privilege of going and I have the privilege of sharing my journey, that spiritual journey that the Lord has brought me through, and opening up these truths when I desperately needed them and making them good in such a way that possibly I could share them with others. But for what purpose?
So that God might have fruit. You know, fruit is something that is for the enjoyment of God's heart.
Fruit is something that only he can really value anyway. As we look at each other we might think something is one way and and it might look good but.
We don't have the ability to evaluate what is good and what is for blessing, but God is working in our lives for the purpose of producing that which He finds delighted now in the Lord Jesus was here.
Thing that the Lord Jesus did, he did bearing fruit to God. He God looked down. He had to open the windows of heaven several times and just declare this is my beloved son. I find so much delight in him. I can't believe the heavens closed. I have to open them and and share with the whole world what fruit I'm finding from him.
And so.
As we work together one with another, what should be our desire what the Spirit of God will produce a desire that there would be fruit in the lives of our fellow believers. And there's really no need to worry about what extent we we need to go if it if it takes. When I was in New York the first time I the first night I got up and up to New York and.
And it was the only place for me to sleep was in a restaurant that was going to be turned into a house. It had no heat and there was a real nice couch there. So I got to sleep on the couch in a house with no heat. And it's like, it doesn't matter. The grace of God just comes in and and I had a sleeping bag. I was plenty warm. It was not necessarily what I would want to do all the time, but it just doesn't matter.
There's Grace.
For impossible pulses, I've learned to both both be a base and I've learned to abound. When I go home, I abound. I don't need to be. I don't need to abound when I when I go elsewhere. So I don't care where I sleep. But what I do want, and this is a desire the Lord has worked in my heart as I went through forgot.
That's, that's just, that's the desire that he's placed there. And I just rejoiced to think that that's what he's doing. He's he's working.
For that which he is going to find the light in. And he's doing the work. So as much as I am debtor, both to the Greeks and to the Barbarians, both to the wise and to the unwise.
So it didn't matter to the apostle Paul where he was or who he was speaking to. You know, we don't need to hang around with those that make us look good. We can hang around with the unwise. We can hang around with the Barbarians, whatever that was. We can hang around with the wise. It just doesn't matter because whatever the Lord has given us, we're indebted to those around us. We owe.
You what?
God has given to us. We are debtors. And it's a it's, it's like, wow, what?
It, it, it's, it's, it's, it's amazing to be in debt to you because I've got such.
Wonderful message that I'm indebted to you for. It's what God has revealed, opened up and.
I just want to thank you for.
We'll start at verse 16, but I want to thank you for the opportunity to to pay this debt back.