Articles on

Psalm 119

Sal. 119:61 KJV (With Strong’s)

The νbands
chebel (Hebrew #2256)
from 2254; a rope (as twisted), especially a measuring line; by implication, a district or inheritance (as measured); or a noose (as of cords); figuratively, a company (as if tied together); also a throe (especially of parturition); also ruin
KJV usage: band, coast, company, cord, country, destruction, line, lot, pain, pang, portion, region, rope, snare, sorrow, tackling.
Pronounce: kheh'-bel
Origin: or chebel {khay'-bel}
of the wicked
rasha` (Hebrew #7563)
morally wrong; concretely, an (actively) bad person
KJV usage: + condemned, guilty, ungodly, wicked (man), that did wrong.
Pronounce: raw-shaw'
Origin: from 7561
have robbed
`uwd (Hebrew #5749)
to duplicate or repeat; by implication, to protest, testify (as by reiteration); intensively, to encompass, restore (as a sort of reduplication)
KJV usage: admonish, charge, earnestly, lift up, protest, call (take) to record, relieve, rob, solemnly, stand upright, testify, give warning, (bear, call to, give, take to) witness.
Pronounce: ood
Origin: a primitive root
me: but I have not forgotten
shakach (Hebrew #7911)
a primitive root; to mislay, i.e. to be oblivious of, from want of memory or attention
KJV usage: X at all, (cause to) forget.
Pronounce: shaw-kakh'
Origin: or shakeach {shaw-kay'-akh}
thy law
towrah (Hebrew #8451)
from 3384; a precept or statute, especially the Decalogue or Pentateuch
KJV usage: law.
Pronounce: to-raw'
Origin: or torah {to-raw'}
or, companies.

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Ministry on This Verse

The bands.
or, The companies.
but I.
Sal. 119:176• 176Yo anduve errante como oveja extraviada; busca á tu siervo; Porque no me he olvidado de tus mandamientos. (Sal. 119:176)
1 S. 24:9‑11• 9Y dijo David á Saúl: ¿Por qué oyes las palabras de los que dicen: Mira que David procura tu mal?
10He aquí han visto hoy tus ojos como Jehová te ha puesto hoy en mis manos en la cueva: y dijeron que te matase, mas te perdoné, porque dije: No extenderé mi mano contra mi señor, porque ungido es de Jehová.
11Y mira, padre mío, mira aún la orilla de tu manto en mi mano: porque yo corté la orilla de tu manto, y no te maté. Conoce pues y ve que no hay mal ni traición en mi mano, ni he pecado contra ti; con todo, tú andas á caza de mi vida para quitármela.
(1 S. 24:9‑11)
1 S. 26:9‑11• 9Y David respondió á Abisai: No le mates: porque ¿quién extenderá su mano contra el ungido de Jehová, y será inocente?
10Dijo además David: Vive Jehová, que si Jehová no lo hiriere, ó que su día llegue para que muera, ó que descendiendo en batalla perezca,
11Guardeme Jehová de extender mi mano contra el ungido de Jehová; empero toma ahora la lanza que está á su cabecera, y la botija del agua, y vámonos.
(1 S. 26:9‑11)
Pr. 24:29• 29No digas: Como me hizo, así le haré; Daré el pago al hombre según su obra. (Pr. 24:29)
Ro. 12:17‑21• 17No paguéis á nadie mal por mal; procurad lo bueno delante de todos los hombres.
18Si se puede hacer, cuanto está en vosotros, tened paz con todos los hombres.
19No os venguéis vosotros mismos, amados míos; antes dad lugar á la ira; porque escrito está: Mía es la venganza: yo pagaré, dice el Señor.
20Así que, si tu enemigo tuviere hambre, dale de comer; si tuviere sed, dale de beber: que haciendo esto, ascuas de fuego amontonas sobre su cabeza.
21No seas vencido de lo malo; mas vence con el bien el mal.
(Ro. 12:17‑21)
 Suffering may be found in this path, opposition of the haters of the Lord, the instruments of Satan, but the inward life remains steady and rightly directed—does not swerve in its judgment of its path: “I have not forgotten thy law.” We may be occupied with opposition and evil, so as to have the state of our mind formed by it, though opposed to the wicked. It is but meeting flesh by flesh. He who looks to the Lord has the character of his path in the scene of wickedness formed by the unforgotten word. (Practical Reflections on the Psalms: Psalm 119:25-72 by J.N. Darby)
 The one who is set to obey the Lord will at once find that the wicked are against him; but having the Lord for his portion, he is steadfast and unmoved. (Psalm 119:57-64: Division 8 (Cheth) by H. Smith)

J. N. Darby Translation

The bands of the wicked have wrapped me round: I have not forgotten thy law.