Articles on

Psalm 73

Sal. 73:23 KJV (With Strong’s)

Nevertheless I am continually
tamiyd (Hebrew #8548)
properly, continuance (as indefinite extension); but used only (attributively as adjective) constant (or adverbially, constantly); ellipt. the regular (daily) sacrifice
KJV usage: alway(-s), continual (employment, -ly), daily, ((n-))ever(-more), perpetual.
Pronounce: taw-meed'
Origin: from an unused root meaning to stretch
with thee: thou hast holden
'achaz (Hebrew #270)
to seize (often with the accessory idea of holding in possession)
KJV usage: + be affrighted, bar, (catch, lay, take) hold (back), come upon, fasten, handle, portion, (get, have or take) possess(-ion).
Pronounce: aw-khaz'
Origin: a primitive root
me by my right
yamiyn (Hebrew #3225)
the right hand or side (leg, eye) of a person or other object (as the stronger and more dexterous); locally, the south
KJV usage: + left-handed, right (hand, side), south.
Pronounce: yaw-meen'
Origin: from 3231
yad (Hebrew #3027)
a hand (the open one (indicating power, means, direction, etc.), in distinction from 3709, the closed one); used (as noun, adverb, etc.) in a great variety of applications, both literally and figuratively, both proximate and remote (as follows)
KJV usage: (+ be) able, X about, + armholes, at, axletree, because of, beside, border, X bounty, + broad, (broken-)handed, X by, charge, coast, + consecrate, + creditor, custody, debt, dominion, X enough, + fellowship, force, X from, hand(-staves, -y work), X he, himself, X in, labour, + large, ledge, (left-)handed, means, X mine, ministry, near, X of, X order, ordinance, X our, parts, pain, power, X presumptuously, service, side, sore, state, stay, draw with strength, stroke, + swear, terror, X thee, X by them, X themselves, X thine own, X thou, through, X throwing, + thumb, times, X to, X under, X us, X wait on, (way-)side, where, + wide, X with (him, me, you), work, + yield, X yourselves.
Pronounce: yawd
Origin: a primitive word

Cross References


Ministry on This Verse

Sal. 16:8• 8A Jehová he puesto siempre delante de mí: Porque está á mi diestra no seré conmovido. (Sal. 16:8)
Sal. 23:4• 4Aunque ande en valle de sombra de muerte, No temeré mal alguno; porque tú estarás conmigo: Tu vara y tu cayado me infundirán aliento. (Sal. 23:4)
Sal. 139:1‑12,18• 1Al Músico principal: Salmo de David. Oh Jehová, tú me has examinado y conocido.
2Tú has conocido mi sentarme y mi levantarme, Has entendido desde lejos mis pensamientos.
3Mi senda y mi acostarme has rodeado, Y estás impuesto en todos mis caminos.
4Pues aun no está la palabra en mi lengua, Y he aquí, oh Jehová, tú la sabes toda.
5Detrás y delante me guarneciste, Y sobre mí pusiste tu mano.
6Más maravillosa es la ciencia que mi capacidad; Alta es, no puedo comprenderla.
7¿Adónde me iré de tu espíritu? ¿Y adónde huiré de tu presencia?
8Si subiere á los cielos, allí estás tú: Y si en abismo hiciere mi estrado, he aquí allí tú estás.
9Si tomare las alas del alba, Y habitare en el extremo de la mar,
10Aun allí me guiará tu mano, Y me asirá tu diestra.
11Si dijere: Ciertamente las tinieblas me encubrirán; Aun la noche resplandecerá tocante á mí.
12Aun las tinieblas no encubren de ti, Y la noche resplandece como el día: Lo mismo te son las tinieblas que la luz.
18Si los cuento, multiplícanse más que la arena: Despierto, y aun estoy contigo.
(Sal. 139:1‑12,18)
Gn. 17:1• 1Y siendo Abram de edad de noventa y nueve años, aparecióle Jehová, y le dijo: Yo soy el Dios Todopoderoso; anda delante de mí, y sé perfecto. (Gn. 17:1)
Mt. 1:23• 23He aquí la virgen concebirá y parirá un hijo, Y llamarás su nombre Emmanuel, que declarado, es: Con nosotros Dios. (Mt. 1:23)
Mt. 28:20• 20Enseñándoles que guarden todas las cosas que os he mandado: y he aquí, yo estoy con vosotros todos los días, hasta el fin del mundo. Amén. (Mt. 28:20)
He. 13:5• 5Sean las costumbres vuestras sin avaricia; contentos de lo presente; porque él dijo: No te desampararé, ni te dejaré. (He. 13:5)
thou hast.
 O how the full knowledge of self, when we know as we are known, will show the patient, unvarying grace of God waiting on us all the way in adorable love and interest in us! Through all his foolishness he was continually with God, and God had holden him by his right hand. Blessed grace! (Practical Reflections on the Psalms: Psalms 64-77 by J.N. Darby)
 Though he had forgotten God, he learns in the sanctuary that he had never been out of God’s thoughts. In the midst of trials he was continually before God: and when his feet were almost gone, and his steps had well-nigh slipped, he now sees that God held him fast by the hand. (Psalms 73 by H. Smith)

J. N. Darby Translation

Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holdeni my right hand;

JND Translation Notes

Properly "seized."