Q.-Does John 1:55And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. (John 1:5) refer to the Word when incarnate as in vers. 9, 14? or to His action as light in the ages before? W. S. L. B.
A.-I am not disposed to limit verse 5 to the Lord when He became flesh. As He was ever the object of faith for fallen man, so He appeared and spoke in testimony from the earliest days; and this was the action of divine light to faith, while the darkness apprehended it not, but liked better the deceits of the enemy and the spurious devices and imaginations of man far from God. The True Light, in coming into the world, sets every man in the light as never before; so that there was a vast increase of privilege, and hence of responsibility. It could not be otherwise, when such a One became Man and tabernacled here below, full of grace and truth,