SHALL I distrust Thee, O my God?-
Whom can I trust but Thee?
I rest upon Thy faithful word,
I call Thee Savior, Father, Lord;
For Thou art God to me.
Creator, I, Thy creature, owe
All that I am to Thee:
Thy hands each day each gift bestow,
Provide for all my wants below;
For Thou art God to me.
Savior,-thrice blessed is that name!
Salvation is of Thee:
'T was from Thy bosom Jesus came,
To bear my sin, and curse, and shame;
For Thou art God to me.
Father, my Abba-God Thou art;
“Abba," I cry to Thee:
Among Thy children I have part,
I have the witness in my heart;
For Thou art God to me.
Help me to trust Thee, and to cleave
All my life long to Thee;
No more by doubts Thy Spirit grieve,
But Thine unchanging Word believe,
That Thou art God to me.