While a Christian worker was holding a gospel service in the open air, a well dressed man drew near. Stopping for a moment at the edge of the group of listeners, he asked permission to address the meeting. Permission was graciously given; but with the venom of that old serpent, Satan, he denounced the gospel as a humbug and a sham, and advised all there to go to communist meetings. These, he said, would do them more good.
While he was speaking, the Christian leader of the meeting learned that the man was a traveling salesman for a dry goods house, and professed to be an infidel. As he stopped speaking, the Christian said to him: "I hear you are a traveling salesman and go from town to town with samples of the goods manufactured by your firm. Also I see that you are engaged in another business which you are recommending to those here present. I challenge you to show your samples of your communism! I will gladly show you samples of what the gospel of God is doing.”
Beckoning to two men to stand up beside him, he continued: "Here are two brothers. You see them now as fine, up-standing citizens. Five years ago they were the most notorious scamps and drunkards in the district. They were wife-beaters, and even a terror in the saloon.
"Five years ago these two men went to a gospel meeting. There they received the Lord Jesus Christ as their own personal Savior. As helpless sinners, they each learned the glad message that Jesus, 'the Son of God, loves them, and gave Himself for them.'
"Believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, they were saved. Now they and their wives are happy in the love of God. They are blessed by Him with creature comforts. They are well dressed, and their homes comfortably furnished; yet they are earning just the same wages as they did before their conversion. Their homes are a testimony to the saving grace of the gospel of God.
"That is a sample of the work of the gospel. These two are samples of what it can do. Now show me the samples of your communism, of your infidelity. Show me one drunkard made sober, one immoral man reclaimed! If you have something better than Christianity, show us your samples.”
There was a general smile at the confusion which sat visibly on the face of his opponent. Without answering, he turned and slipped away.