James Meek, a saloonkeeper, stood behind his bar in a Scottish village. Strange to say, he was reading a religious paper sent to him by his Christian brother. In it there was a criticism of a statement made by an Edinburgh minister, who had, in a time of revival, been urging awakened souls to lay their sins on Jesus in order to obtain salvation. Another preacher replied in the "Christian News" as follows: "That, my fellow sinner, you cannot do, and no man can do it for you. God alone could lay your sins on Jesus; and, as we see in Isaiah's prophecy, this has been done already." "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”
In most minds there is a lurking suspicion that something has yet to be done. The one difficulty is, your sin; that is the burden that oppresses you, but the question of sin was met and dealt with at Calvary. "The LORD hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”
James Meek, like many others, believed that Christ's death was necessary for his soul's salvation, but he had not yet learned that it was enough. He had supposed that Christ did His part of the work and he had to do his. Now he learned that all his sins had been laid on Christ who made complete atonement for them.
As he laid hold of the wondrous fact, James called his wife to come. Hearing his cry, she hurried to his side. Passing the paper to her and pointing out the statement that had been blessed to his soul, James received the glorious gospel of the, grace of God. Mrs. Meek, too, was led to see what Christ's death had accomplished, and trusted Him for salvation.
Dear soul, don't try to lay your sins on Christ! God did it when His dear Son was on Calvary's cross. Believe the good news. Take God at His Word, and receive His full forgiveness for all your sins.