The Apple Tree

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 1
Ο tree of beauty! tree of fragrance rare!
Surpassing far the forest sons — most fair!
How deep, how still, thy shade in noontide heat!
How sweet thy fruit, yea, to my taste most sweet!
Gladly beneath thy shadow I’ll repose,
Forget awhile the conflict and the foes.
Ο house of joy! Ο house of pure delight,
Where faith doth gaze with unveiled raptured sight
On thy deep charms, my Savior!
Where thy love, Jesus, doth find full utterance — and above,
Waved by each gentle breeze which passeth by,
The banner love unfurls and floats on high!
Ο arm of strength — great in thy majesty,
Yet greater still in love! I lean on thee!
Beneath my head thy ‘circling clasp I find.
And rest in peace I While by the agile hind
And the fleet roe my Savior chargeth still,
Stir not, wake not my Love until she will.
E. C. L.