The Coming Glory

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 2
THE coming glory soon shall dawn,
Morning waits the lapsing night:
Morn of day Christ will bring on,
After man's sad day is gone;
He its full, refulgent light!
The coming glory! What a thought!
What a fact for Him and me!
He, the One who all has wrought,
I, the lost one whom He sought,
What a meeting ours shall be!
The coming glory shall disclose,
All I've sighed and longed for here;
All the riches held for those,
Whom the Father in Him chose,
Long before the ages were.
Yes, that glory then shall bring,
What I have enjoyed unseen;
What has made my heart to sing,
Made me from myself to fling,
All the world has gloried in.
The glory coming God has made,
Comfort through the wilderness;
By it must my soul be stayed,
Held up firmly, undismayed,
Though on all sides evil press.
The coming glory! Oh to be,
Altogether formed by it!
Gath'ring patience, purity,
Meekness and sobriety,
And whate'er for Him is fit.
The coming glory, Oh how near!
Just beyond the thinnest veil;
Then, the hidden things how clear
Then, the company most dear,
In a moment I shall hail!
And knowing that I'm called for this,
Knowing this He's waiting for,
Knowing that the full-orbed bliss,
Mine, and the full sum of His,
Is suspended on that hour-
My heart cries out, with this in view,
Come, Lord Jesus, take Thy bride!
Come, bring in Thy kingdom too
Come, create all things anew!
Glory that shall e'er abide.
Oh, coming glory, for His sake,
Hasten to this world of pain!
Swiftly may the moment break
When the Righteous One shall take
Rightful throne o'er earth and reign!
For Christ's glory shall displace
This creation man has marr'd,
Slighting Him, despising grace:—
Glory, then, with royal pace,
Let not anything retard! T.