In a restaurant a group of men at one of the tables were conversing upon the subject of religion. The argument grew so lively that it became impossible for those at the nearest tables not to hear it. As it proceeded, the interest of the listeners became intense.
The argument was chiefly as to whether salvation was by works or of grace, and whether a person could be assured of his salvation in this life. One of the disputants firmly insisted that salvation is "by grace, through faith; not of ourselves, but the gift of God." Another contended that no man can know he is saved until he dies. As a final argument, he exclaimed, "Well, all I can say is this: I have placed myself in the hands of my priest, and he is responsible for my salvation."
At this point an elderly man rose from his table nearby and said: "Gentlemen, I believe I am known to you as a lawyer and a Christian. I could not help hearing the argument at your table, and I feel bound to say that our friend is perfectly logical in what he has said. I also have placed myself in the hands of my Priest, and He is responsible for my salvation. My Priest is the Lord Jesus Christ. By faith I have committed myself into His hands, and 'I am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed to Him.' "
This settled the dispute. Such a statement from a man known to all for his high legal and Christian rating had an instant effect. Undoubtedly some men there heard the gospel for the first time as it was preached in a restaurant by an exponent of the law.
My dear reader, let me ask you a question: Is your soul and its vast eternal concerns committed by precious faith to the One Great High Priest who never deceives or fails one who trusts Him? He is indeed responsible for the complete and perfect salvation "to the uttermost of all who come unto God by Him."
Beware of placing any trust in any works of your own. Salvation is entirely by grace, through faith; and faith is the hand that receives salvation as the gift of God. God does not require or expect any fitness in any sinner. All the fitness He desires is that you feel your need of Him.
No matter how great or how miserable a sinner you are, you are welcome to Jesus Christ. He is the one and only Priest that has power to save you; and He is both able and willing to save forever all who come to God by Him. It is His joy to save sinners. He seeks for sinners on purpose to save them. He died to save sinners; and now He lives to save them.