The Kings of Israel.

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Listen from:
1 Sam. 9.
We are now told the name of the king whom the Lord pointed out to Samuel, as the one who should reign over His people Israel. It was Saul, whose name meant “asked for.” And he was the son of a mighty man of power (v. 1). God gave the kind of king they asked for, and we are told that all the desire of Israel was upon him and his father’s house, which a strong house. The Lord knew that he was just the style of man that would suit the desire of His people, for they chose to trust in the arm of flesh rather than lean upon the arm of Jehovah.
There are two ways in which every person may be looked at. One is God’s way, and that is to look upon the heart. The other is man’s way, and that is to look upon the outward appearance. In the eighth chapter, God was looking upon the heart of Saul, and He told the people what he would do with them, for He alone knew the depths of Saul’s heart, and could foretell how he would act in time to come. In the present chapter, we have what man could see about him that made him of value in their eyes. He was a choice young man and goodly; and there were none among all the children of Israel more stately than he. (v 2).
When boys and girls are growing up unto manhood and womanhood, if they are nice looking and intelligent, they are sought out, and preference is given them by the people of the world. But does not such honor as they receive make them proud, and take them further away from God? On the other hand, if a boy or girl is a little awkward in appearance, or a little dull in intellect, how such an one is apt to envy those who are naturally better gifted, and wish that they were more attractive.
Dear children, this is all to appear in the eyes of men, and I would affectionately beseech you to strive rather to appear comely and beautiful in the eyes of the Lord. Would you not rather be “great in the sight of the Lord,” as John the Baptist was (Luke 1:1515For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb. (Luke 1:15)), than to be the first ruler of the country?
God searches the heart of man and knows every thought and purpose in it, whether it be good or evil. And there is a day coming when He will judge, by Jesus Christ, all the secrets of every heart. He says, “My son, give Me thine heart.” (Prov. 23:2626My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways. (Proverbs 23:26)) He means that He wants your love, and the way He seeks to get it from you is by telling you that He first loved you.
“We love Him because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:1919We love him, because he first loved us. (1 John 4:19). Have you believed the love that God has to you?
“Believe that wonderful love
Believe that wonderful love.”
Having given your heart to Him, He then makes it His dwelling place and comes and communes with you, telling how great and deep His love for you is. Indeed, He tells you many sweet and precious things, and directs your heart to search His word, and to keep His precious commandments. And you do not love the world because you have the love of the Father in you. (1 John 2:1515Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. (1 John 2:15).) You seek to walk through the world in the footsteps of Jesus, following His example, who was meek and lowly in heart. Your treasure is up in heaven, and you set your affections on things above where Christ is sitting at God’s right hand. The honors and glories of this world appear to you as nothing, for you have your “heart upon a treasure that has dimmed for you earth’s pleasure.” You wait for Jesus to come who will take you to dwell in that bright glory, which He once left to come to this world to redeem you. And if you are waiting for that happy moment, when you shall see Him, may it now be
“Your only grief to give Him pain,
Your joy to serve and follow Him.”
ML 07/13/1902