THIS little girl and her mother have come to the spring to get some water. They are standing on the boards which extend over the edge of the water. The little girl would be afraid, if she did not feel her mother’s hand on her shoulder. Now she knows she is safe.
What a beautiful trust the child has in her mother. She remembers that mother is always doing and caring for her.
There is One whom we should trust, as this small child does her mother. It is the Lord, who is ever caring for us and asking us to put our trust in Him. He says;
The mother has her pail on her arm. She will stoop down and get it full of clear cold water. She will not have to pay any money for it.
The Lord does not ask us to pay for the things He gives us. Without fresh air and pure water we could not live. These we cannot get from man, but from the Lord. But there is the “Water of Life,” a better gift than the water that we get from the spring, which we also get from the Lord.
“Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money, and without price.” Isa. 55:l.
ML 07/13/1902