"The Lord Is My Shepherd"

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
It is not what He gives which assures the heart, but Himself. “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want” (Psa. 23). Power, grace, goodness, interest in the faithful One, all assure—and assure in all circumstances and forever and always. He has undertaken and has charged Himself with the care of His faithful ones. These cannot want. We have not to think of what may come or what means may be employed. The Shepherd’s care is our assurance.
The natural fruit of His care is fresh and green pastures in security and the peaceful enjoyment of the sure refreshings of goodness.
Man, specially the remnant, and Christ Himself are in the midst of oppressing sorrow and death and in presence of mighty enemies. Is the soul troubled and bowed down? He restores it. Does it go through the valley of the shadow of death? Does death cast its dark gloom over the spirit that must go down into its shade? He is there, greater than death, to guide and sustain. Are powerful and relentless enemies there to alarm and threaten? They are powerless before Him.
He dresses a table for His beloved, where they sit down in safety and secure. Divine unction is the seal of power, when all is against us. Human weakness, death and spiritual powers of wickedness all are only the occasions to show most evidently that the Lord, the Shepherd, is the infallible safeguard of His people.
J. N. Darby