The Narrative of Passion Week

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
I apprehend that the consideration of the different structure of the days makes the last supper and passover quite intelligible.
Thursday evening was their Friday. Thus our Lord ate the passover on Friday, and yet was offered up on Friday. We know that it was late. It was night when He was betrayed, just after the supper. (John 13) This was on their Friday night (preceding the day). The blessed Lamb of God was offered, being crucified the third hour; and the scene closed just after the ninth hour, about three hours within the Friday.
Learned men say between the two evenings means between three and six; but why? What is their authority? It is remarkable that the unleavened bread was to begin at even (i.e., at 6 o'clock on Thursday, or their Friday), but the paschal lamb to be slain between the two evenings. Query whether it be not between the beginning of Friday (our Thursday evening) and the beginning of Saturday (our Friday evening)? It was strictly fulfilled in our Lord; and upon this supposition every statement in the scriptural account is consistent.
The order would then stand thus:-
Our Thursday Evening =Their Friday, Last Supper
Friday =Friday, the Crucifixion
Our Friday Evening =Their Saturday
Saturday =Saturday, the Sabbath
Our Saturday Evening =Their Sunday, or First day
Sunday =First day of the week
Thus our Thursday night, their Friday, was spent in the judgment-hall, though they would not go into Pilate's that they might eat the passover.