One snowy winter day I began to take stock of my life. Everything was dull without and within, and I was in misery of body and mind. I had tried to forget what I had learned at home in my childhood about God and eternity. In fact, I did not want to believe it; I wanted to enjoy “the pleasures of sin.” That is what makes many turn to atheism; it makes them feel free to go on in sin. “No God! No judgment! No hell!” Then you can go on and do anything you want to!
I was never altogether comfortable with this. The things I had learned as a child often came back to haunt me in the hours of night, and I would lie awake.
That cold Sunday I sat alone in my room. Thinking and wondering where my life would end, I said half aloud: “Is there a God? If there is, let Him send me some proof that He lives and that He can provide for me in time and eternity—if there is an eternity!”
Just then a robin alighted on the windowsill. He picked up a few scattered crumbs and hopped about, chirping as merrily among the snowflakes as if it had been a sunny day in May.
“There is a God,” I exclaimed. “Who but He could give that little bird so cheerful a song on a day like this?”
I arose and went into town, and for the first time in years I went to a place where the gospel was preached. Praise God, I was saved that night!
“Hast thou not known?
hast thou not heard,
that the everlasting God,
the Lord, the Creator of
the ends of the earth,
fainteth not, neither is weary?
there is no searching
of His understanding.”