God never was revealed as one, He is one, but He never was revealed as suchapter He was said to be one, in contrast with a plurality of Gods, but this was no revelation of Himself. When God does reveal Himself it is by the Son who is on earth, and yet in the bosom of the Father. But the “darkness comprehended it not.” Hence the Holy Ghost gave competency to apprehend the Son’s revelation of the Father. All are God, all one God, and God all three; yet the Father is revealed, the Son reveals, and the Spirit quickens and gives discernment. The full revelation of the one God is only thus—Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. This, this only is what God is, one identity of will and being, so that they are essentially one, and one only; yet distinct in willing and acting, hence we speak of three persons. Through Christ we have access by one Spirit unto the Father.