Treasure Found in the Ruins

The whole world seems to be in ruins now. The boasted civilization of man has broken down completely. The inspired word is more than vindicated: “There is none that doeth good, no not one.” Humanity is at bay, ringed around with every evil spirit that dishonors God, and denies His beloved Son. Man has become the plaything of the devil; there is “no fear of God before his eyes.” He will make friends with any enemy of the Lord Jesus, and sit at the feet of any teacher who will cloud the light of revelation with the darkness of human reason. And yet there is a treasure amid all these terrible ruins—a treasure of heaven, and “those who seek will find.” The treasure is Christ, and those who find Him find the riches of heaven amid all the wreckage of human life.
A French civilian and his wife went to the rubbish heap which marked the site of the village where they used to live. They examined the spot where their house had been, and six inches under the soil they found the sum of thirty-five thousand francs, which had been covered by the soil flung up by a mine-crater. Their hearts were filled with joy at the sight of this earthly treasure. How great the happiness of the human heart when Christ is found! Yes, amid the ruins of a life of sin and shame Christ may be found—nearer to us, than we think, and always ready to bless us if we call upon His name.