This photo was taken in Bruges during the German occupation. The Germans were very eager to show the Belgians their English prisoners; so they were Often paraded on “La Grande Place” at Bruges. When we were in Bruges the positions were reversed, for opposite to the house where we were staying we saw German prisoners taken off to their work every day under the command of Belgian officers.
It is sad to be a prisoner at any time, to be away from home and friends, and obliged to do the bidding of your captors. It is a tragedy to a human soul to be a captive of the devil, in the “far off country” of sin. When our great Deliverer came, it was said of Him that “He came to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives.” He delivers from the wrath to come. By the emancipating power of His salvation He loves to free us out of the hands of Satan.