I have already given a short extract in last September “Message” from my soldier friend’s letters, and now I have pleasure to give a further experience in the prisoners’ camp.
I will not give details of what my friend went through. He writes:—
“After the work, as stretcher-bearer ... ..we were surrounded, and later marched away, but the Loid kept me so calm and cool, and my mind rested on Psalms 23, Romans 8:2828And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28).”
Working twelve hours carrying German wounded, followed by a long, tiring march, two days in cattle, trucks, arriving at Cassel after six days, a period of starvation food not fit for human beings, during which time he could not settle to study, but writes? “I read chapter after chapter from the treasure I had jealously guarded, I hardly knew what I read, but now and again a particular verse would come home with tremendous force. My faith was weak, but His power is unlimited. He had delivered me out of the hands of those who cared not either for our souls or bodies.... Many men died from weakness and dysentery.”
The third month, my friend writes, they had plenty of food, of a bad kind, because they were amongst the old prisoners, who lived on food sent out from England.
And now comes the brighter side. The Lord, worked in that prisoners’ camp, and souls were saved, backsliders restored. Praise God for cheering and using His young servant’s in such a place. One man, far away, was broken down in tears. I had an earnest appeal from my friend for Testaments, tracts, etc., and I was so glad to send out, through Dr. Wreford, what was so needed, and was thankful to get a post-card in reply: “Splendid, many thanks, well received.” We ask the reader’s prayers for the work, which still goes on, we are thankful to say, although the War is over. A. A. L.