A Personal Note
Will our friends remember our great need of Testaments? We want especially now Tamil, Russian, Flemish, German. We shall be so thankful for a supply at once, as the need is urgent. Please send your gifts to Dr. Heyman Wreford, The Firs, Denmark Road, Exeter.
These words were a brilliant sparkling motto on the night of a gala day. It had been a day of public rejoicing many years ago in a European country. Whether it was during the reign of the last Emperor, or before his day, cannot be recalled. Evidently the rejoicing had special connection with the ruler of the land. To do him honor, to shout his praises, vast crowds had filled the streets and streamed along the riverside paths, to see the decorations, to listen to the music, to wait for the illuminations at night. Beautiful and costly were the brilliant devices that well-nigh turned darkness into day. None, however, could be more telling or suggestive than the one, “Thou art ours, and we are thine.” We seem to see the concourse of people arrested and held awhile to gaze, and then to take up the words and sing and shout again and again, “Thou art ours, and we are thine.”
There was love in it; there was loyalty in it; there was surrender in it. And it meant rejoicing! Is not such a motto a great reality for every true-hearted follower of Christ?
“Thou art ours.” — “God, even our own God.” “This God is our God forever and ever.”
“We are Thine.” — “Mine shall they he, I am the Lord.” “Ye belong to Christ.”
If we accept the blessed fact and surrender our hearts, our wills, our lives to our Kingly Master, it will mean rejoicing; it will mean illumination. When dark hours of sorrow and trouble come, the motto—a sparkling light—will gleam through the shadows, and the heart deep down will sing, “Christ is mine, and I am His.”
Margaret Esdatle.