Letters from the Children

“Suffer the children to come unto Me”
Edna writes:—
“Dear Sir,—I am sending this little note thanking you for the New Testament I love so dearly.... I should love for you to help me to Jesus.”
Jack writes:—
“I have not had a Testament, but would like one, and I will read a verse every day. I have a little brother in heaven who died at Easter, and I am hoping to meet him again.”
Jenny writes:—
“My sister has received a New Testament from you; please send me one. I am a believer on the Lord Jesus Christ, and would so much like to know more about Him. My sister thanks you with all her heart for her Testament; she is only twelve years old, but by the reading of that Book I feel sure she has become a child of God.”
Nellie N—writes:—
“Dear Doctor,—I received my Testament this morning, and have already read a few chapters. I am trying to give my heart to the Lord. I have already prayed for His strength and help. I know I have been a great sinner. Do you think you could help me to get nearer to Him. I have also read the ‘Message from God.’ Would you please write back to me?”
An Uncle writes:—
“Dear Sir, —Will you please excuse me for making application for a Testament on behalf of George G—? The poor boy is lying seriously ill with rheumatic fever so cannot write for himself. —A. L—.”