"I was Astounded"

Our dear friend, Mr. M.M., of Worthing, sends me the following pathetic letter:—
Dear Dr. Wreford,—I have during the past few years visited a dear Christian woman. She lies upon her bed in a little room suffering from a double curvature of the spine: a great sufferer. I have never heard a murmur, but always a bright smile, and always a good word for Jesus. She says she has learned what she would never have learned if well, and now her longing is to go home to see Him. The doctor says she may go suddenly, or linger on a while. She is what the world calls very poor, but oh! what lessons I have learned in that little room. The other day she gave me the two enclosed 10/-notes to send to you for your distribution of God’s Word. I was astounded. In a few days I called again and asked could she spare so much. Her reply was “Yes. God has always supplied my need, and always will.” Such a gift, although only ₤I, I know will be richly blessed of God our Father, given in such faith. And I rejoice He has sent it to you. May our God and Father richly bless your work. With kindest regards, M. M., Worthing.