Yes, it was caught, and caught in a death grip, the pretty, soft little bee, yet it did not die. “How was that?” said my friend who told me the facts. “Did it contrive to get free?” “No, that was impossible; it was set free.” Will you hear the story? A bee was buzzing up and down the window pane most restlessly. It seemed to be crying out for deliverance, for an Ichneumon fly had settled on one of its forelegs with the intention of laying its eggs and thus causing its death. The bee was ready to perish, and was powerless to deliver itself, but it buzzed as loud as it could. A deliverer heard, and with scissors cut the insect off, and the bee was set free.
Now then I ask the question: Have you been set free. from eternal death? set free from the sin which doth so, easily beset you? For remember, not one of us has, or can, deliver ourselves. There is only one way. Come to Jesus. Only one Deliverer, only one Name whereby we can be saved, The Lord Jesus Christ. Until we have really been set free, and know it, there can be no peace; therefore cry out and seek for pardon and peace whilst there is time. I shall never forget the holy delight it gave me when a great nephew of mine was thus set free. He had been a clergyman for over a year, but one day he suddenly ran into my house and dining-room saying, “Aunt Emily, I am a changed man, and know the Lord. Do let us kneel together and thank Him.” We did indeed, and then, being set free, didn’t he work for his Master until his Master called him home!
Dear readers, do let me again ask the question: Are you set free, and being set free, are you working for Him in trying to release those who are caught, that they too may be set free? Emily P. Leakey.
P.S. —It may be that some dear reader, although “set free” as regards being born again, may have been “caught” by some sin, such as an evil temper given way to, or selfishless, or vanity, or pride. If so finding yourself “caught,” cry mightily for a deliverer. How well I remember a dear late colonel in the Army telling me that when he felt his hot temper rising, he immediately withdrew to pray, and God heard his prayer—set free at once.