"Pray Without Ceasing"

In a letter just received from one who is laboring abroad amongst our young soldiers are these words: “‘Tis such a help to know people pray for You.” What a privilege, clear fellow believer, to have a throne of grace to pour out our hearts before Him, the One who is our “merciful and faithful High Priest,” and who saves to “the uttermost,” and who has promised, “Whatsoever ye shall ask in My name, that will I do.” How cheering to read, speaking of the lads, Wonderful how they respond; I am encouraged time after time, when I see how the Spirit works. He has the same power as ever, and it is such a joy to bring joy to others... ‘The Message from God’ has been a real ray to many of the soldier lads in times past, and continues, I am sure, to be so in these days. Dr. Heyman Wreford has been a real friend in need to me, when I was chaplain, in the trying days of the-War, and his Testaments and literature have brought joy wherever they were distributed.”
The work still goes on, and souls are saved. May we be found “praying always, with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit,” and watching. A. A. L.