We are told that a missionary, when asked why he worked so unweariedly, said:— “One night going home across a field, I saw my little boy coming to meet me. Suddenly he disappeared. The thought flashed across my mind, ‘There’s an oil well there, and he has fallen in.’ I hurried, reached into the well, and lifted him out; and as he looked into my face he said, ‘Oh, papa, why didn’t you hurry?’ These words kept ringing in my ears until God put a new meaning into them, and bade me think of others who are lost, without God and without hope in this world; and a message came from the Heavenly Father, ‘Go and work in My name’; and then from the vast throng a pitiful pleading cry rolled into my soul as I accepted God’s call: ‘Oh, why don’t you hurry?’”
There is need of godly haste, dear friends. “The King’s business requires haste.” We must not loiter on the King’s highway. Are you helping to bring perishing sinners to Christ? Are you helping to send His Word—the Book that speaks of Him—to perishing millions?
He is coming. This may be our last clay, or week, or year of service for Him, “let us work while it is called today.”
A worker of eighty-nine years. A lady writes me:—
“You will see by the enclosed card that my dear mother (eighty-nine years of age) has gone to be with Christ, Before she passed away she had been collecting to help you to send Bibles to France, and I am enclosing a postal order as the result.”