A case which was brought to. my notice (a writer says) may be briefly summed up as follows: “I do miss daddy so, mother. When is he coming home again to play with me and teach me to fly that beautiful kite he gave me and to sail that lovely boat? Do write and tell him to be quick and come home.” Ah! brave young widow! She also had been keeping her sect-at sorrow to herself, not liking to distress her boy, but she could do it no longer. Bursting into a flood of tears, she drew him to her, and told him that he never would see his daddy again, and that the empty chair in which father used to sit would never again be occupied by him. Dear mothers’ hearts, God knows your sorrows and He cares. God has said to your bleeding heart, “I have taken him from the evil to come; weep not, it is well with him, and in coming years you will understand the meaning of your tears in heaven.”