“It is a sign that the Lord is grieved with a Christian when He leaves him without trouble for His Name’s sake. The Lord Jesus Christ knew tribulation to the utmost; but in Him it was only the trial of the good that was within, and the bringing out of His perfection. And poor as we are, we too may know trial apart from our evil. The Lord has two objects in view when He lays His hand upon a Christian in the way of chastening. It may come either because there has been something wrong, or because there is a danger of it little felt by me. When David was out of his tribulation he falls into a snare. When his circumstances were full of trouble, then it was that he, inspired, of course, by the Holy Ghost, poured out those sweet strains that we read with joy to this day. The desire to get out of trial is a dangerous thing for the soul. The trial may be sent to show us what we really are, or, what is better, to prove what God is for us and to us: but it is also sent to prevent us from falling into sin. The Lord, in His love, thus often averts the evil which He sees and we do not. I doubt not that there is another and a deeper character of suffering, even fellowship with the sufferings of Christ, which must not be confounded with the Lord’s faithful discipline, though, sometimes, I suppose, the two things may be in a measure combined.”