What the Soldiers Did to Jesus Christ

About two thousand years ago, the Son of God was on this earth and in the hands of Roman soldiers, who were guarding Him while He was being judged and condemned to death.
A company of soldiers, with their captain and officers, took Jesus in Gethsemane and bound Him. John 18:12
On the way to Calvary they made Simon the Cyrenean carry the cross for Jesus. Matthew 27:32
An officer struck Jesus with the palm of his hand John 18:22
At the foot of the cross they offered Jesus vinegar to drink, mingled with gall. Matthew 27:34
The soldiers scourged Jesus at the command of Pilate. John 19:1
They nailed Jesus to the cross on Calvary. Luke 23:33
They crowned His sacred head with thorns. John 19:2
They put the writing of Pilate on the cross: “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.” John 19:19
They put on Him a purple robe. John 19:2
When they had crucified Jesus, they sat down around the cross to watch Him die. Matthew 27:36
They mocked Jesus, saying, “Hail! King of the Jews.” John 19:2
As they watched Him they shouted out: “If Thou be the King of the Jews, save Thyself... Luke 23:37
They smote Jesus with their hands. John 19:2
They took the garments of Jesus and made four parts, and gave each soldier a part. John 19:23
The officers of the Roman Army, when they saw Jesus, cried out: “Crucify Him! John 19:6 Herod the King and his men of war set Jesus at naught, and mocked Him, and arrayed Him in a gorgeous robe. Luke 23:11
For the seamless coat of Christ, they gambled. John 19:24
The whole company of soldiers bowed the knee before Jesus in mockery. Matthew 27:29
The officer in command at the cross, and the soldiers with them, terrified at the earthquake and the darkness, cried: “Truly this was the Son of God.” Mark 15:39
They took Jesus into the Governor’s house and stripped him. Matthew 27:27.
When Jesus Christ was dead, it was a soldier who pierced His side with his spear. John 19:34
They spat upon Jesus; they mocked Jesus; they smote Jesus on the head with the reed. Matthew 27:31
They took Jesus and led Him away to be crucified. John 19:16
SOLDIERS! this is how men of your calling treated the Saviour of the world two thousand years ago. How are YOU treating Him today? Do you believe in Him?
Do you trust Him? Do you love Him? Listen to the grandest petition that ever rose from earth to heaven: the prayer of Jesus Christ for those who wronged Him, mocked Him, and crucified Him; a prayer that still is heard in heaven today for ALL who are His enemies, for you, for me: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Repeat this verse over and over again: ―
“In peace let me resign my breath,
And Thy salvation see:
My sins deserve eternal death―
But Jesus died for me.”
H. W.