Your Living Sacrifice

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YP Address—R. Thonney
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257 A hymn we often sing in the breaking of bread meeting, but how important it is never to get far from the cross.
I'd like to suggest we stand up to sing this, since it's kind of a time when we might be wrestling with sleep.
I'd like to begin this afternoon with a verse from Ephesians chapter 5.
Actually 2 verses. The 1St 2 verses of the chapter.
Ephesians chapter 5, verse one. Be ye therefore followers of God as dear children, and walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us, and offering, and a sacrifice to God.
For a sweet smelling Saber.
Now I'd like to turn to Second Timothy, chapter 3.
For a few verses.
Second Timothy, chapter 3, verse one.
This snow also that in the last days perilous times shall come.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves.
Covetous, the translation says. Lovers of money.
Boasters, proud blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce bakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce despisers of those that are good traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.
Just rode those two portions to begin with to contrast.
Two principles of life that I think are extremely important to focus in on. First one, we are exhorted to walk in love as Christ loved us and gave himself an offering and a sacrifice to God for his sweet smelling Savior.
What I want to focus there is.
The life of Christ is a life of self sacrifice. What we see here in these verses that we read.
Is what we have in the last days, and I think we can recognize as we read these verses that it describes the day in which we are living.
Doesn't take too much discernment to notice that.
But three things in that list.
It tells that people are lovers.
Yeah, this generation are lovers, but what up number one in the list is lovers of their own selves #1.
#2 Lovers of money #3.
The end of the list. Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.
And I would like to just put over this, this is the current of this present age and it is.
Self pleasing.
To follow the Lord Jesus means to.
Follow in the way of self sacrifice. To follow in the way of this world is to follow in the way of self pleasing. I suggest that they are diametrically opposed 1 to another.
Either your life is characterized by self sacrifice or it is characterized by self pleasing.
My desire is to encourage our dear young people that the way of self sacrifice is really the way of life, the way of self pleasing.
Ends up just like it did in the case of Solomon, who had everything his heart could desire at the end of that book of Ecclesiastes, in which he speaks not as a king, but he speaks as a preacher because he had a message to communicate to us. What is the message he has to communicate to us, this guy who had so much of everything in this world?
And who pleased himself? What does he say at the end? Vanity of vanities. All is vanity. You want your life to end up that way? Go ahead. We're living in the culture that does just that. Please yourself. You got a pocket full of money? Go ahead. Go out there. Please yourself. But I can guarantee you, you come down to the end of your life.
You're going to say the same thing that Solomon did? Vanity of vanity's.
All is vanity.
I would like to read a verse that appears six times in the four gospels.
Varied a bit, but the message is basically the same. You don't mind? I'm going to read the six times that it they occur in Matthew's Gospel. It occurs twice. Let's go to Matthew chapter 10.
And verse 39.
He that findeth his life shall lose it.
He that loseth his life for my sake shall find. It almost seems like a paradox, this statement of the Lord, and it takes a little bit of time to stop and think about it. He that findeth his life.
Shall lose it. I'm speaking to those who are professing believers in the Lord Jesus. If you have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior.
You are saved, your soul is saved. But there is such a thing that has been pointed out so many times that there are those who have a saved soul, but they lose their life.
I don't desire that for any of you, dear young people.
What I desire is as you get further on in life, that you will be able to say, I'm glad I lived the way I did. Let's go over to Matthew chapter 16 now and we'll see just about the same thing, a little varied. It's interesting to take these and perhaps compare them together.
Chapter 16 of Matthew and verse 25. We're going to read verse 24. Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it, and whosoever will lose his life.
For my sake shall find it.
Let's go over to Mark's gospel chapter.
And verse 35.
In each place somewhat related, but there are variations that are very interesting. I'm not going to comment much on it, but I just want to show you how important this principle is.
Mark 835 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it, But whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the Gospels, the same shall save it.
Luke's Gospel, Chapter 9.
And verse 24 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it, but whosoever will lose his life, for my sake, the same shall save it.
Chapter 17.
33 here. It's in context with lots light, lots white.
Whose heart was back in Sodom, and she turned around. Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it, and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.
One more place in John's Gospel, chapter 12.
I want to read here.
The previous two verses, verse 23. Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except the corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone, but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. He that loveth his life shall lose it.
He that hateth his life in this world will, shall keep it unto life eternal.
There's a word that is used as in no other places. It's hate your life. I'm not just sure how to understand all those things.
But I want to leave them with you, dear young people.
We are living in a culture where we are taught to make good for ourselves, to build up our portfolio.
To do well economically.
Nothing wrong morally in doing that in a decent way, but to me?
This has come as a tremendous challenge to my heart and I want to present it to you. Do you want to lose your life?
Live it up.
Now love it, live it up. You will lose your life. To me, there's nothing quite so tragic.
As sometimes going to a nursing home.
And sometimes there are people there that have had a very prosperous life.
Perhaps a lawyer, a doctor, and they've been extremely prosperous, houses and lands and vehicles and all sorts of things that they could desire.
What are they doing there?
They've lost their mind.
They're babbling incoherently.
It's sad to watch him sitting there and what do they have in front of them?
Absolutely nothing. They have no hope. They've lived for down here. They haven't lived in view of eternity.
To me, that's one of the most tragic things to see. I do not desire that kind of an end for you to dare young people, and I want to present to you that.
Laying your life on the altar for the Lord is the way to save your life.
You know, I have to say I have been in the company of some that have been a real lesson to me. One who is now with the Lord is Brother Eric Smith. I must say that man had a real effect on my life, but I'll never forget the first time went with him to Bolivia.
Rather, Clem Buchanan was along that time. It's 1968.
Doug was along. Ramon Alarcon was along too.
I had heard from Brother Smith of his youth. He was from New Zealand and I'm sure many of you know these facts that he came from quite a well to do family in New Zealand. His father was a wealthy man and he was a personal friend of the Prime Minister of New Zealand. He had lots of opportunity to make good in this life.
In a number of different areas could have gone into business. He had a chance to be a sea captain.
But he decided to turn his back on everything and go to Bolivia.
To preach the gospel. And his father, who at that time was not a believer, said, Son, if that is your decision, get out of my house. Don't want you here. And he had to go and make his own way. He was going to medical school. He didn't go the full time.
That in Bolivia, who is known as El doctor, the doctor, but.
That time we went to Bolivia, we were in the city of photo see, which is about 13,000 feet altitude, and we took a truck.
For one day from there to where Brother Smith started his work amongst the Inca Indians in a place called Hulo.
Go over those dusty roads.
In the back of a truck.
I think brother Smith and Brother Alarcon were up in the cab. I remember right. But at the end of the day, here we come down this riverbed, this dry riverbed because that's where they drive. Lots of times in the dry season, the trucks go down the dry riverbed, Baron Desert like area and we come to.
Where Ulo is, and the brethren had fixed up a kind of an arch of branches.
To welcome Brother Smith. They knew he was coming.
And we got there to where they were. They were standing around singing hymns and.
I was in the back and I kind of peeked through the whole air to see Brother Smith.
Dear brother.
He had his head down.
Tears were streaming down his face.
You know, it came to me as such a challenge at that time. I can go back to the United States. I can make good. I can get lots of stuff.
Brother Smith turned his back on all that, and now there's fruit in his life that's going to last for all eternity. I just bowed my head right there, said Lord Jesus, please help me not to be deceived by material things. Please help me to live for eternity's day and not for a few brief moments of time.
It was a tremendous challenge. I don't think Brother Smith knew.
But to see the results of what His work, what the Lord did with that instrument, He was not a perfect instrument by a long shot.
But he was an instrument that God used for eternity. He was one who lived on the principle of self sacrifice. He laid down his own desires and lived for something beyond.
I'm sure there are many others. Many of you have heard of Jim Elliott, who died in the jungles of Ecuador before he died, he said.
Is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. Think about it.
What way do you want to live your life?
Self pleasing. It's the current of things down here in this world, in the United States. And I'm not standing up here to say that I'm an example of living the life of self sacrifice. I've got caught up in the current and I know it's affected me in many ways, but I'm saying in the measure that you live that way, you're going to lose it. You're going to lose your life. Far better to lay your life.
Down as a sacrifice to him who gave everything for you, when I think of the Lord Jesus.
And how much it meant to him. Can you imagine the glories of heaven in that past eternity? There's no way we can imagine it that he would come into this world to be born a little baby. They didn't even have a room for him in the inn. He had to be born in the main, in the where the animals were out in the stables. His mother wrapped him up and laid him.
Where the cows were eating.
Let him eat tremendous humiliation.
In his life, you never find him having a piece of money in his hand. One time he had to say, show me.
Hey, Penny.
You never read of him having a piece of money in his hand, the poorest of the poor.
But always giving of himself, always enriching others, always helping others.
Then it comes down to the end of his life and he's falsely accused.
It's taken to Pilate, to Herod. They vehemently accused him of all sorts of things that they could not prove.
He did not even open his mouth to defend himself.
If they let him out of that city, his head was crowned with thorns.
His back was ploughed upon me.
By the Roman scourge. His hands were stretched out and nailed to that cross.
Never a complaint.
Never a complaint. This is totally unjust. Not a word of it. He accepted it from the hands of his father.
The cup which my father has given me, shall I not drink it?
He said Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.
Across brethren captivates my heart.
Especially when we get to those three hours of darkness.
And everything fades out. The light fades out.
And God lays on Jesus.
Fill these sins I committed, and that storm of judgment breaks in all its fury.
On his blessed head.
For three hours he hung there.
Not one word do you hear in those three hours.
Until the very end.
He cries. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
The God who was his strength, his state, in all his life, He was doing the will of God in the face of the wrath of God.
And God abandoned him there because he could not look. It's him.
And he gives up his life and dies. The sacrifice was complete.
We are now called on to follow.
To walk in love.
Even as Christ loved us and offered himself.
A sacrifice, an offering and a sacrifice to God.
He gave everything.
Is there a pocket of reserve in your heart towards him? How can that be?
I'd like to turn now to Romans chapter 12.
Because there are. Because of what Jesus has done.
That which is called sacrifice.
For us as well.
It should be a tremendous privilege for us.
Let's just read the 1St 2 verses of Romans chapter 12.
I beseech you.
Therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
And be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
That you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Doesn't say that you may know what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, but that you may prove it. In other words, it has to be worked out in actual reality in your life. And how can that be worked out?
Just as it says here by presenting our.
A living sacrifice. Some have commented at times that there are areas of this world where our brethren are being called to give up their lives.
That is a tough trial of faith. I don't know how I could handle that.
I think I told you what happened in.
Peru not too many years ago under the.
Shining Path.
Revolution that took place there.
There was a.
Mountain Church. I don't think they were gathered the Lord's name, but they were together having a meeting.
And these Shining Path gorillas were are violent men, and they all of a sudden opened the door and filed in all across the back of the.
The hall that they were gathered in and they had their machine guns leveled at the people and they said OK, everybody throw down your Bibles and stamp on them.
Of course there are all sorts of people there and people that were.
Just visiting perhaps to hear the gospel. So it's kind of a difficult situation for those people.
They continue to threaten them for quite a while, and finally they got all but about 10 to do just that. They threw down their Bibles and stamped on them.
And so those that would not do that, they said, OK, you 10, you come outside with us.
And they feared that that was the end of it.
They took him outside and after they had them outside they came back in and they said you have my grandkids.
And they mowed down all the people that had thrown their Bibles down and stamped on them. Never knew how they would react. Sometimes they did it the reverse. So.
The point is.
Are we real with God?
Is following the Lord Jesus.
A reality in your life or is it just kind of a form that you put up front and then behind you are really pleasing yourself and your life?
It's a way of life in the United States of America.
And I know again, I say, I know I've been affected by this way of life, but I challenge you.
That Jesus, mighty Lord of all in your life.
Present your bodies a living sacrifice.
Wholly acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. I understand that word reasonable comes from the same root word that we get our word logical.
In other words, given what Jesus did for us.
The only illogical thing is to lay our lives on the altar for God.
Does it seem logical after Jesus gave everything, being the Lord of glory, the creator of the universe, he came down and laid down his life for this rebellious Sinner. Does it seem logical for me to say, OK Lord, I really appreciate what you've done on the cross for me. I'll give you 90% of my life, but 10% I'd like to have for some activities I logical.
I suggest it's more like an insult.
Think it through young people, it is not logical.
The young man says to young women, I'd like to marry you.
And she says to him, OK, I'll give you 90%. I'd like to have 10% for somebody else.
You know what would be the result?
Everything or nothing.
Do we treat the Lord of glory?
Less than we accept in a marriage proposal.
I'm afraid sometimes that happens. I say, dear young people, please don't think I'm just pointing at you and exhorting you. This comes as a terrible challenge to my own self.
It's the only reasonable thing to do.
Say Lord Jesus.
I'm all yours from now on. I don't want to do what's pleasing to me, I want to do what pleases you.
It says be not conformed to this world. This world is to do everything for yourself. We read about it in Second Timothy chapter 3. To love yourself, to love money, to love pleasures more than love God in this country is pleasure bent. Having a good time seems to be even amongst sometimes Christian young people #1 priority.
Please, dear young people, don't go that route. I'm showing you another way to live your life so that you won't lose your life, so that you will save it for life eternal. Be not conformed, he says, to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Need to rethink every area of life. We need to have our thoughts transformed to his thoughts.
That's the only way there's going to be real fruit in our lives.
Dear young people, you don't live if you live for yourself. That is not true Christian living. It is laying your life down that you have it for eternity.
Comes as a tremendous challenge to my life and I must say.
I really do believe there are brethren in the world who are practicing that in a very real way today.
We appreciate.
All the comfort we have here at this conference really appreciate what the brethren have provided for us.
But this is not where we prove what Christian living is.
We need these times together to read the word, to be exhorted. But as we go back to our homes, how are you going to live to please yourself?
Or to please the one who gave everything to secure your eternal blessing. Just like to speak some practical words on verse one.
The sacrifice is our bodies.
Present them, he says.
Holy. Acceptable.
Unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Keep your bodies holy dear young people.
Dear young men, we're living in a sex saturated culture.
People say everybody's doing it.
Don't go that way.
We have a beautiful example in the Old Testament.
Of a young man, Joseph.
Who got into circumstances that were extremely difficult?
He was away from his family, nobody else that he knew was around.
He was in the home of a man who had bought him as a slave.
And that man's wife approached him.
And he said, how can I do that great sin against God?
He kept himself pure, You know, I don't think Joseph would have come to the Kingdom if he would have given in.
Things went bad for Joseph. I've often thought about it for 13 years. Everything went wrong in his life.
He went out when he was 17 years old from his father's house, his brother in Salem as a slave, and he's taken to Egypt. He does his best everywhere he goes and he gets to be trade and put in prison.
The Lord was with Joseph.
But it wasn't until he was 30 years of age, 713 years later.
And finally the tables turn.
And Joseph in one day is elevated from the prison house to the second place in the Kingdom.
God has His way of rewarding you if you will lay down your life on the altar for the Lord. Live is under him. Don't live as before, the brethren.
We're thankful for our brethren, but don't live that way, young people, because when your brethren are not around, you're going to start doing other stuff that's not right.
Live before the eye of God.
Live in company.
The Lord Jesus Christ, who has promised us never to leave us, nor to forsake us.
Dear young sisters, can I say a word to you? Although it's really the place of older sisters to instruct the younger sisters.
Let me say a word to you, keep yourself pure.
I know it's tough in the world that we live in.
But in the end, it will be worthwhile. Don't allow guys to put their hands over you.
Be careful.
At even the slightest suggestion in the wrong direction.
Perhaps there's somebody here who has already messed up.
Encourage you to confess it to the Lord, leave it behind, and from now on live for that One who gave everything for you.
That's all we can address is from here on what is behind confessed to the Lord, leave it and go on for the Lord from here on.
But how important it is?
To be careful of your dress, dear young sister.
Adam and Eve, when they sinned, were given coats of skin to cover themselves.
That's important. Cover yourself.
And let me say a word to our dear young sisters too. Beautiful sisters, beautiful young girls.
Scripture tells the women to adorn themselves.
Not without weird things.
But in First Timothy chapter 2 you can look at it and First Peter chapter 3.
There are some beautiful ornaments that a sister is to adorn herself with. I'll just let you look them up in your own time.
But that's the adorning that is to be done by you sisters. It seems like the sisters like to adorn themselves more than the guys, although today's world guys do it too.
But their moral characteristics that are very beautiful not only to God, but I must say they're beautiful when I witness them as well. That's one area of sacrifice, your body, very important. It's the vessel you live in. It's to keep it for God.
Be ready at any moments notice to lay down your life.
A living sacrifice. You may not be called on to give up your life, but to live day by day for that one who died to save you.
Like to go over to Hebrews chapter 13 now to speak up to other sacrifices that scripture speaks about.
Hebrews, chapter 13.
Speaking about.
Going outside the camp bearing his reproach in verse 13.
For here we have no continuing city, but we seek one to come. Verse 15. By Him, therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God.
Or Tuesday morning doesn't say.
Now, continually, that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.
Here is a very real sacrifice that God values.
And I want to encourage each one of us, younger ones, older ones too.
Do you know what it means to sacrifice this sacrifice of praise to God continually?
Are the praises of the living God sounded in your home?
This is something that Scripture speaks about that God values.
It seems as we get.
Busier and busier in our lives.
You see less and less praise to God.
A verse that always challenges me is what?
The Lord said when he was coming into Jerusalem, what we call the triumphal entry, and the children were saying Hosanna, Hosanna, and the Pharisees and the scribes were complaining to the Lord, tell them to be quiet.
And he said if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.
We're in a room full of living stones.
But one of the purposes of our.
Being saved is to pronounce his praises.
Do you do that in your home? Is that normal? Sometimes I see young people sitting in meetings and or singing on Lords Day morning with their mouths shut. I don't know why, maybe they think.
I Can't Sing very well.
It doesn't have to sound that awful. Well, I think I've told sometimes the story I had.
Of a brother down in Peru.
Who had recently come to faith in the Lord Jesus.
And I was visiting him in his home.
And he was just bubbling over with his joy in the Lord.
And he picked up his hymn book and he came over and sat down beside me and says, Brother, I want a thing. Can you teach me to sing?
And he opened up his book to one of the choruses we have in the Spanish hymn book.
But he didn't wait for me to teach him to sing. He just started out. I don't know what tune he was using either because.
I didn't recognize it, but let me tell you, you watched his face. It was coming out of our heart full of gratitude to God. That's what God is looking for, that heart of yours. Make sure when you're singing to engage your heart, put it in gear. Sometimes we sing kind of mechanically and we're not even thinking about what we're seeing.
Put your heart in gear when you start singing.
And sing his praises, brethren, it comes to me, if we're not going to sing his praises, God is going to raise up others to sing his praises because He's going to have His Son praised. He is so tremendously glorious. And it's part of our culture, our humanistic culture that is so self-centered. And when you start looking inside, I can understand.
Why you don't sing but if you start looking at Jesus?
And the glories of God that he revealed, you won't be able to stop singing. The Lord help us. And this goes not only for our daily lives, but let me encourage our dear young brethren. We come together in breaking a bread meeting to start taking part in praising the Lord. If you're going to get up and offer a word of praise.
You don't have to be real long like some brethren get when they're praising the Lord.
Remember, somebody told me about one brother who was not very wordy, and when Lord's Day morning he got up in the breaking of bread and he said, Thank you, Lord Jesus, Amen.
Sat down you don't have to be long, just let.
It be the expression of your own heart. Don't try to be like somebody else. You be what you are.
But express that praise if you are occupied in.
Singing the hymns out of the Little Flock Hymn Book. There's so many tremendously beautiful hymns in that book.
Then you will be ready to give out of him that fits the occasion when we come together to break bread. I ask you to be exercised. Not saying that every time you come together in a public meeting that you're going to take part, but the exercise as you sit down in a meeting so that the Lord can use you if He wants to.
It's wonderful to see younger brother and I just want to say to you, younger brother, when you take part.
In an audible way, it is a real encouragement. I'm not saying you have to go take over. I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying be exercised to take part. If the Lord gives an occasion He leads you, then do be obedient to the direction of the Spirit of God.
There's another sacrifice here that is mentioned in verse 16 of this chapter. But to go good and to communicate, forget not, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.
Do good communicate. Communicate is another word. Forgiving.
Some people or some have explained this, that that's why we have the collection right after the breaking of bread, because these two sacrifices go together. I think that's nice.
But that doesn't limit our doing good.
Dear young people, there is so much need in this world that we live in. Just want to encourage you to be open to the Lord's direction as to what He might have you to do for Him in this world that is so needy.
There is a sister in fellowship. I don't know if you're aware of this.
That is living over in China right now, Communist China.
A young sister, she was here three years ago at this conference.
That her desire is to be able to communicate something of the gospel in that country.
Another thing let's be exercised, young people, there's tremendous need in this world. One of the challenges that faces the Christian world is the Muslim world.
It's a tremendous challenge because the Muslims are ready to die.
For a false hope.
Christians don't seem to be ready to die for a true hope.
That's kind of baffling.
But it's something to think about.
I was told John Kemp was telling us about the tsunami that took place last year.
Over 200,000 people swept into eternity and that wasn't the major tragedy. The major tragedy was the millions of that were left to face life in a totally disordered cult society.
And you know what I heard that Muslims are starting to wake up in those countries to the fact that the only ones that really came to help them are Christians.
I was talking to 1 missionary in one place and he told me that that one place at the point of that island that was hit so hard, it was a city right there. I forget the name of the city.
But if you would go there before the tsunami hit and make it known that you were a Christian, you would be pulled to pieces right away.
He told me that now those people are realizing that it's the Christians that have helped them. Their own Muslim countries haven't helped them. So Christians and they're wide open to the gospel. Dear young people, have you thought about going out the gospel? Thank God for something that have gone out. Dear brother Ruben Ruga, I appreciate the exercise he shows on his own to go out with the gospel into corners where?
Perhaps there has not been very much gospel testimony.
I want to encourage you to think positively, aggressively in those areas.
To use your life, you say? Well, I'm going to have to lay aside my own interest back here. Yeah, you sure are going to have to lay it aside. Those own interests of yours. You might have to lose some stuff too. But will it be worthwhile?
Act on your own faith before God, but according to these principles that we're talking about here comes to me very powerfully.
That there are very real principles.
To be occupied with, to give of your time, to give of your energy, to give of your material means.
It may be money, not necessarily. It may be other things too. There are people in your own hometown that are hurting.
Sometimes mothers that have children, they don't have enough to feed their children. You ever think of going there helping them out?
I'm sure they'd be willing to listen to a little bit of the gospel if you really sincerely help them out.
Have you ever gone door to door in the Spanish community, in your cities with calendars? Spanish calendars? That's a tremendous thing you can do at your own expense.
There's so many things, you know, some time ago somebody mentioned to me and I was convicted by it myself, but.
And I don't know how they came across these figures, but they say that.
It is generally recognized that Christians in the United States give approximately between 2:00 and 3% of what they earn to the Lord.
That is taking the Christian community in general. I'm convicted by that.
Is that right?
And justice? Leave that with you to think about.
We really need to think seriously to come to grips. Is Jesus Lord in our lives? He laid everything down. He did not put any limits on his.
Sacrifice. He gave everything.
Properly speaking, everything in our lives now belongs to him, and if he's put a certain amount of money or a certain amount of other material things in my hands, I'm just.
The responsible manager of those things to give account to him in a coming day.
Dear young people, is your life going to count for eternity?
Or are you interested in having a good time down here? I plead with you to rethink the whole issue in the light of the Word of God, in the light of eternity, and to live in such a way that when this life is over, you will not regret the way you have lived. You will have saved your life.
For life eternal.
Let's pray.
Gracious God, our Father.
Thy word searches our hearts.
So much for the way it searches us. Help us.
To obey the exhortations of Thy precious word, we pray for blessing.
And for the meetings that followed to.
In the name of our Lord Jesus, Amen.