Articles on

2 Samuel 18

2 S. 18:24 KJV (With Strong’s)

And David
David (Hebrew #1732)
Daviyd {daw-veed'}; from the same as 1730; loving; David, the youngest son of Jesse
KJV usage: David.
Pronounce: daw-veed'
Origin: rarely (fully)
yashab (Hebrew #3427)
properly, to sit down (specifically as judge. in ambush, in quiet); by implication, to dwell, to remain; causatively, to settle, to marry
KJV usage: (make to) abide(-ing), continue, (cause to, make to) dwell(-ing), ease self, endure, establish, X fail, habitation, haunt, (make to) inhabit(-ant), make to keep (house), lurking, X marry(-ing), (bring again to) place, remain, return, seat, set(- tle), (down-)sit(-down, still, -ting down, -ting (place) -uate), take, tarry.
Pronounce: yaw-shab'
Origin: a primitive root
between the two
shnayim (Hebrew #8147)
feminine shttayim {shet-tah'-yim}; two; also (as ordinal) twofold
KJV usage: both, couple, double, second, twain, + twelfth, + twelve, + twenty (sixscore) thousand, twice, two.
Pronounce: shen-ah'-yim
Origin: dual of 8145
sha`ar (Hebrew #8179)
an opening, i.e. door or gate
KJV usage: city, door, gate, port (X -er).
Pronounce: shah'-ar
Origin: from 8176 in its original sense
: and the watchman
tsaphah (Hebrew #6822)
properly, to lean forward, i.e. to peer into the distance; by implication, to observe, await
KJV usage: behold, espy, look up (well), wait for, (keep the) watch(-man).
Pronounce: tsaw-faw'
Origin: a primitive root
n went up
yalak (Hebrew #3212)
to walk (literally or figuratively); causatively, to carry (in various senses)
KJV usage: X again, away, bear, bring, carry (away), come (away), depart, flow, + follow(-ing), get (away, hence, him), (cause to, made) go (away, -ing, -ne, one's way, out), grow, lead (forth), let down, march, prosper, + pursue, cause to run, spread, take away ((-journey)), vanish, (cause to) walk(-ing), wax, X be weak.
Pronounce: yaw-lak'
Origin: a primitive root (compare 1980)
to the roof
gag (Hebrew #1406)
a roof; by analogy, the top of an altar
KJV usage: roof (of the house), (house) top (of the house).
Pronounce: gawg
Origin: probably by reduplication from 1342
over the gate
sha`ar (Hebrew #8179)
an opening, i.e. door or gate
KJV usage: city, door, gate, port (X -er).
Pronounce: shah'-ar
Origin: from 8176 in its original sense
unto the wall
chowmah (Hebrew #2346)
a wall of protection
KJV usage: wall, walled.
Pronounce: kho-maw'
Origin: feminine active participle of an unused root apparently meaning to join
, and lifted up
nasa' (Hebrew #5375)
a primitive root; to lift, in a great variety of applications, literal and figurative, absol. and rel. (as follows)
KJV usage: accept, advance, arise, (able to, (armor), suffer to) bear(-er, up), bring (forth), burn, carry (away), cast, contain, desire, ease, exact, exalt (self), extol, fetch, forgive, furnish, further, give, go on, help, high, hold up, honorable (+ man), lade, lay, lift (self) up, lofty, marry, magnify, X needs, obtain, pardon, raise (up), receive, regard, respect, set (up), spare, stir up, + swear, take (away, up), X utterly, wear, yield.
Pronounce: naw-saw'
Origin: or nacah (Psalm 4 : 6 (7)) {naw-saw'}
his eyes
`ayin (Hebrew #5869)
an eye (literally or figuratively); by analogy, a fountain (as the eye of the landscape)
KJV usage: affliction, outward appearance, + before, + think best, colour, conceit, + be content, countenance, + displease, eye((-brow), (-d), -sight), face, + favour, fountain, furrow (from the margin), X him, + humble, knowledge, look, (+ well), X me, open(-ly), + (not) please, presence, + regard, resemblance, sight, X thee, X them, + think, X us, well, X you(-rselves).
Pronounce: ah'-yin
Origin: probably a primitive word
, and looked
ra'ah (Hebrew #7200)
to see, literally or figuratively (in numerous applications, direct and implied, transitive, intransitive and causative)
KJV usage: advise self, appear, approve, behold, X certainly, consider, discern, (make to) enjoy, have experience, gaze, take heed, X indeed, X joyfully, lo, look (on, one another, one on another, one upon another, out, up, upon), mark, meet, X be near, perceive, present, provide, regard, (have) respect, (fore-, cause to, let) see(-r, -m, one another), shew (self), X sight of others, (e-)spy, stare, X surely, X think, view, visions.
Pronounce: raw-aw'
Origin: a primitive root
, and behold a man
'iysh (Hebrew #376)
a man as an individual or a male person; often used as an adjunct to a more definite term (and in such cases frequently not expressed in translation)
KJV usage: also, another, any (man), a certain, + champion, consent, each, every (one), fellow, (foot-, husband-)man, (good-, great, mighty) man, he, high (degree), him (that is), husband, man(-kind), + none, one, people, person, + steward, what (man) soever, whoso(-ever), worthy. Compare 802.
Pronounce: eesh
Origin: contracted for 582 (or perhaps rather from an unused root meaning to be extant)
x running
ruwts (Hebrew #7323)
to run (for whatever reason, especially to rush)
KJV usage: break down, divide speedily, footman, guard, bring hastily, (make) run (away, through), post.
Pronounce: roots
Origin: a primitive root

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Cross References

the watchman.
2 R. 9:17‑20• 17Y el atalaya que estaba en la torre de Jezreel, vió la cuadrilla de Jehú, que venía, y dijo: Yo veo una cuadrilla. Y Joram dijo: Toma uno de á caballo, y envía á reconocerlos, y que les diga: ¿Hay paz?
18Fué pues el de á caballo á reconocerlos, y dijo: El rey dice así: ¿Hay paz? Y Jehú le dijo: ¿Qué tienes tú que ver con la paz? vuélvete tras mí. El atalaya dió luego aviso, diciendo: El mensajero llegó hasta ellos, y no vuelve.
19Entonces envió otro de á caballo, el cual llegando á ellos, dijo: El rey dice así: ¿ Hay paz? Y Jehú respondió: ¿Qué tienes tú que ver con la paz? vuélvete tras mí.
20El atalaya volvió á decir: También éste llegó á ellos y no vuelve: mas el marchar del que viene es como el marchar de Jehú hijo de Nimsi, porque viene impetuosamente.
(2 R. 9:17‑20)
Is. 21:6‑9,11‑12• 6Porque el Señor me dijo así: Ve, pon centinela que haga saber lo que viere.
7Y vió un carro de un par de caballeros, un carro de asno, y un carro de camello. Luego miró muy más atentamente.
8Y gritó como un león: Señor, sobre la atalaya estoy yo continuamente de día, y las noches enteras sobre mi guarda:
9Y he aquí este carro de hombres viene, un par de caballeros. Después habló, y dijo: Cayó, cayó Babilonia; y todos los ídolos de sus dioses quebrantó en tierra.
11Carga de Duma. Danme voces de Seir: Guarda, ¿qué de la noche? Guarda, ¿qué de la noche?
12El guarda respondió: La mañana viene, y después la noche: si preguntareis, preguntad; volved, venid.
(Is. 21:6‑9,11‑12)
Ez. 33:2‑7• 2Hijo del hombre, habla á los hijos de tu pueblo, y diles: Cuando trajere yo espada sobre la tierra, y el pueblo de la tierra tomare un hombre de sus términos, y se lo pusiere por atalaya,
3Y él viere venir la espada sobre la tierra, y tocare corneta, y avisare al pueblo;
4Cualquiera que oyere el sonido de la corneta, y no se apercibiere, y viniendo la espada lo tomare, su sangre será sobre su cabeza.
5El sonido de la corneta oyó, y no se apercibió; su sangre será sobre él: mas el que se apercibiere, librará su vida.
6Pero si el atalaya viere venir la espada, y no tocare la corneta, y el pueblo no se apercibiere, y viniendo la espada, tomare de él alguno; por causa de su pecado fué tomado, mas demandaré su sangre de mano del atalaya.
7Tú pues, hijo del hombre, yo te he puesto por atalaya á la casa de Israel, y oirás la palabra de mi boca, y los apercibirás de mi parte.
(Ez. 33:2‑7)

J. N. Darby Translation

And David sat between the two gates; and the watchman went up to the roof of the gate, on to the wall, and lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man running alone.