7 Feasts

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Gospel—D. So
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To the Gospel meeting tonight.
Perhaps we'll begin our meeting by singing hymn #4, hymn #4 in our hymn sheet here. Christ is the Savior of sinners. You know, we had just before us in the last meeting what we have been exalted to preach. Christ, the one who was crucified for our sins. Here, the hymn writer reminded us, Christ is the Savior of sinners. Christ is the Savior for me.
Long I was chained in sins darkness. Now by his grace I am free. And as I look around the room this evening I know some of you.
The many new faces that I don't know, but I know that some of you, and perhaps I trust most in this room, can sing the second verse from the heart. We can sing and say, now I can say I am pardon.
Happy and justify free. Saved by my blessed Redeemer. This is the Savior for me and we know many of us.
With the conditions the next verse have reminded us in just as I was, He received me seeking from judgment to flee. Now there is no condemnation.
This is the Savior for me, Savior of sinners, Savior of sinners like me, shedding His blood for my ransom. This is the Savior for me. Perhaps we can stand and sing this hymn together.
Let's turn to a verse in John's Gospel, chapter 20.
John's Gospel, chapter 20.
Verse 30 through 31, the last verse in this chapter, but.
These are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.
And that believing.
He might have life through his name. Let's ask the Lord for help.
What a wonderful privilege to be able to tell for the story of God's love, to tell that Christ Jesus is the Savior of sinners. Think of the verse that we just read in John chapter 20 verse 31. Oh, it tells us here how all these the Word of God is written.
What for? Oh written?
That ye might believe. What are we to believe in? Believe that Jesus is the Christ. He is the one who came into this world.
As the Son of man, he being the Son of God, came to suffer, to bleed, to died on the cross, by believing in that He might have life through His name. Oh what blessedness it is for us. And if there is not anything to be heard this evening, I pray that the name of Jesus may ring in your heart, that you may believe that He is the Son of God.
And by believing that you may be saved.
It was a few years ago.
I remember going to a Body Shop with some need at work in our van. I won't tell you why we need to go there. My children often remind me not to embarrass them. I was told about this man who does very good job on body work and his name is Muhammad Ali.
My first impression was like some of you just did. Oh, I thought, OK, I would have to meet this Muslim man, but he's supposed to have a very nice Body Shop. So I did. I took my car there and my van there. And when I got into The Body Shop, I found that he wasn't available. He was busy in the back. So I sat in the front lobby for a little bit. And some of you may know the feeling, having to wait.
And I noticed a few things different. I went with the same impression of seeing this Muslim man, Muhammad Ali.
I noticed there were pictures of doves on the wall and I thought wow, I didn't realize that Muslims believe in doves. And then I look as I was waiting, I looked in the wall on there I saw a text. It says As for me in my house I will serve the Lord. I go at that point still say that I didn't know Muslim used the same word of God that we do.
Few minutes later, Muhammad Ali came out. We talked about our problem.
They gave me a quote and after that I couldn't help but to ask him.
Ask him why they would have verses and texts like that on the wall.
And to make the Long story short, I found out that Muhammad Ali was not a Muslim, he was a Christian.
Sometimes we look at someone and say how can he be a Christian? Here is a man I have never met prior to that. His name led me to believe he's not, so I asked him this simple question.
I said to him, Muhammad, how were you saved? And he came in, answered that I could never forget.
He looked at me.
With no expressions on his face. And he said by Jesus, of course.
Well, dear friends, tonight we're going to talk about the same Jesus. It is the same Jesus that was saved. Whether someone have a name that sounds like a Muslim, whether you sitting here who look just like your neighbor, we're going to talk about Jesus because is this the name of Jesus that can save us many here. I know we're here this afternoon.
We have the privilege of going over the Word of God about Jesus, but I believe we have some visitors here.
I don't know you well. One disadvantage when I come so far away and I don't come visit this part of the country often is I don't know a lot of you. I trust that you know the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior. But for the next few minutes, please bear with me as I address you perhaps as one who do not know the way of salvation.
What a serious thing to think that if you do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior.
We have a phrase that we use that you are lost. You're lost. You're not on your way to where God wants you to be. Sometimes we say you're not saved, but I like that expression lost a lot better if you young people, if you children do not know that the Lord Jesus.
Came into this world to save your sins that they came to. Died on the cross.
To shed his blood for you and by believing in His name, you can be saved. You are lost.
One of my favorite stories about this boy. And you know, I watched some of the young ones here and I noticed here in the area of the Midwest, young people can be pretty witty too. And they were very quick with comments and they just reminded me of a story I tell often, this young boy.
Met this man and this is a godless man and he recognized the fact that this boy knows the Lord Jesus as his savior. This man thought he was wise and he wanted to trick this boy. He said to him, boy, which way is to hell? What a terrible remark in question, Which way is to hell?
And this young boy, and I trust that he had the Lord's help.
And he gave him a beautiful answer. He said, Sir, you just keep right on going.
Oh, we don't need to find hell.
You disappointed unto man once to die, and after this the judgment.
For all have said, the word of God tells us that we cannot deny that fact.
All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. And then we learn as children from Sunday school that what verse for the wages of sin is death. How terrible to know that, but this world turned its blind eyes refused to believe that the wages of sin is death. We had before us the book of Corinthians. And if you remember one of the brother remarked that the condition back in current.
Was terrible immoralities wickedness.
Oh, all these terrible things around.
And then all we have to do is to look around us. I have not yet been able to drive or gone into the city of Saint Louis. We came up the highway and came straight to the hotel, which I'm thankfully we did. I'm sure Saint Louis being a major city would be no different than where I came from. From Toronto, Canada, where often you can even get the file by looking at billboards and all the terrible immoralities the city have to offer.
Do we know how easily this world ignore God?
But yet, God reminded us this afternoon about the Lord Jesus Christ.
The one who loves you. We talked about the cross. Do you remember that, young people?
The cross.
In John chapter 3 we know that well known verse for God so loved the world.
We know that, don't we? But we'll go back a little bit further. And he said as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, Even so must the Son of Man be lifted up.
Foretold the fact that the Son of Man has to die in your stead, because the wages of sin is dead. And for us there is no way out. We cannot.
Obtain any from our works, the work of redemption. But God is merciful, He is gracious. Then we read that well known verse in John's Gospel, chapter 3. It says, For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish.
But have everlasting life.
And then they go on.
It tells us for God send not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. What a gracious God. What a loving God who would send his Son so that you and I can be redeemed by Him shedding the blood on the cross and be brought into his family.
We will remind of the Philippines jailer and many of you know that story. He asked a question to Paul and Silas. He said, sirs, what must I do to be saved?
And we all know the answer is so simple.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. And as if that's not enough, he go on in his head and thine house. Oh.
He loves you, He wants you. The work of redemption has been accomplished. Only believing in His Word do you believe.
Do you want to believe that God sent his Son so that you and I can live?
As I look across, I trust that most here knows the Lord Jesus Christ.
And I thought I would take the liberty to use examples that maybe we don't often use, but from the Word of God.
I sometimes find when someone tell me things I have a tendency to listen well, but I go right through me without understanding it.
I don't know if you find that and often objects helps now in a meeting as such, I didn't bring any object lessons, so you can feel relief on that. But I thought perhaps I can paint a little picture. Then we can see what I had before me tonight was perhaps even look at through the Lord's help, the grand scheme of things, of how God is in full control of everything.
How we had before us these last two day things. We've been predestinated. We have been chosen before the foundation of this world. Oh God had everything preplanned and manned and with man's failure cannot change God's purposes.
And to see God's love through his word of what He did to redeem us. And I thought sometimes if we paint a little picture in our own minds or perhaps have a little framework or an outline, if you were, and some young people have probably heard me mention this before, it's like playing a puzzle. It's nice to be able to see the picture on the puzzles first and then do the puzzle, isn't it? I know many of you know that I don't know how to do puzzles very well.
I enjoy helping the little ones when they come in eight pieces, that's a lot easier for me. And for some of you who take those 5000 pieces puzzles, well, I can't tell the difference between the cloud and the water anyway, so they're difficult. So I thought perhaps if we can paint a small puzzle and look at the picture and let's turn with the time here. Let's turn to the book of Leviticus. And some of you know that I enjoy that book and particularly to the 23rd chapter.
You may look and say, well how is the gospel going to be presented in the book of Leviticus?
Remember, this whole word of God we have before us is about Christ. It is about the Lord Jesus Christ. Everything we read off in the Old Testament point toward the cross. Things we read of in the future. Today we quote it in the book of Ezekiel. That's the future temple. Oh, they were to look back toward the cross.
And we'll find that God has his Son in mind for us before long, before you and I exist in this world. And I'd like to use this as an example, perhaps as a small framework, because it's nice to know the counsel of God. Leviticus, chapter 23. We won't have time to read through this, and I would encourage the young people here to study this chapter.
Just as a side comment and some of the well known writer would tell you that when you learned in this book here called the Seven Feasts of Jehovah, when you learn the seven parables in the in the Gospel of Matthew and the seven churches that we touch on briefly this afternoon.
To say that's when Christian knowledge begins. So I encourage you to learn. And this evening I'd like to look at briefly, I don't profess to be very well versed on this, but briefly, the seven feasts of Jehovah and how the Lord Jesus is presented in these seven feasts. And for some of the young people you want to write down next to this, it may be easier. And I will tell you where these seven are just to keep things easier for the younger ones.
Some people call what class it perhaps age feasts because the Sabbath, some would consider it as a fee, some won't, or some would class it as include a Sabbath, but they class this the Passover and the unleavened bread together. I'd like to look at it as the Sabbath plus the 7th feast. It's like any book. The introduction tells you everything, doesn't it?
Introduction is the Sabbath because it tells us that the remaineth to be a rest for God's people. That's God's purpose. Now let's go into this. I want you to write down, if you want to, the first feast in the fifth verse.
We'll find that in the 14th day of the first month, in the evening, it's the Lord's Passover.
The second feast is mentioned here in the sixth verse.
On the 15th day of the same month is the Feast of Unleavened bread unto the Lord Eve. Seven days he must eat unleavened bread. That's the second feast. The third feast we found in verse 10.
Partway through, perhaps toward the end there, we're finally as if they're off. Then ye shall bring a sheaf of the first fruit of your harvest unto the priest, and he shall wave the sheaf before the Lord to be accepted for you.
On the moral after the Sabbath, the 4th feast, we find here.
The 15th verse And ye shall count, and young people like this you can count.
Unto you from the moral after the Sabbath, From that day ye shall brought the sheep, and the wave offering seven Sabbath shall be complete. The 4th one you have to count 7 weeks and the moral after. So you know your mathematics. Seven days in seven weeks gives 49 days plus the day after.
You will have what we call the Feast of weeks of 50 days.
The six feast we find in verse 24 In the first day of the month ye shall have a Sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets and holy convocation. This is what the Jews, you probably often heard them refer this to the Rosh Hashanah or as the New year. 27 verse the 6th feast. Also on the 10th day of the 7th month there shall be a day of atonement.
The Jews called out the Yom Kippur. You probably heard of that too.
And then one more to complete the seventh verse 34.
Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, The 15th day of the 7th month shall be the Feast of Tabernacles for seven days unto the Lord.
I'm sorry we took a bit of time to go through this.
But it helps to see where the seven and what the seven fees are. Let's go back to the very first feast, the Feast of Passover.
What do we remember about the Passover Exodus Chapter 12? We all know that chapter well. On the 10th day they depict that lamb. Did they keep that lamb until the 14th day between the evening and in that evening?
They had to kill that lamb. Do you remember that story?
Then they had to take the blood.
And they had to put it on the doorpost and on the upper door post.
We know the story, don't we? And when that destroying Angel came that night, it tells us from the word of God it will look and see the blood on the doorpost and it will say when I see the blood I will.
Passover. You.
Passover is a picture of death. Here's the Lamb of God. We know that in Corinthians he mentioned that Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for you and the Lord Jesus, the one whom we are preaching tonight, came to fulfill God's word. He was the perfect Passover. We won't have time tonight to go into details, but when you read through the gospel.
You'll find that he entered Jerusalem on the appointed time. We find that six days before the Passover in John chapter 12, he was at a place where Lazarus was six days before. The Passover is the 9th day if you take the 14th day as the Passover is a little bit hard to follow, but I like the way the Catholic presented. They call it the Good Friday and the Palm Sunday.
I'm not advocating the system, it's an evil system, but what they have taught helps us in the reference to this.
Friday was the crucifixion. The Passover must be killed in the evening of the Thursday to the following evening of the Friday. That's what it means by before between the evenings. But then Scripture said on the 10th day they had to choose this lamb. And you'll find that on the 10th day he entered Jerusalem. There he rode on. That *** is cold. Their men would be out there crying, Hosanna.
He entered Jerusalem on that day to fulfill what the word of God told him to do and to think of this one who knew full well what was before him. He came into this world as the Son of God. He knew full well what was before him. We found Scripture recorded, as it says, that He set his face as a Flint to go to Jerusalem. Nothing would deter them. He knew His purpose for being here.
Is to be that Passover lamb. He know his purpose is to die because of your sins and my sins.
So he came.
But four days before his suffering, he went into the city of Jerusalem. There he met with his own. We won't have time to go through all his those days, but we find that on that Friday.
Early in the morning men came and they took him away.
There we had before us. Men were mocked him, they would punish him, men were cried out. We would rather release Barabbas.
We as men will say, away with Him, crucified Him. This is the heart of man in the Passover feast, reminded us.
That there is one who came as a willing victim.
The one who came to bear your sins, my sins, our sins, on his own body, on that tree there we know on the cross on that Friday, the 15th day of the month.
At about 12 noon.
The sky was darkened.
Until it was three hours at 3:00.
Our blessed Savior was cried with a loud voice. He said on the cross, it is finished. The work of redemption was accomplished. He died. He gave up the ghost.
He was the only one that can say that he came to do the Father's will.
And he said I have the power to lay it down and I have the power to take it up again.
And he said this is the commandment of the father. Oh.
Dear friends, he died for you. As if that's not enough, we know from scriptures.
The soldiers came with that spear, and with that spear it peers into his precious side.
And we can read from scripture, it says forthwith came.
Came blood and water.
The Passover feast. Death.
Feast of Unleavened Bread, immediately after his death, they were the purge, all the leavened out of them. We won't have time to go into that, but I'd like to talk about the next feast. We said that was Friday. According to the Jewish calendar, it would be the 15th day of the month.
Saturday would be the 16th day we find in Scripture. Nothing happened. That was the day of Sabbath. They sealed the tomb. They guarded it by soldiers.
So no man.
Can claim they come and took the body of our blessed Lord away.
The next feast is the feast of the first fruits Israel of old on the 17th day that they bring these the sheaves of first fruits. It's interesting to think of this part.
This feast happens around the time frame of March and April.
Now I know I'm a city boy. I don't know much about farming and I have to be careful. There are many farmers in this room and I stand corrected.
What first fruits do you bring?
Around March and April.
And if I understand it correctly, it was that fruit of barley. What a beautiful picture of our Lord Jesus Christ. I was told barley was put into the ground in the winter or before the winter, and it sits there as if it was dead. Came springtime, the first thing that came up was barley. Barley was the despised food. It was animal feed.
I talked to a farmer one day. They said there is not much nutritional value in it. We found a little boy, poor boy, who had fishes and barley loaf. What a beautiful picture of the one of the Christ that we're presenting to you. The one, the word of God said he was despised and rejected of man, a man of sorrows and the one who was acquainted with grieves. And he said we hid this of our faces from him.
Or he was despised and rejected? Dear friends, are you in the same position 2000 years later, looking at this Christ that we are preaching to you, as if it was foolishness that you despise the Son of God who loved you, who gave himself for you? This first fruit of barley was brought.
Let's go back to the tomb at the cross.
On the 17th day, that early Sunday morning, you can read through scriptures. There very early in another passage, they find our blessed Savior was no longer in the tomb when those came. They find the Angel telling them he is not here, He is risen. And dear friends, tonight not only are we presenting to you.
Of Christ, who loved you and who died for you. We're presenting to you a living Savior, the one who conquered death. He is now risen on high. Oh, there is power in the word of God. There is power from God to raise him from the dead.
You know we often preach Christ crucified. Oh, how sad. Sometimes we forget to preach resurrection. Romans 10 and nine. Perhaps I haven't turned to a lot of quote. Let's turn to Romans 10:00 and 9:00.
I know most of you, if not all here know this verse very well.
Romans 10:00 and 9:00.
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus. Oh, you know this verse was so dear to me for many years and still is, but it's only until recent years I see something different in this verse.
It was not very long ago.
I realized I have not been reading this verse properly.
We talk about believing in our hearts instead of our heads and then we forget what are we to believe on. Let's read this carefully and I'm sure you are not as foolish as I was here. If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Oh, what a wonderful message of resurrection. We are to believe that we are to confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord.
Oh, we know that, don't we? But we're to believe in our heart that we have a living Savior, that God hath raised him from the dead. There's no other religion in this world can claim they have a living Savior, and we do not have a religion here. Tonight we are presenting to you a living Savior, the one who came into this world as man, very God, but yet became a man so that he can die for you.
And God, this is God's way to say the work is finished and that he is satisfied with Jesus, that he raised him from the dead. Oh, if you would confess with your mouth, dear friends, and believe that God has raised him from the dead. It says here from the word of God, and thou shalt be saved. What a wonderful, wonderful verse we have before us. So we have these three fees.
We often find Passover and unleavened bread go together.
And now we're reminded of the resurrection.
The 4th feast.
Verse 15 And ye shall count unto you from the moral after the Sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering seven Sabbath shall be complete. Even unto the moral after the 7th Sabbath, ye shall #50 days. And ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the Lord.
Perhaps I should read the next verse too. And you shall bring out of your habitations two wave loaves of two 10s deals. They shall be a fine flower. They shall be bacon with leaven. They are the first fruit unto the Lord.
From the day of the Feast of the first fruit, from the Resurrection Day.
The other count 7 weeks plus one more day.
It spells it out here 50 days from the resurrection. Did they bring this two meal offerings and we know from the word of God the meal offering is a picture of the perfectness of our Lord Jesus Christ. We find throughout the Old Testament, except in this place, what me you're offering is to be offered without leavened.
But in this case, Levin was introduced and it was baked. Oh dear friends, what happened 50 days after the resurrection day? We know the Lord Jesus stayed 50 days. He was shown. He appeared unto many.
On that fifty day, 50th day, what do we have we have known as the day of the Pentecost. God had all this before him that He wanted you and I to be part of the church. What an exciting dispensation we're in. As our brother earlier mentioned about dispensation here, we're in a dispensation of grace. God has sent His Son so that you can believe in Him.
By believing you're saved. But that's not all He did for us. He bring us into that body of Christ and that we become part of the Church, the Bride. What a glorious thought, young people.
How many of you have heard of the gospel story? And perhaps you can stand up here and tell it better than most of us can.
But have you received Jesus as your Lord? Have you received the fact? Have you acknowledged the fact that God is in control over all this and that it is God who want to bring you into blessings? Over the day of the Pentecost the church was formed, and we find the church.
Us and we'll find another passages that there's no more Jews.
Or Gentiles, it is all if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, become part of that church. What blessedness?
What Gray work? Because of the cross, because of Christ who was crucified for you. So we are now brought into blessings. But you know, dear friends, that blessing, that call, that opportunity for you to receive the Lord Jesus as your Savior.
As the time limit to that many of us here who knows and believe.
Knows that the Lord Jesus will come back for us.
At any moment.
Then where will you spend eternity?
This is the gospel message.
The message of good news. The message of good sounding.
What would you do with Jesus? Knowing is not enough. Here we see the Church being brought into blessing. The reason I tell you this is the seven feast tells us what's to happen next. We find the 1St 43 fees happen very closely together. We find there was the 14th day, and then the 15th day, and then the 17th day in three days. And then only 50 days passed that and then there's a period.
That we don't know much of. And then let's go down to the.
Feast now that was the 1St of the month. Now we are into the 7th month.
Verse 24 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a Sabbath, a memorial of blowing, of trumpets, and holy convocation. Oh, as redeem ones, dear brethren.
What does the picture of the trumpet remind us of? Oh, many of us are waiting for that shout. One that Trump shall sound. We know that the Lord shall descend.
From heaven, oh, many of us know we will be rapture away, and we know the precious thought, and the dead in Christ shall rise 1St, and we which are alive and remain is that we shall be caught up, and then together we will meet the Lord into cloud, and then he says, and then we will be forever with the Lord.
That's the preciousness for the word of God is A2 edged sword.
What about you, dear friends?
Perhaps you can quote scriptures?
Perhaps you know your parents believe in this.
Do you have the full assurance?
That you will be there.
And you know the way of salvation is simple. Believe. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. The time is coming so ever near.
But here to jitsu the Israelites of old, that was a picture you see here. This is God's grand scheme of things. Blessings, earthly blessing especially belong to Israel, is not ours. In fact, as a brother told me one time, he said whenever you hear someone talk about prophecy concerning the church, you don't need to go any further because there is no prophecy concerning the church.
Is about Israel. So here it's a picture that Israel is God's people, but because of the unfaithfulness God has to deal with them. They were scattered. 10 tribes were scattered around 700 BC. Yeah, the two tribes still didn't learn the lessons and they were taken into captivity of 587 BC, or perhaps 606, depending which captivity you look at.
And here the nation of Israel ceased to be a nation.
Until 2500 years later, the year 1948, when United Nations granted them to be a nation again. Now we have Israel we know of today, but for 2500 years they did not have a homeland, they did not have a nation. The time of the Gentiles began the 606 BC and the church began.
After 50 days from the resurrection day, the Jewish nation, as if it were, was set aside. But remember, God is gracious. This is not forever. This feast of the Trumpet is a reminder that God is going to wake up the Israelites of old. The trumpet is for them so that they can be awakened from their sleep. But we know, as we deem one, we know we will be caught away.
Before they get awakening.
So we know that and then verse 27 also on the 10th day now we find that the event happened quickly. In these last three feasts we find God's timetable is very interesting. Often we see nothing, nothing. And then when it's his time.
It happens quickly. So here on the 10th day, verse 27 also on the 10th day of the 7th month, there shall be a Day of Atonement. It shall be an holy convocation unto you, and ye shall afflict your souls and offer an offering made by fire, and ye shall do no work, and so on. Oh, we find the Day of Atonement.
Do you remember?
When you were Sunday School, we learned about that great Day of Atonement.
With a high priest.
We're allowed to go into the Holy of Holy.
Do you remember the Tabernacle that you have taken up?
There, this dwelling place where God, as a God of love, wanted to dwell with his people. He had them build this Tabernacle. And there he said, I will dwell above the mercy seat in between the cherry bombs.
If you can picture that Tabernacle.
There is only one entrance.
By the Eastgate.
Going into the Eastgate.
Looking in, you see the brazen altar or the altar of burnt offerings.
5 qubit by 5 qubit halfway across is degrade interwoven fires to be burned continually? Where the burned offerings to be made.
I thought there was that labor.
In the outer court, do you remember that?
What picture? It speaks to us. There is only one way to access God. There is only one way to Jesus.
For he says I am the way, there is no other way. No man can enter except through our Lord Jesus Christ.
The burnt offering, it is by the shed blood.
That we're constantly reminded. Do you remember the law of the offerings where the offer would have to bring the offering in front of the altar, and there the offer which slay the offering, and the priest would sprinkle the blood in front of the oxen. What a reminder of the bloodshed, the labor, the water where priests have to cleanse himself before he can do any work.
And dear young people, we have the word of God before us to keep us from all defilement. But then, if you remember, there was the curtains.
The Veil.
A commoner could not go in.
Priests could go in. When you enter into this first veil, there you see inside.
Glittering in gold. Do you remember that there's a golden Candlestick, the picture of the Holy Spirit?
On the other side.
We see the table of Showbread.
But then, as we look carefully, there are yet another set of bail. Behind that veil is the Holy of Holies, where no man, no man could go in. Inside that is the mercy seat.
The Ark, The cherubim looking down.
And what does it look down upon?
Oh, blood.
Because the high priest we're allowed to go in once a year and not without blood.
There he was to make an atonement for himself and then for his people. So here the Day of Atonement, they were reminded back then to look forward to that day when our Lord Jesus will shed his blood on the cross. There at the cross, the center of two eternity.
The question of sin was settled once and forever, and I'll blessed Savior can cried on that cross and he said it is finished because there's no more to be done.
And then we found in the book of Matthew.
The veil of the temple reigned in train, and we find as we read in the book of Hebrews.
How precious that he can say brethren, we can now bully going into and have that free access to God through that man, that man Christ Jesus. Oh the day of atonement one more here's our time is slipping by the 7th feast in verse 34, speak unto the children of Israel saying the 15th day of the 7th month shall be the feast.
Of the Tabernacles.
This feast, this is the feast where they talk about all the harvest to be brought in. Picture of that millennial scene when their work, when the Sabbath, the true Sabbath that rests, are fully accomplished. As our brother asked me earlier on, that in the fullness of time, when is the fullness of the dispensation of time? In that day when Lord should reign.
That blessed day shall come, and I believe a brother in this end made a very interesting remark.
And I don't know if some of you have caught it. It was something to the effect that he said that day could very well be as little as seven years from today. What blessedness that we can rejoice knowing that the coming of our Savior, the return of our Savior is so overnight we yes redeem one can rejoice. That's why in the book of Corinthian where before us until you who believed he is precious.
Is this truth precious to you to know that God had laid on this grand scheme, but above all He had you and I in mine? That you have been predestinated, that you have been, that you will be conforming to His image, to the image of His dear Son. And then he tells us that we have been justified and that we're going to be glorified. What a wonderful thought that we shall be like Him and shall be with Him.
But it is a gospel meeting, and the solemn side must be presented to. And I ask again.
Where will you?
Where will you spend eternity?
Work will not save you. Your parents can save you.
The Word of God give us solemn warnings that He sets. Behold, now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation. Tomorrow could be too late. Let's close by singing hymn number.
Perhaps it's not.
I was thinking to him that says weeping will not save you. Yes, hymn #30 we paying will not save you.
Though though my face were bathed in tears that could not allay my fears, could not wash the sins of years. Weeping will not save me, Working will not save me. Purest deeds that I can do, Holiest thoughts and feelings too.
Cannot form my soul anew. Working will not save me.
This third verse I find it even more solemn because I know many of the young people.
Fall into this category. We know that we need the Lord Jesus as our Savior.
But we are waiting.
Please heed to what the hymn writer is warning us. Waiting will not save me. Helpless, guilty, lost, I lie in my ear is mercy cry. If I wait, I can but die. Waiting will not save me. Jesus bled and die for me. Jesus suffered on the tree.
Jesus waits to make me free. He alone can save me. Let's sing this hymn together.