Gospel 2

By: David So
Duration: 51min
Gospel—David So
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Good evening.
We have some little entries that I'm a minute or two early. I hope that's OK with you.
I see that many children here this evening, and I'd like to begin with a few things with children. I hope you'll bear with me on that. And if you look at the back of our hymn sheet here, most of the hymns are for children and I'd like to start with hymn #42.
And many of you who know me knows that this is one of my favorite hymns. I'd like to think this hymn twice. The first time we've seen this hymn, we're gonna sing it the way it is. The second time we're gonna sing it, we're gonna change the words just so slightly. We were saying a little child of 70 or even 34.
I can see a :) looking at me because she told me one year when I gave it, I was such that she was going to turn 34.
But I thought tonight we said we should fit almost everyone in this category. Whether you are a little child of 70, and I know some are even older than that or 34, or whether you are a child of seven or even three or four. This is the message that God would have you to know.
He wants you to know that you may enter into heaven.
Through Christ, the open door.
Or when the heart believeth on Christ the Son of God, tis then the soul receiver salvation through his blood. So let's sing this together.
I want many can have my friends may have had my husband.
Goodbye. And if you don't fast No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I want to try and start on the bell and give it a night. Let's go over to me sleep in the South Dakota. And so there's a little bit of a head one.
Right. And, and I'll try and, uh, on my heart to do anything.
On my eyes? Uh-huh.
OK, I'm going to have uh.
I actually like to say one more children's him is is nice often that we think of children's him. Sometimes it's so simple. Yeah, they get the message across to us, doesn't it? So I like to sing hymn #41 because often we look at children and say, well, how much do they know? I believe they know more than we do. But how much do we know that God knows and loves them? So here.
This hymn tells us that.
In that day it's gonna come around the throne of God in heaven. Will many children sing? Children whose sins are all forgiven will heavenly anthems bring? What would they be singing?
They will be singing glory, glory, glory be to God on high, blessing this hymn together.
Plans are up for him. We'll have to have some training, thinking, glory.
In shining around about five years one while we are ready and well we can have our life seems like it has noise and have a birthday in singing laundry.
Alright, but I'm I'm going to get into.
Creating plan, you're going to die of where I'm outside of all the time, so we'll try and satisfy that.
Where all this needs and joy and love about in the children's better singing glory.
All right.
Well, replacement.
999 is not sadly it's 129 but do not calculate everything. Now watching that the French and bloody nose. And why can't we keep anything 180?
Uh, can you please do, uh, my?
That is nice to see that we can sing glory to God, the one who loved us, the one who gave his Son to die for us on the cross. And we know, children that we just smoke off. Children here know too that.
We have problems.
As some of you know, we brought a couple of little ones with us, our grandchildren.
And I watch even at two years of age.
They want to do things their own way. I see parents are smiling at that. We have a will, don't we? And often.
That will that desire to do things that are disobedient. The word of God tells us that for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
Little child of seven, little child of two, the Word of God says you are included in that verse for all have sinned. So some of your older ones may be looking across at the children and say look at those little ones that are sinners. You're right.
But then you have to look at the person sitting next to you.
Both sides.
And you look at them, they may not be little children.
I am 100% sure.
That the two people next to you, did you take a good look at them? They are sinners in God's sight for all. Oh don't forget, when you look at the other person, they also look at you.
And that all in this room, no one is excluded. I find it difficult in the society we're in that the word sin, the question of sin is becoming a very unpopular word.
Anything in contrary to the word of God.
We find that to be not acceptable.
I was accused by someone because I wouldn't let them use my office space to do yoga, he said. You are intolerant to other religions.
Though the word of God makes it very clear with sin. I had a I'm trying to see, had someone visited here last night, sat next to me and I hope if he's here, I hope you don't mind me using the example you gave me. This young man told me he's an evangelist and some of you young people met him because I remember one of you walk up to him and say, I know you and he said, how do you know me? He said, I saw you preaching.
In downtown Saskatchewan, uh, Regina.
Preaching. Wow. Open air preaching.
And he said to me, many churches no longer willing to preach according to the word of God.
Because the word sin is not acceptable.
In many people's minds.
It's good that we're in pressure, whoever or whatever organization that you're with, to change the standard so that sin does not seem to be so bad, but the Word of God does not change its standard.
Set for all have sinned. In fact, in the book of Romans it tells us that for the wages of sin is death. Now we have children, young people, they're still awake. I know they should be in bed. But thank you for coming to a gospel meeting.
But he said, do you know that as a young person? Do you know that you get paid?
To sin.
Oh yeah, you're looking at me funny now I know when mom and dad said help me to do something. And sometimes they reward you with some kind of pay for the word of God says the wages you get paid.
For the wages of sin. But it's a sad consequence, isn't it? The wages of sin is death.
Oh, how sad it is that when we sin, the consequence is death.
And we were reminded all have sinned. We are sinners in God's sight.
So that means death is upon every man, and it's all because of one man's offense. Death came into the world and death by sin. So all have sinned. But you know, the Word of God is wonderful because it tells us that the wages of sin is death.
Now I know many of you have learned Sunday school versus how many of you know what that verse. No one know that verse. Oh quite a few. The bigger young people, the bigger kids here know what too. And the way now did I quote at you the whole verse?
No, I didn't finish it, did I? Where is that baby? We should turn to that. Who can help me? I see young people there who can help me find that averse. Does anybody know where that is?
Is he right? Well, we have to turn to the Word of God and say that Romans 10 and nine is a very good verse in regard to salvation, but it's not the one that we were thinking of. But thank you. Anyone else can help us find that verse.
I'm sorry.
Romans 6, verse 23. He was so close, wasn't he?
Let me read that verse together, even though I know you know that. Well, this is the whole verse. For the wages of sin is death. Ah, here's a beautiful word, but.
But isn't that nice? In the English language we have the word but or however it changes the thought, doesn't it? But the gift of God is.
Eternal life thru Jesus Christ our Lord.
You get paid for sinning and that payment is death. But here God offers a gift to you. The gift is eternal. Life is not death. What a contrast that we have eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord and this evening.
While we're in the book of Romans, I will quote you another verse and I want all to turn to Romans chapter one because as much as this world.
Doesn't want us to talk about God's standard that all have.
Sin Romans chapter one verse 16 And we need to remember this, even though I know many of you know these these verses well. Romans one verse 16 for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. Isn't it wonderful to be able to say that out loud? I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God.
Unto salvation.
To everyone that believe us, to the Jew 1St and also to the Greek, isn't it nice that we can stay boldly? And as I look across the room, you know I often say that in gospel reading, as I know many of you. But this evening I would have to say I don't know many of you.
But I trust that you know the word of God.
I trust that you too can say, for I am not ashamed.
Of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believe us.
Yesterday we mentioned some of you who are in the reading meeting about the juice. Well, here is a wonderful thing to remind us is to the Jews first, isn't it? And then to the rest of the Gentiles, like the Greek. Now I'd like to turn to the passage that our young brother referred to Romans 10 and nine. Beautiful verse.
Romans 10 and nine. It tells us how we can be.
Save to receive this gift of God, if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus.
And shall believe in thine heart, that God hath raised him from the dead.
Thou shalt be saved.
Isn't it wonderful? We're sinners in God's sight, but here God tells us if we confess with our mouth, confession that what? Not just Jesus. You know this world, a lot of people call on the name of Jesus.
One of my business, neighbor at work, he's a Muslim and he said we believe in Jesus, he's one of the prophets. No, that's not what we refer to.
We believe Jesus the Lord, the Son of God.
The one who came down from heaven. God, beloved Son, begotten Son of God.
So here we owe him as Lord, if thou shalt confess Jesus with thy mouth.
The Lord Jesus.
Have you confessed that he is your Lord, not just the name Jesus?
And believe in thine heart.
You believe truly in your heart.
What are we to believe in? You know we sometimes the word of God keep things simple. We learn from the Philippian jailer in the book of Acts 16. There is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. It's that simple, isn't it? God does not make way of salvation difficult. So we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you're saved.
But here it tells us a little bit more that we acknowledge Him as Lord. We believe in our hearts.
Let's read on that verse, that God hath raised him from the dead.
So that gave us two thoughts there, doesn't it, that he died?
That the Son of God came into this world. He died.
And then he was raised from the death.
Thou shalt be safe.
In the Word of God we find the death of our Lord Jesus Christ. But you'll find often death and resurrection always goes together. He died for his sins. We find in John chapter 3 it says that as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, Even so must the Son of Man be lifted up. How many of you remember the story of Moses in the wilderness?
Came and bid, many of them, they were sick and dying. They would hold to make the pole with a brass serpent on it. And anyone who has the faith to look, all they have to do is look and they shall be saved. So in John's gospel we are reminded as Moses lifted up a serpent in the wilderness. But then they said, Even so must the Son of Man be lifted up.
That was foreshadowing that Jesus will come into this world to be a sin bearer and he himself will be lifted up high.
On the cross we trained heaven and earth as we sometimes sing with our phrase the center of two eternities. Let's turn to John chapter 3. I'm sure we all know these verses very well, but we didn't know that and believe it in our hearts.
We often quote John 316, don't we? But I'd like to connect John 314 on because it's so important. We just finished quoting. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, Even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whosoever believeth.
I'm sorry that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life, all by believing that the Lord Jesus, he too was lifted up as in Moses serpent of old. It says that you won't perish.
And half eternal life. And then it can go on to the verse that we all know well and dear. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. That's John 316.
John 316 is not just a symbol of writing the number three quotation mark 16 Oh John 316, share with us that God, for God so loved you and I.
That he gave his only begotten Son.
Because no one else was able.
To take away sin, except his Son, the one we learned from the rest from another passage in the Bible, the sinless one, the one who knew no sin, the one who was may sin for us. He was able to come and bear your sins and my sins on his own body on that tree. So by believing we have everlasting life.
You know, sometimes you go to places and you see 316. I think it's wonderful, isn't it, to be reminded you see tax, you see posters. Sometimes they simply say 316.
I think that's wonderful.
But I do believe too that there are times that those who are not familiar with the Word of God would have no idea what 316 is.
In fact, I have people commented to me after it was read there was a oh, that's what John 316 is.
Isn't it nice that as I look around I see children and perhaps many of you have grown up learning the Sunday school versus and this is possibly one of the first ones that you memorize. Isn't it for God?
God so loved the world, everyone in this world, that he would give His only begotten Son. What greater love is this?
That he was spared, not his own son, but deliver him up for us all.
And then verse 17 as if God is not done telling us how much he loved you and want to save you from your sins, 1St 17 tells us for God.
Send nod.
Excuse me, for God send not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. That's the heart of God.
Now we must remember God is a God of light and is a God of love, and this world forgets that he has both characteristics. As a God of love, He's willing that none should perish. He wants you to be saved and spend eternity with him.
As a God of love.
But as a God of light, we know that there's the governmental side of God, that God must punish sin.
So he used his son in your stead.
He is not here to condemn the world, but that the world through him.
Might be saved.
And God still want us to know more. Verse 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned.
Who? As if he knows how thick we are?
How many times that we've been told something, we didn't get it?
Have your mom ever told you that I told you?
And you said I don't remember hearing that. I know I have. I know my wife say that to me often. I told you, well, maybe she have. So here, as if the God wanted you to know, he that believeth on him is not condemned, but he that believeth not is condemned.
Already because he had not believed in the name.
Of the only begotten Son of God. Oh sad consequences, my friend, by rejecting the offer, the gift that God has offered you tonight, His own Son.
By believing that Jesus died for you, You know, sometimes in Sunday school and in hobby classes, we.
Learn that we have to keep the gospel message simple and sometimes we say you need to learn the ABC of the gospel. And that's what we just did, isn't it? All have sinned. We must believe that we have sinned. We must believe that we are sinners before God be the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son cleanseth us from all sin.
Well see there is a little bit tougher, but I like to take the liberty to use part of a verse is to come.
Lord to come, let us reason to gather, saith the Lord. Come, all ye that I labor, and all ye that labor and are heavy laden, I will give you rest.
The word of God is simple.
And if you're still lost in the sins, if you still.
Not have the Lord Jesus as your Savior.
The word of God said, behold, now is the accepted time. Behold.
Now is the day of salvation. Tomorrow could be too late.
Now I'd like to turn to.
The portion that I had on my heart this evening.
Yesterday we had a gospel meeting.
Wonderful to be reminded the origin of sin.
In the garden, we know that, don't we?
So let's turn to Genesis chapter one. I'm just going to read a small portion there.
Genesis chapter one, The Word of God begins with this word.
In the beginning, God.
I'm going to leave it as that in the beginning. God, that's my intro to you. For the verse that was on my heart is in First Corinthians.
Chapter 15.
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
First Corinthians chapter 15, just the beginning part of verse 24. It is kind of strange to use this in a gospel meeting. I trust that the Lord can help us tie this together. 1St Corinthians 15 verse 24 then cometh.
The end.
Now for those of you who have the King James translation with you, you'll probably notice the word cometh is an italic. So really we could take that out. And the new translation, the Darby translation, doesn't have the word combat, so we can read it as such then.
The end.
In the beginning, God.
Then the end.
Solemn thought, isn't it that this world go on forever?
Let your life go on forever. We sometimes sing in that hymn. Life at best, is very brief.
If you were to visit a cemetery, you will find certain persons name engraved on that tombstone.
And the reason for that tombstone is at least the thought the memory of the person should last forever. However, that person came and gone, that was the end of that person. So you might say whatever the name is on there with the starting date and that date is irrelevant. You might say something like 1925.
And then there's a hyphen. And then they may say 1982.
Then come at the end for that person born into this world, left this world.
Now the question for that person is this.
Where would he spend eternity?
There are only two places. One is with the Lord Jesus in glory.
The other one will be cast into the Lake of Fire. There is no in between.
But I don't believe this portion speaks of the end as the way we think of a person who died. So perhaps we will read a few verses before that to get some connections, which I find it very interesting. So we are in First Corinthians chapter 15.
We start diverse. 21 First Corinthians chapter 15, verse 21.
For sins by man came death.
Thy man came also the resurrection of the dead.
For as in Adam or die, Even so in Christ shall all be made alive, but every man in his own order, Christ the first fruits afterward they that are Christ at his coming.
Then cometh the end, or then the end, when he shall have delivered up the Kingdom to God, even the Father.
When he shall have put down all rule, and all authority and power, For he must reign till he has put all enemies under his feet, The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. Therefore he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is expected which did put.
All things under him.
It came the end, but this, the end is an association. But what we just talked about isn't it? There was the beginning. There was the beginning of time, not beginning of eternity, where our blessed God and our blessed Savior inhabited eternity. There is no beginning and there is no end for our God nor our Savior.
But some time ago time began. So the Lord Jesus can say I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending. In regard to time. It's going to come a day when time shall cease.
And this world will be no more as they go into the eternity stage. But here in this portion, in fact, the chapter of the 15th chapter speaks of resurrection. Some people doubt it, resurrection. The apostle Paul has to clarify that for them here. Resurrection, if if you recall, we mentioned death and resurrection always go together. So we're reminded here.
For sins by man, this man Adam, we had that before us last night. Disobedient is sin. For sins by man came death.
The day he ate of that fruit, Lord, ye shall surely die.
So death by man came also the resurrection of death for us in Adam, or died.
So we know in the book of Romans we will remind that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, for by one man's offense that we all became sinners. But here is that but every but uh, uh, Even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
Resurrection is such a wonderful part of Scripture.
Is mentioned over and over and over again.
I don't know where to begin. I don't know where to stop. We know of the resurrection scene. We read that in the Gospel, haven't we? That he died? He was in the tomb. He died on Friday at 3:00 precisely. He stayed in the tomb all day Saturday. Man would seal the tomb with a Gray stone.
And put guards be outside it.
Very early on Lord's Day, we read those wonderful words. He is not here, He is risen. Oh, this evening, dear friends, we are presenting to you a living Christ is risen from the dead. We know the resurrection seen. We know that there were many witnesses that that.
Saw his resurrection, we knew the women were the 1St that he talked to and show himself to. We knew Peter.
Saw the Lord Jesus, there were many instances that he showed them before he went home to his father's house. But what a beautiful things to be reminded. Let's go back to that verse that our young brother quoted in Romans 10 and 9. Even though as a gospel verse we find resurrection and you know, it's, it's interesting. I knew that verse for many, many years, but I didn't notice.
Resurrection is in that Romans 10 and verse 9. Uh.
It tells us just that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe that God hath raised him from the dead, oh, isn't it wonderful to know God hath raised him from the dead?
And he says that thou shall be saved.
Now I'm going to change my talk a little bit. To many who knows the Lord, I trust that the gospel message was presented clearly for those who are lost. But the Word of God is so sure.
I'm going to change a bit just for encouragement if I may.
From the very beginning, God.
Knew that man was sin. God knew that a substitute has to be given.
Death and resurrection was prepared from eternity past.
So this morning some of you were here. We find a father and son works together. And we read in that verse that he says, I come to do thy will, O God, O they knew and they came.
From the beginning to the end, God knew.
The word of God is very precise. We don't have time to go into it. For some of your younger ones, check out the number 70. You'll find a 70 days, the 70 weeks, you'll find all the connections in there. But here is a number, the word of God. That's very interesting. That's the number 17 of the 17th day of the month, in particularly the first month. That's the resurrection day. God knew from the beginning. So if you were to go through.
Seven fees of Jehovah you'll find that the first feast is the Passover, then the unleavened bread, and then the.
Then the feast of the first fruits.
When is that celebrated? Why first fruit?
Resurrection from the very beginning. God have death and resurrection in my Passover death, isn't it? Have you read through Exodus? We won't have the time to go turn to that. On the 10th day they have to pick that lamb. On the 14th day between the evening, they are to kill that lamb.
The Lord Jesus was the perfect fulfillment of that. He came into Jerusalem on the 10th day.
On the 14th day of the evening he had a Passover with his disciple Between the evening means yet until the next evening on the 15th by 3:00.
There he was already on the cross, fulfilling the Passover feast.
For the feast of the first fruit, saith the Passover, the 14 to the 15th, the 16th is the Sabbath. The next day they are to offer up the feast of the first fruit. Am I right in that? Yeah. Now what's even interesting is the first fruit is not wheat, is not anything fancy that we think it is because that's early spring is Bali.
That despise food animal feeds. That's our Lord Jesus on the 17th day, a picture of resurrection.
God foresaw that from the very beginning. And if you want to know even more interesting, we won't have time to turn to that. Some of you know the story of Noah and the ark.
He set the ark landed among Ararat on the 17th day of the first month, fulfilling the same time as the as the resurrection scene. And you go through scriptures, there are many 17 days in reference and you can look that up you'll find that they cross the Red Sea they.
On the 17th day you can you can backtrack that because prior to that it was the Passover.
And then they waited one night, and then the next day they crossed that mix of the 17th day. You'll find that they cross Jordan on the 17th day. You'll find that Ruth and Naomi came back to the land. It doesn't say the 17th day is at the beginning of barley harvest, which I believe was the same time of the feast of the first fruits. God look at that from the very beginning, knowing that His Son must die. And as we are quoted as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even.
Must the Son of Man be lifted up? And young people, here's another phrase.
The Son of Man, the despised and rejected. 1 Thus the title, isn't it? But the Son of Man is going to be the same one who is going to come back in glory to execute judgment, then come at the end. But what comes before the end? Oh, there's going to be a Gray white throne. Judgment. He turned to the end of Revelation, you'll find.
The dead small, engraved before God.
And the sentence was they were guilty and be cast into the lake of fire.
Where will you stand before God tonight?
Some of you may have been coming to meeting.
Some of you may have come with your parents, Some of you may have been invited to be here.
The conditions that you're in doesn't change if you are still lost in your sins if you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior.
Before this cometh the end.
You will be lost.
There's no second chance as some people in this world try to convince you there's no other way. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. And for many here we're family. Let me finish quoting that verse. That word verse is not quite done yet. It's just and thine house. What blessedness it is that when we are saved, God bless families as well. He think of you, they think of your family. He wants you to be.
Let's sing in closing.
Hymn #26 hymn #26 there is life.
In a look.
At the crucifix I There is life at this moment for thee. Then look, Sinner, look unto him, and be saved unto him who was nailed to the trees.
It is not thy tears of repentance, nor prayers, but the blood that atones for the soul on him. Then believe and pardon receive for his blood.
Now can make thee quite whole team #26.
And my camera.
Until again and getting ready, I've been awareness of what you tell to go to the tree.
There in life and I'm like another thing I can find that there is quite a massive small man over there.
And then again, I'm fine here. I'll have a drink and like snow and prepare.
No, no, no, no, no.
That's Mary had enough time and pretty things.
Five and one mouth and a Big 50.
There is my turn out of the house. That's where your nose is by 1.
There is one and passive cold friends over the disease.
We are again by 1009 thousand because other and.
She is all right, let's not say.
But uh.
Maybe she's in bed and it's coming on.
I don't think that's better. I'm not sure.
I'm going to bring you back again tomorrow morning.
And I don't know, whatever I want to be advocating and it's kind of late because it's not worth it. Anything. Umm.
There's no half of it. She's.
Going to take one I'm thinking together.
So when I'm never can't stop.
And then cheers, but I cry and I'll let you know.
And then I ran flying and I was as I sprayed the hood in my life and there is a light that's been lovable, man, so many things.
Before, Before we pray.
I just want to add a word of encouragement. I know many here in this room know the ******. I love the Lord Jesus. The Word of God tells us that we're to do the work of the evangelist.
We don't have to be an evangelist to do the work. Eventually, when I share with you the young man who following thousand evangelists in this city, I asked him this question. I said.
Do people really in this country still would be willing to receive gospel classes and Bibles?
And I don't know about you. For me, I have the. I have these thoughts and.
Folks here in this country is not interested. We see how in Mexico and other countries that they are widely accepted, willing to take it and said to the neurologist instead of answering me, pull out a cell phone with a signature. She said it started showing. See this man, he took the track and I watched him. He walked down there and he was reading it and then he twice. So another picture, see this hand and this man.
Oh, I just wanted to encourage you to do the work of the evangelist. We're not responsible.
For the work.
The Lord is the one that give us the increase, but we are responsible to do the work. That's great.