Children's 1

Children—David So
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We've got plenty of seats. Yeah, we have the more seats up front.
By the way, thank you for the big boys to be upfront too. This is nice. And if there are bigger boys, as long as you're under 75, you're still a big boy, right? Welcome to be upfront. All right, let's begin with a hymn.
Cisco for big boy, big girls, and even little boys. Anyone you have one that you like?
You don't. OK. I'm sorry. Yes.
#42O that's nice a he don't have to open the pages.
Oh, this is my favorite. Can I? Yeah. You're laughing. You know what I'm going to say.
Can I tell you how we sing it? Just in case of those who haven't, we'll sing this verse twice. The first time we'll sing it the way it is. The second time around, we're going to change the words to a little child of 70. I know someone told me that 71. So he qualifies too. And the number of Yeah.
71, a little child of 70 or even 34. How's that? We'll change the second time around. We sing it that way. So we'll we'll sing it the way it is the first time.
Look to the Lord first.
Our blessed God, blessed God and our loving Father, we give thanks this morning for thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. And as we have been reminded in this little hymn, how we have.
Brought salvation through his blood.
And this morning we look to thee once more. We commit this meeting into thine hand.
We think of many little children here, maybe of seven.
Or even 3 or 4.
We think of the older ones too. We commit each and everyone into thine hand.
We pray especially for those who are still lost. We pray that Thou would help them to repent.
Help them to change their minds, God Word and receive the Lord Jesus as the Savior.
So we commit this meeting into thine hand, looking for help, looking for blessings too, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Amen. Now before we sing another hymn, I want to add a comment. Sounds like old comment. You know, one of the advantage when you stand in the middle and listen to the singing is very interesting because sitting where you are, you can hear the person sing next to you. But what you can hear, you got to hear the music from all direction. But there's one other problem.
The timing is different.
I know some people told me they call that the echo of grace, but it's not very.
Good. So we, we have to sort of sing, not just listening and waiting for the sound from the opposite end to come to you. So if we pay a little bit more attention, because if you wait for that sound to come to you, you're slowing down and you're dragging the song on and on. So on the next one, let's see, we can sing it from our hearts 1St and it's to the Lord who maybe I'll pick a girl this time.
So number.
Oh, I like this. You know, in our Sunday school we had it for years and this is always one of the favorite hymn #44 into our table.
You can't salvation in everything.
Children of men nobody ever had so beautiful.
And unto the appetite.
Of joy.
My perish, my hand will be old.
Children can say of them children of men.
Nobody ever has so many force.
For me.
Happy life again.
Salvation Story.
Still, none can Save the Children of men. Nobody ever has talked with him.
Now I'm curious, did that singing sound any better?
Did the other side sounded better to you this time? I thought it did. It was lovely standing in here now. Just to be fair, we're to make a joyful noise, isn't it?
The Lord when it ascend up, it makes it so nice. You know sometimes we sing for the older ones to all our prayers, prayers and praises. You know sometimes it's not that good but this is Christ adds his sweet perfume so we do it from our heart. Let's have.
Another one from this site.
34 Oh, I have to turn the page this time. Oh, I like this too. Precious, precious blood of Jesus.
Stop singing for a moment. I'll tell you why.
I had great difficulty trying to find out what would the Lord have for me to speak on? You know, we often think of Sunday school. We see little children that we ought to speak to too. But when we come in a group like this, I see the little children that I used to know are a little bit bigger children, and I struggle to see if there's a message for all.
Now I really don't have a lot of things planned. Actually I never do. So we trust the Lord will put some words.
And things in there. So I don't know. The reason they tell you this is I don't know how long I'll talk. It may be just 10 minutes or maybe hour and a half. Oh no, I guess I don't have hour and a half. And we may have time for your verses. We may not. Just so you know, I brought.
I didn't forget someone brought someone brought me these stuff called dumb dumb. I don't know if I like this. You know I struggle with that too because one of the Sunday school we had someone gracious enough to brought me some stuff for the kids. They go you got 2 bags to choose from one side with a thing called dum Dum and the other bag is called Marty's. So at least the kids have a choice to have be smarties a dumb dumb. But all I have is this.
On their way, walking down, here I go. You know, this is actually very appropriate because as you hold on to the dum dum, you'll go.
Dummy. Well, the word of God doesn't say that. The word of God actually said.
Fooled. We don't use that word much anymore, do we? Calling someone a fool? Do you ever say that to your friend? You're a fool? No, you only say that to your brothers, right? You are a fool. Well, the word of God said somebody, He called them fool. The fool said in their heart there is no God.
Isn't that interesting now?
If we have time to say verses, I would love to give you one, perhaps two of those enough.
But I want you as you're licking. This is said, thou fool, you are going to be consumed because God said fools will be consumed in the lake of fire if you don't believe in God.
But you know scripture go further than that is is if thou believe in God, thou do us well is it the devil believe in he tremble with it. So we need to believe in the blood of Jesus. So every time you take the dum dum now I want you to think and say thou fool you will be consumed.
So now let's talk about.
The little things that I have on my heart.
We had before as a number of things, but I was thinking, let me just read the first How many of your Bible with you?
Let's turn to the book of I believe it's in Two Timothy.
And then we will talk.
Second Timothy chapter 2, verse 15. And this is for the older little kids here too.
The older boys and girls as well. It says study that scares us already right? I know when someone say the study as soon as you see that word I go oh I don't know how to study study to show thyself approved unto God a Workman that needed not to be ashamed rightly.
Dividing the word of truth. I don't think we'll have time to go into all the depths of the truth of this verse.
But what I had in my heart is the word Workman. I thought of it too late. I only thought of that a day or two ago. I would have brought my overall so you can see that I would have looked like a Workman. But for now, as a Workman, I think I need to roll up my sleeves right so that what workmen do, well, at least those who work in the office will roll up the sleeves to pretend they can do some work.
Am I right on that? We don't go out and get a shovel and sometimes maybe.
At the best, we will bring our tools in to pretend that we are workmen. I remember one time I had an employee who was a contractor and something needed done, so I brought my tools in. They said, oh can you use my tools? He looked at it and he started laughing. He said what's wrong with my tools? He said they look brand new.
So he knew I wasn't much of A Workman. You know, as a Workman, we need tools.
But sometimes we think having tools is good enough, so I would say.
I like this tool.
Does it work?
And another tool I like is pliers, right? So whatever I want to be a Workman and say, I think I'm going to talk to Mr. Smith here to get some tips on how to do dentistry.
I got a jewel, I got a plier.
I'll get some tips from him and that we're even doing a 2 for one special if you come in and let me try it.
Call 1/2, the second two is free, not just in case if I pulled the wrong one.
Does this make me a Workman? OK, the another one I didn't bring with me is I like my hammer, too. It seems to fix a lot of problems where we just force our way through on that. But here is that to study. Now I know somehow you're going to go the Derby translation. We'll deal with that in a minute. Let's please bear with me on that because I get that often.
Now how many young people here have a cell phone on them?
I know this is an exception now.
I think almost every place you go, put your phone away. I want you to bring your phone, take your phone out.
We're going to do some math because I used to do math and people go avoid math.
Do you know where your calculator is? If you ever use it, good.
Now Workman is interesting people that are in the apprenticeship, they know that you can become a master overnight. Can you, you know today the other problem we have with workmen is or with most people is I read three articles on the Internet. I know.
Be very careful. So in the trades, Mr. Mearns told me that somewhere he knows very well. Went to school for a few years. I forget what. I don't listen. Well, neither. And because it was so good, they gave him a Golden Hammer award. Am I right in saying that? Wow. It proved that he's now a master at his trade. Now, just for you, nothing of these are golden here. I couldn't afford to get Golden Hammer just to show you.
So from what I understand, on an average they say.
You need to spend 10,000 hours to be a master or something. Now let me clarify this. The word of God is more than just studying. You need to be before the Lord. It is the Spirit of God that would help us and make good of it to learn more about Christ. But let's just use that principle 10,000 hours.
If you were to spend 50 hours a week working, how long? How many weeks would it take?
I know it's a trick question. So you put in 10,000 and you divide that by 50. How many weeks?
200 weeks, How many years is that? And we can't do math, so wow, how many?
So if you spend 50 hours on something a week, it will take four years to be good at it. Now everything's different, right? Some might take longer, some take, you know, a doctor would. I hope they take longer because I know they practice on you as well, but it's not a story, right? So.
Four years. Now let me change the question. How many here spend 50 hours a week studying the word of God? Oh, I better put my hand down 1St.
So it's hard to become a master from the worldly standpoint, to become a master in the Word of God. I know people go to seminary and all that which I don't believe is proper from the Word of God, so.
Let's drop the number 10 hours.
If you spend 10 hours of the word of God and you study on it, how long would it take?
Well, actually it's quite simple. That's one fifth, so it will take five times longer. So what's 5 times for 44 years?
20 years? Wow, wait a minute, how many spent 10 hours a week studying the word of God?
I got this hand's coming back down.
OK, let's be practical.
One hour.
That's a few minutes a week. OK, we need a calculator again. So 10,000 hours divided by 1.
We really don't need a calculator for that, but.
That would be 1000 weeks. How many year without years would that be?
By the way, I cheat when I do that. I don't put 52 in there. It's too complicated. I make it 50. Then you get wrong number. How many? How many years?
192 years. How many of you spend more than an hour a week on the word of God?
Do you have 100 and what did you say?
I don't know. As I look around the room, many of us don't have 92 years, so here it tells us, study, study.
Do you want to be a good Workman? Where to study?
And don't be ashamed that we study the Word of God. Other people will laugh at you, Bible thumper.
Should be proud. Now I suppose there's a different connotation. You have to understand why they call you that. I'll leave that for another time. Then there's another part that I thought it was interesting. The word is rightly wait a minute now. So if there is a right way of dividing the word, does that mean.
There's a wrong way as well.
Interesting, isn't it? Stress those words. It's just rightly dividing.
The word of God. Now I'm going to read the Darby because I know people always jump to this. It says this, it doesn't say study. It's a strife. Interesting. Different word altogether, isn't it? Strive diligently to present thyself approved to God. A Workman that has not to be a shame.
He's interesting. You didn't say dividing the word of God, he said cutting in a straight line the word of truth.
Mr. Burns, some of you weren't here, spoken about a line that he set in the front lawn to keep his little boy from crossing so he doesn't walk under the street. You know, I think maybe I can borrow that example a little bit. And he said his little boy will go out there, look at the line, and when nobody's looking, he kicks it and just push it out a little bit further.
And then it looks again, no one else looking and they push it out a bit further. Am I right in saying that I did hear it that part. And sometimes he'll tip your toe one foot over and say, well, I didn't really cross the line. I'm still we do that. Do we do that with the truth?
Well, it's not really what it means. I will leave this to your conscience, brethren, but that's what I had in regard to Workman. Now then, I have one more thought in regard to workmen.
Sometimes we think things are not fair. How many have you ever thought things are not fair? Yeah. Especially your sister gets more than you, right? And mom seems to like her more than I. So I just want to go back to the Old Testament, to the Book of Numbers.
And we won't spend a lot of time go into it deeply, just some principle I want you to remember.
So I'm sorry, this may be a little bit more for the three or four years old, but that's what I had on my heart, so I hope the older one would learn from it too. Numbers Chapter 7 now.
In the book of Numbers it talks about the Levites.
Just suffice to say, for now, the Levi's.
The priesthood they really we can use it as.
In connection to us as Christians too, as to the priestly service, there were three brothers in particular that have the special dealing with transporting the Tabernacle. So Aaron is a Levi, but Aaron has a special spot where his sons are the only one that can be the high priest.
But here it talks about the Levi. So let me just read some verses. I just want to draw just a portion of what's fair. So there are three boys become the three families. So I'm going to start with verse 7, verse six. And Moses took the wagons. So people donated wagons to Moses for the service of the Lord. And I think it's good that we donate things to for the Lord's service.
And so there were oxens, and gave them unto the Levites.
See, the Levites were a special tribe. They were selected to do the Lord's service. They did not have an earthly portion. So the rest of them have to take care of the Levites.
Just like we should taking care of the Lord's people and the Lord's servants. So in verse 7, now Moses took the wagons, it said, and two, two wagons. Notice the numbers, if you like to be fair, remember these numbers. There were two wagons.
And the oxens, I'm So two wagons and four oxens he gave to their sons of a Gershon, according to the service. So the Gershon night, if you remember, they have to remove the covering of the Tabernacle, the tent and so on. So excuse me, what was I saying? You get 2 wagons to do your work.
Now let's go to verse 7.
No, I'm gonna restart work verse 8 and.
4 wagons to his brother. Is that fair?
Doesn't seem to and four wagons and eight oxen he gave to the sons of.
Variety. Oh his brother must be more favor right? Gershon only got 2 wagons and two and two auxins. Now let's go down a little bit further. There is one more brother, but unto the sons of Kohath. Now let's see if this is fair. He gave how many?
None, He gave none, because the service of the sanctuary belonging unto them was that they should bear upon their shoulders. Now there's a lot of meanings to that Sunday school, so we won't go into it. I'll bring out the thought I had on my heart is the Lord give.
According to the service.
That he sees us do. Is it fair? Fair has nothing to do with it.
So he may give you more because you may have to bear more.
He may give you little or none, because the service in the sanctuary where the Lord is.
Require not just physical service, you know, to me is much better. You know, you see me, we were watching some children yesterday. I said to my wife, give me a broom, I'd rather sweep the floor. Sometimes it's easier for the Lord.
Want us to be different kind of workmen. We need to know what the Lord would have us to do and we use what we have now. I got one more verse and then we can get back to our singing and verses. We were in the book of Ephesians, so let's turn to Ephesians chapter 2.
Verse 10 So we just finished talking about we are workmen for the Lord, but I find this precious verse 10 for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus.
Unto good works which God hath before ordained, that we should walk in them. Oh, we're not just workmen. We are His workmanship. You know, you look at you. Look at someone who build things. They will say, I have pride in my workmanship. Am I right, Mr. Burns? There is a little thing to say.
I did this it go by my standard.
There is pride, well that the Lord has pride too in his workmanship and that we are to walk in the good of it. So we have to enjoy what he has said for us. We don't look around at our brethren and say.
How come Tim got 4 wagons and I have nothing? Or ye may even exaggerate. Yeah, he gave me a wagon and I have no oxen to pull and now I've got to pull the wagon myself. You know one of the question. Young people especially. I'll tell you this takes a long time to learn. I'm still learning. Never ask the Lord why.
Never asked the Lord why He allowed circumstances into your life.
Well, you're old enough to know that you face a few circumstances too, didn't you?
And He allowed those things into our lives to strengthen us, to build up our faith and our trust. The few words we no longer use, at least not often. Faithfulness. Did you have that in your conversation with that word before dependence?
A lot of words in the Word of God. We read about the word diligent. We don't even use those words earnest. So it's good to turn to His word study to show yourself to God.
You're not coming up to Mr. So I memorized 16 chapters in two weeks. I would say that's nice, that's commendable, but are we doing it for the Lord? Then I'll say one more thing. What are we to learn in there? This is what I like about Sunday school.
Well, we don't have little children now, you children probably noticed that. Have you ever noticed when someone stand up to speak, they say, I'm going to ask you boys and girls a question. And a lot of times arms going up and the speaker will go, well, I haven't asked a question yet, but the arms have already. And you know, especially with little kids, you know what they say? They say, what is it? They go, Jesus.
And you go. You're right. I haven't asked the question yet, but the answer is Jesus.
And we need to learn too. What do you read? What do you read that you don't understand? The question would be Jesus. How do you see Jesus in the passage? This is all about my Savior and your Savior, Jesus Christ, whether it's in the Old Testament or the New Testament. Let's sing another hymn before we move on. I lost my hymn sheet.
Thank you.
And we still have time quickly for verses right after this. Oh, I didn't see you.
You know, I have to confess I don't know what this verse, this week's verse is. Does anyone have last week's Sunday school paper for me?
Oh, you do OK.
Can I borrow that or do you need to look at it?
OK, you say it to me. Just oh, hang on a second so we can all hear.
Go ahead, say the verse, Ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold, but with the precious blood of Christ.
First, Peter, 118 through 19. Thank you. Would you be my helper passing this out now? You do know helpers can't touch it, right? I'm just kidding. You take one for yourself first. But what are we supposed to remember when you when you eat it, you look at the candy and say, what was it, Adam?
You're fools. You're going to be consumed.
Who else? Maybe I'll just go down the aisles that are crisscrossing. Oh, thank you. OK.
You know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold, but with the precious blood of Christ first. Peter 1/18/19.
You know this is hard to comprehend because gold don't corrupt from our standard. Is this ill corrupt? You know how much is gold? You know how much they are worth?
How much?
Like $100.00 an ounce. Well, that would be back in your grandpa's day. Before I left, it was $1400.00 an ounce. Can you imagine that? Or. And they cheated. It's not like the ounce you're thinking of. It's a little bit less. They call that a Troy oz. So you don't get a full oz. But you're right, it's precious, it's expensive.
With corruptible things such as silver and gold, but by the precious blood of Jesus Christ our Lord.
First Peter. First Peter, 1818.
You know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold, but.
With the precious blood of Christ first. Peter 118.
Finish this side.
Do you want to see your first?
Members, do you want to see your work? You do OK.
You were not redeemed.
With corruptible things.
With collectible.
As silver and gold. Thank you. Do you want to try it?
They were not redeemed and sovereign, but the precious blood of Christ. Thank you. Just so you know, that was without help.
I lost track of where I am.
Do on the front Rd. anyone? Anyone OK.
You know that.
You know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold, but with the precious blood of Christ first. Peter, 118 to 19.
You know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, the silver and gold, with the precious blood of Christ. Peter first. Peter 1/18/19.
You boys want to try it?
You can. You can.
Ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold, but with the precious blood of Christ first. Peter, 118 through 19. You know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold, but with the precious blood of Christ first. Peter, 1/18/19.
You know that you are not redeemed by the corruptible things as silver and gold, but with the precious blood of Christ first. Peter 1/18/19 Thank you.
You boys want to try it too. You passed that.
Sure. Yes. No.
For as much as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your Father's, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. First Peter 118 and 19. Thank you. Someone has been studying.
Anyone back there?
Did I miss anyone? Oh.
You have to stand up.
For as much as you know that you are not redeemed with corruptible things such as silver and gold, but with the precious blood of Christ first. Peter 118 and 19.
You know that you are not.
Redeemed with.
Corruptible things like silver and gold, but with the blood of Jesus Christ. OK.
Do you want to try it?
You know that you are not redeemed with capital things as silver and gold, but with the precious blood of Christ. First. Peter, 1819.
You know that you were.
Not redeemed with corruptible things such as silver and gold, but with the precious blood of Christ.
First Peter 118 through 19. Oh, I got to go way back.
In the beginning, God created. You haven't found your Genesis 11.
Very good. Are you gonna try it too?
Thank you. Did I miss anyone else?
I thank you because.
Thank you for helping me.
You know, I always tell people I was always afraid to say it parties because I couldn't say it.
Less we'll get time for one more him.
Someone back there?
No, OK.
That big girl down there gave her 47 when he cometh when?
His soul.
Like the stars are no boy.
Let's commit ourselves to the Lord. Blessed God and our loving Father. We give thanks again this morning.
Thy word being presented to us, we do pray that that would make it good to our heart. We pray that the Spirit in US may use it to teach us more of Thy blessed ways. Now we look to Thee. We think of many children. Many.
Young people who were children not that long ago, and many who are going into the age of responsibility, we pray for them. Lord, thou knowest that Satan is there either to discourage them or some distractions to draw them away. So we pray. We think of how we sometimes sing that hymn, Preserve thy flock most graciously.
Within thy sheltering fold.
We think of how the apostle Paul of all to commit to the efficient elders there, that he could say that he commit them to the grace of thy word. So we likewise trust that thou would look after our young one, our little one, that we too can commit them into the grace of thy word. So we ask for continual help for us. We think two of the privilege we shall have shortly if.
Thou still Terry, Lord Jesus.
The privilege of remembering thee and thy death for us. We pray that Thou would exercise our hearts, that would draw us, that would draw us back to the cross and be reminded once more of Thy depth, the death of thy depth of sorrows. Surely we know that no heart could air conceive. We thank thee, we can have had the privilege of doing so, as thy word could say this dude in remembrance of me so.
Thanks this morning once more and ask for blessings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.