
Children—David So
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I see the two clocks on this wall here, one that we already passed quarter one set quarter after. So I suppose we can start right.
Anyone has a hymn to start off with this morning? Yes.
Hymn #41.
Hymn #41.
Around the throng of God in heaven.
The handspring singing glory.
Glory into God.
I've never been singing glory.
Glory, glory to God.
What brings them to thy world of that council, right, and where?
All is peace and joy.
Those children.
They're singing glory.
Glory made to God.
Because the same guardian's blood to watch away, they're sailed, no question that most precious one. Behold the white and clean singing glory.
Glory into God.
Let's command ourselves to the Lord before we begin, OK? Who has another hymn?
Hymn #40 Jesus loves me. This I know, you know, as I look across the room, I'm quite sure, and I'm saying this with confidence, that everyone in this room can sing that can we? That Jesus loves me regardless that you are a younger one or an older one.
It says, Jesus loves me. This. I know. So as we sing this, let's see if we can sing this from our heart because, you know, sometimes as we walk by and listen to singings, we listen to it and say, boy, they sound so sad. So we don't want that to happen, do we? Because there may be people hearing this outside the hallway. We want to truly feel and hear that. Yes, yes, Jesus loves me, yes.
Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so Are you ready to sing this?
They are awake by being a strong yes gives us long sleeve.
Yes, yes, I slugged me. The Bible tells me so.
These are slides made in will die.
And like straight to open wide.
It will wash away my sin. Let God come in.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, James, are slots made?
Yes, James, I swam straight, but I won't tell me so.
Today's US life is made online back and give ways to make me glad.
Waste to fold me in his heart.
Keeps me safe from every heart.
Let's change us, Wild Spring.
Yes, James, I love you.
From a shining flames on high, they will watch me where I lie.
Yes, James, I'm slaughtered. Me. Yeah, let's give you some loves me.
Yes, it's a slug spring Luna by Motels Minister.
Jesus loves me. He will stay close beside me all the way.
If I trust him, should I die?
It will take me on my mind.
Let's take his eyes. Lost me.
Yes, it is my slides. Me. Yes, James, I'm slightly slaughtered to make it.
The Bible.
Now that was nice.
Let's have another here, OK?
Hymn #44.
Oh, I like this him.
Him #44 about the gypsy boy.
Into a tent.
Nobody ever has told it to me.
Tell me what I can tell it again.
And salvation soul may reap in your hand.
Till one can say, How about children of men? Nobody ever has told me before.
A little boy and not to be in a good timing of joy.
May I not perish. My hand will be cold. Nobody ever, The story has told.
Tell me if I can tell it back again.
Salvation Story.
No one can say of the children of men. Nobody ever has told me one.
Man who they wake up the last words of his breath, just as he entered the body of death. God stands to the sun. Roots of heaven shall be. Then I am sure that He is a temple for me. Tell me another again. Tell me again.
Salvation story reaping horrible.
Gentleman can say of the children of men, nobody.
Has called me before.
How many of you have sang this him before?
Yeah, so we know this story, right? This poor little gypsy boy, he was dying. Dying. And then he said banding. We caught the last words of his breath. You know, I often picture this poor little boy. He was just just ready with his last breath. He's just gasping for his last breath. And you know, I often wonder.
If that was you or I, if you were dying.
And if just one breath left.
What would you say now I know this little boy here ask something He asked to hear the story. He says tell it again, tell it again. Salvation story repeat all and all. Now I'd like to change turn this around a little bit. What have you were that were someone like that dying? You know, when we're well, sometimes people say we talk too much.
Don't we? We try to tell the story by explaining and explaining. But what if that's all we can say? What? One breath left? And I thought this morning, perhaps I'm going to have the boys and girls tell us to tell the story of God's love. Now, who would be a volunteer for me to tell me if you only have one breath left, perhaps all you can say is one word. Or maybe we'll start with that and then we'll start after that. We'll say perhaps one sentence.
If there is only one word that you can utter, what would you say if this is your last breath?
Anyone would help me hold on a second now.
Oh, there's a mic there, OK.
Go ahead.
Believe. Wow.
It's not that nice. Believe, Believe on what Jesus. Believe in Jesus. That's right. Isn't there a verse that tells us that?
Anyone else can help you with that? It's word of God. Tell us to believe yes.
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought I saw your hand. Believe on.
OK, Paul.
The Lord Jesus, yes.
Isn't that what the story is about? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thou shalt be saved. Now who else can can tell me another word?
Do you have a word? If that's all you can say, Can you imagine this boy?
I can't, and you can only whisper one more word.
In the other word.
Perhaps a word to tell someone who you really are, that you belong to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Christian. Oh, that's nice. Christian. Yeah. The Lord's people. Anyone else?
Yes, Jesus, Jesus. Oh, I think that's nice, isn't it? It's the name of Jesus that were to believe on. And sometimes we refer to the Lord Jesus Christ, don't we? He is our Lord, He is our Savior. Now what if you have a phrase you could use or a verse that you have enough breath to utter that last, that last breath by saying a verse. Anyone would have a verse that would tell someone.
John 316. What would that be?
Should not perish, but have eternal life. That's nice. Did you hear that? How many of you know John 316?
Wow. You know, there are boys and girls that have never heard of John 316. You know, there was a brother in our assembly. He he lived nearby a Catholic school and he often asked him, he said in the morning reading, he says, can I come in and read the scripture for you? So one day they let him and he went in and he read to them. John 316 he read to them for God so loved the world.
That He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 316 And you know, afterwards one of the teacher came up to him, and this is a teacher in the school. And the teacher said, she said, I didn't know what the ball game had to do with John 316 until you read this first to me.
All she saw was people putting up signs that says John 316 at a ball game and all her lives she didn't know what it mean. Oh how precious for you boys and girls who already know this verse to know that God so loved you and I that he gave his only begotten Son for you. And what do we we have to believe, right? Who said that? You said the word believe isn't it?
That God sent his Son to die for us, He said. We will have everlasting life.
OK, let's have another hymn.
Now who have I picked this side already? Did I pick you OK?
46 Ah, that's a nice 146.
Galati Idi.
The J as you as us come to us ABBA, and he calls and he calls for the GI.
And he wants all that we know. Why has two?
Duty, are you?
Asking him.
And have all their sins now wash away.
That is so nice, all the boys and the girls that God is calling you. What is He calling you for? To trust in Him and have all your sins washed away. Now, is it OK for me to pick a hymn too? Yeah, thank you. I'm thinking boys and girls as we're singing and we got lots of boys and girls here. We got little boys and little girls, and we got older boys and older girls here. And I like to choose this him, this hymn #42.
Because as much as Sunday schools for little ones, I think it's for all of us, isn't it? Now, this hymn is a short hymn. And some of you have heard me use this before. And let me repeat this. We like to, I like to sing this hymn twice. The first time around, we'll sing it the way it is. The second time around, we're going to change this couple of words here for the sake of the older boys and girls. So the way we're seeing it is this a little child of 70, OK? Because we do have big kids here. They're 70 years old.
So we're seeing a little child of 70 or even 34. I'm sure we have big kids here that are 34 years old. And I hope by singing this we will include everyone in this room. OK, so we're seeing it the way it is the first time and we'll change it the second time.
A little.
Bit praying over all the world.
Now, how many of you brought your Bible with you? I'd like you to turn to a verse with me, to the book, to the Gospel of Matthew.
Chapter 9.
Matthew Chapter 9 This is going to be a verse that we normally don't read and I hope yours little one can understand this. It's a tough verse so you have to pay attention to this. Matthew Chapter 9 verse 12. Now I'm going to start reading in the middle of that verse. OK the verse says, but when Jesus heard that he saith unto them, now he's the part that I have in my heart, they that behold.
Need not a physician.
But they that are sick.
But go E and learn what that meaneth.
As a stranger is, isn't it?
They that behold that means.
Somebody that's not sick, they don't need a doctor.
Is that a strange verse to say? How many of you boys and girls gone to a doctor when you're not sick?
You do? Oh for checkup I guess, but you go to your doctor if you're whole.
Or do you just go anyway?
No way. How many of you don't like going to a doctor?
Yeah, I know. I don't neither. Especially when I see the nurses for those big needles, right. I know a lot of boys here are very tough and strong boys, but when they see those needles, they'll just shrink and shiver to nothing, right? Yeah. So we set you they that are whole, they that behold need not a physician.
That's obvious, isn't it? But they that are sick? Oh, what do you tell your friends when you see someone who is sick?
Yeah, go see a doctor, don't you? But then he said go ye and learn what that means. You know, I have to scratch my head. That's so simple. What is there to learn? If you're sick, you go see a doctor. If you're well, you don't need to worry about that, do you? But then, you know, perhaps someone can tell more on that later. But the little thought that I have on it is this.
Sometimes we don't know that we are sick.
You realize that sometimes we don't think we're sick.
We don't go see a doctor. Not only are the fact that we're not sick, do you know how many people out there that are sick, carrying problems, disease, perhaps some kinds of weaknesses? You don't know what it is. You know, some of you I've seen here has some insulin pump. How many children here heard of diabetes? Have you heard of that? Yeah. This is a big common problem, isn't it? And, you know, a few years ago.
The doctor told me that I have that problem and I go, oh, I didn't know that. And you know, what it taught me was a few things.
When I didn't know that I had a problem, I didn't have a problem.
Does that mean that I really don't have a problem?
I didn't want to know that I had a problem.
So after he told me he said well you have to check this regularly so so.
Micro Minute.
What they did was they they told me to get one of these little gauge. Now what it does is it check to see if I cheat. You see diabetes in different forms. Sometimes it says your blood sugar is too high and in some cases it's too low. Now my case because I like to eat cookies.
And especially the sweet stuff, the one that's full of sugar coating.
You know the stuff I mean, the gooey, gooey stuff that looks so good. Well, the trouble is in my case, my body doesn't know how to process that. And they go into my blood and then they say, well, if you take one of these gauge, we can tell if you cheated or not. Isn't that bad. So if I had too many cookies, it shows and there's proof. What do they do while they take it? One of these little gauge and they give you a little.
How many have you seen this? Yeah. And they put a little pin inside and, and you, you fire the, you pull this thing, it loads it up. And when you pull the trigger, a little pin comes out and it prick and it get a little drop of blood coming out from that. No, you won't let you try it. Don't worry.
And, and you put in a little tester and it'll come up with a reading. And so, so you know, what I do is I, I got quite smart at that. So there are times that if I had a few cookies too many.
I learned that the nice way to do it is don't check it, because if I don't check it, I don't know there's a problem. I don't have to worry about it.
Yeah, we are pretty smart at things at times, right? Because if the reading tells me that it's bad, then I would feel really bad and I have to do something about it. But you know, boys and girls, you know what I learned about that? This this is a lot like sin.
You know that last night in the gospel we heard about someone talk about sin.
You know the word of God said, for all have sinned.
You heard of that verse, right? For all all of you little baby over there.
We were born in sin and shaping in iniquity. We were born with that. But you know, many of us choose not to acknowledge that.
Do you know that?
It's like people with problems like this. I'm not going to check. I don't even know I have a problem. I don't need to know.
Yeah, God sets all, for all have sinned because of that, it says, and come short of the glory of God.
That's how bad it is. We can't even come close to God's standard because of our sin. But man's way is let's ignore that. So God gave us a gauge as if it were. And how do we know we have sinned? Well, we talked about that yesterday. Remember in the reading meeting, I know there were a lot of things we talked about, but one of the things was about the law, right? The law was like this gate. Well, let's put it easier with the word of God in before us here.
It's like a gauge.
It tells us you see this gauge that I just showed you. You notice something about this gauges. It tells me how bad my condition is.
But you know, it doesn't fix my problem.
It will do nothing to clear my condition.
But the word for God is a little bit different. The word of God.
Expose our conditions.
Because God sees what we do too, doesn't He? You know when you should have that extra cookies? Now in your case, you won't have any proof because your body would digest that and use that quite nicely. You think Mom would know when you take that extra cookie?
Yeah, in your case, your mom probably think your brother took it right. So it's hard to tell, but God knows. But the word of God exposed how crooked, how bad we are. But yet we as men was it. We don't have a problem. Just like they say there are millions of diabetics out there. They don't know about that yet. You know, someone asked me one day, they said, how long have you had that problem?
I said I don't know and I think the Lord allowed us so I can tell the story as I was diagnosed about 5-6 years ago, but it doesn't mean I had that problem 5-6 years ago. I could have had it for a long time. So like this condition in your heart sin? How long have you been a Sinner?
Do we know how long? How long have you been a Sinner?
Since yesterday when you stole that cookie.
No. Do you know how long I have been in the center?
Since I was born.
But you know God's word is gracious, even though it is, for all have sinned, and then it says the wages of sin is death. Do you know that when you do terrible things against God you get paid?
Did you know that?
Yeah, what's the pay?
The wages of sin.
Is terrible pay is death? Isn't it bad that when you sin you get paid, but the payment is death?
But you know, boys and girls, God is gracious. How many of you know that verse? Who can finish that verse for me?
For the wages of sin is death. I'm trying to think now, but there's something good about it, OK?
OK, hang on, try again.
Oh, did you hear that?
But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. So on the one hand, God said, I want to let you know your condition. You're all sinners before God.
But because of his love toward us, he said, But here is a gift. The gift of God is eternal life. If there is a gift, if someone were to give you a gift, what do you do with that gift?
What would you do?
No thanks.
Is that what you do? Well, perhaps a stranger giving you a gift? You say no thanks, right? But what do you normally do with a gift?
What you take it right and what would you do, Paul?
Oh, he will take care of it and play with it. So God is offering you a gift. The gift is his son. What would you do? What would you rather turn an eye and say, look, I don't have a problem. I don't need you. Oh, unfortunately, boys and girls, many people say that I don't need it. I'm not a Sinner. I'm a good.
Well, the word of God set the benchmark for all have sinned.
And you know the sad thing for boys and girls when they don't accept the gift of God when they are younger.
Often it gets more and more difficult as you grow older. And how many were you here last night at a gospel meeting? Why would why do we have a gospel meeting?
Ah, why is that?
To preach the gospel. That's right, because we know the big boys and big girls who are still lost. They may have heard of the gospel story before, but oh, what a joy to preach. We can preach Christ crucified and we can preach the resurrection. Remember with that, in our reading meeting, we spent three reading how Christ rose from the dead. Now let's turn to one more verse.
I know we quoted this before in our reading. Romans 10 and nine there tells us this is what we need.
Romans 10 verse nine. If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart.
That God hath raised him from the dead. Thou shalt be saved. There's no medication in this world can cure the problem of sin.
But here God, God sent his Son. His name is Jesus.
He came into this world, he veil all the glory that he had on hide, and he became a man.
Then he suffered as a man. He bore your sins and my sins.
In his own body, on that tree, he was nailed to the cross by men, by you and I, because man said we want nothing to do with God.
There he bore your sins in mind. He died on that tree.
He shed his precious blood, and today we can say the blood of Jesus Christ his Son.
Plants with us from our sin. Now, boys and girls, let me go back a little bit.
Do you remember we said about this? If you were like that gypsy boy?
And you only have one more breath left to tell the story of God's love. What would you use it for?
Would you use it to ask for your favorite toy?
Would you use it to tell the story of God's love if you have been redeemed by the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ?
And if you haven't, would you use that last breath and say, Lord Jesus save me? I believe that Jesus died for my sins because.
You need to know.
Because as a Sinner you need the very first thing is to acknowledge the fact that you always Sinner before God. Remember he that is whole need not a physician, but he that is sick. Do you recognize this, that you are sick, filled with sin, and that we need a Savior to cleanse us from our sins? Now some of you, I know you love the Lord Jesus.
And I want to see if I can can help you a little bit. How do you tell people about the love of God?
Thought maybe put it in this way being an easy way to remember it. The first thing we have to tell people is just what we talked about so they can recognize the fact that they're sinners. So I thought, let's start with a. Can you remember a A said all have sinned.
That's what we have to tell the world. Don't we? All have sinned, for all have sinned.
Well, I thought, OK, if I start with A, then maybe the next thing we have to remember is B. Would that be easier? What's B? Let's see now the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sins. Is that nice? Well, we have AB. Maybe we'll make the next verse.
Praise Jesus.
Came into the world to save sinners. Can you remember that?
AB and C What's A?
Aw, all have sinned. That's right. What's be?
The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin. I got to pick on a girl this time. What See who can help? What's C Christ Jesus?
Came into the world to save sinners. That's right. She was whispering to me. Yeah.
Isn't it nice to know that, well, let's have just a couple more hymns before we close?
Who has another hymn for us? OK.
Hymn #45.
Hymn #45.
Too little eyes too.
Let's have one more.
Hymn #39.
What a friend we have in Jesus.
What a friend.
Everything to God in prayer.
The whole life being straight up and formed.
Every trials and Santa patients.
It's like trouble randomly.
Great, it's going down for me discovering.
Say again to the Lord in prayer.
We find the ground so bad.
Tell all of our Spider-Man.
She's giving it some snowstorm and Greenwich never happened, standing again to come over in prayer.
We'll find the stove once there.
Before we close, how many of your boys and girls were wondering why there was a knapsack up here? No, nobody. You did. I bet you did. Oh, I see big boy and big girls put their hands up too. And I bet you all through this meeting you were looking and say, I wonder what he's going to pull out from this bag. Well, I just want to close by telling you why I brought the bag up here. It really have nothing to do with what we want to talk about.
I figure.
This is just like this world. We try to find facts to justify what we want to do, don't we? We look for reasons, anything but from the word of God. So we get distracted, don't we? When we see something and often either it's people or things or places would distract us. You know, when we present the gospel, people will say, well, don't, don't tell that to me. What about those poor people in India and in Africa?
Yeah, well, don't get distracted by that. The gospel is about you. If you are still lost in your sins, the Lord is speaking to you this morning, that you have to understand that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God and that you, you're the one that requires the blood of Jesus.
You're the one that have to recognize that Christ Jesus came into the world to save Sinner. That's you.
It's not about anyone else or anything else. Let's look to the Lord and commend ourselves. Bless the God and our Father. We.