Forgiveness and Justification

By: David So
Duration: 58min
Gospel—David So
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Good evening.
I know we sang this hymn this morning, a Sunday school. I'd like to sing this hymn again. Hymn number six on our hymn sheet. God in mercy send his Son to a world by sin undone. This is the gospel message tonight, dear friends, how God send his beloved son, his only son, into this world to die for you and I. So the hymn writer can go on and say.
Jesus was crucified.
Trust for sinners. Jesus died. Let's sing hymn number six together. Can someone raise the tune please?
God in mercy, send it on to our world.
In a sight was pretty light, one warrior and the shades of joy.
Falls over again.
Let's bow our heads and ask the Lord for help. Let's turn to the book of Acts.
Acts chapter 13. I'd like to begin a meeting with this these two verses, and perhaps we'll quote many verses from scriptures throughout the evening. Acts chapter 13, verse 38. Be it known unto you, therefore, men and brethren, that through this man.
Is preached unto you the forgiveness?
Sins, and by him all that believe, are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.
He is a special.
Commission of doctrine that we received from the Apostle Paul. It's wonderful to have that proclaimed to us how we have been justified from all things.
We have been forgiven, we have the forgiveness of sin because of this man, this man that we're about to proclaim this evening, the man Christ Jesus.
You know, sometimes we wonder the difference between justification and forgiveness. They sound almost the same, isn't it? But to me, forgiven of forgiveness.
Is very nice, but to be justified is even more precious, isn't it? I was thinking an old illustration that perhaps many have read that in Gospel tract. And I remember reading this and they used an example of two boys who got in trouble. And as I look around, there are boys here, but I'm not sure who I'm looking at. Perhaps some of the older one here that were boys at one time would know what I mean, that we got in trouble.
Well, one boy got in trouble. Well, what the trouble was is not important. He was taken to court, standing in front of a judge. And you know, today, especially in this land in the United States of America, if you have a good lawyer, sometimes you get out of things. So perhaps someone can plead on behalf of this boy and say how silly he was, and you tell them the story of how he should never.
Do it again and sometimes the judge may say, OK, we will mark this down and let him go this time. So he's forgiven but not forgotten that there may be a record of that boy without offense, but he was forgiven. But the nice thing is he's free from the charges. He's free perhaps even to spend time in jail.
And then perhaps there's a second boy right after that case, and that boy got in trouble as well.
But then not the fact that he had a good lawyer, but evidence were being presented and was able to prove that it wasn't this boy who committed whatever problem that was. And the judge may look at the boy and say he didn't do it, he is not guilty. We're gonna take this off the case. There will not be a record of him being convicted.
He's been justified, isn't it?
So here the apostle Paul reminds us how through this man, the man Christ Jesus.
Our sins are forgiven, and more so than that, by Him it says that by Him all that belief are justified. We have been justified before God and not only justified by the law of Moses.
This evening I'd like to look at perhaps a few men. The Scriptures speak up. I have three men on my heart, and perhaps if the Lord leave us here, we may speak up three more. After that I'd like to turn to the book of Hebrews, chapter one.
You know, we have before us the book of Hebrews chapter 12. I'm sorry, I said chapter one. I meant to say Hebrews Chapter 11. We alluded to this chapter as we begin, as we started in chapter 12, because we said it tells us the hinge there, wherefore, so it's connecting things in Chapter 11.
What I find it interesting in Chapter 11 is a list.
A a list of faithful men of old and I find I like to take up just the first two, perhaps three people that God has mentioned in these passages. There are many in there that some would refer to this chapter as that faith honor roll. It's wonderful to see how God honored the faith. So here the chapter begin by telling us what faith is.
Say the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen. That's not my thought, but my thought is rather look at these men of how and why they were considered faithful. So let's begin by verse four. Here's the 1St man. His name is Abel. Let's read verse 4 together.
By face.
Able offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than king, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous. God testified of this gift, and by it he being dead. Yet speakers, I know you probably look at it and say, David, this is a strange passage for gospel meeting, isn't it?
We don't often refer to this chapter in a gospel meeting, but I'd like to at least take the application of it, if not the thoughts behind it.
What's so special about evil?
In fact, I don't think we know very much of Abel other than what he offered. And then here scripture even go further and say that he did, but yet he speaketh. Isn't it wonderful to know that the testimony sometimes go further than just what one have to say before God?
This is for 6000 years later, he said. But he's speaking because of his action.
Abel did something that was very important. Abel did something that many in this world would not do.
Or try to do but not the way he did it. He did something so special.
He made as a sacrifice to God that was acceptable to God.
The problem we have as men is we like to do things. We know we have to serve God, but we like to serve Him on our terms.
We like to do it in certain ways. I was reading a conversion of a man and he wrote in there in this conversion he said the first night after he was convicted, he said he he now on his, he went on his knees and he prayed. He said, if you be the God. And by this, by the way, this man was a Jew, he said, and if you are truly the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob.
You need to show yourself to me and if you truly are the one who is the Messiah for this world, I like you to show me more of yourselves. And as I read that, I thought that was interesting. Here is like the beginning of a conversion. But then this man went on. This is his own biography, he said.
I learned that I was wrong. I learned that he said. I cannot demand God.
On my turn.
Is an interesting that how often we demand God on our terms and the religion of this world sometimes make terms to satisfy the people rather than God. A brother mentioned. Now this is not religion but it was close to it how the country was in Bolivia declared that there is no meat for the 1St 14 days.
Well, the government can make rules, but then we'll also learn certain churches where, say, you have to eat fish on Friday.
In order to help other fishmongers, what is that God's term or man's term? And not to belittle other religions, but to find that things man like to do is to put a man in the position that we think he represent God, but is put in there in our terms so that we can tell that man to say what we want to hear.
That's not God's turn. Abled understood that his sacrifice has to be by blood. His brother Cain, on the other hand, thought he could just make any offering, so he took up the fruits from the ground.
The ground that God has cursed and he returned that back. Is it not what we want to do? Rather than God's way? You may say, well, how did Naval know all this? I don't know. But I do know that God walked with this man of old, and perhaps his father and mother taught him what the right way is. The word of God doesn't tell us that, but He did what was.
Acceptable before God.
You know, it's interesting. Sometimes we still see little things, and I don't know how many of you have visited Chinese restaurants.
When you go into a Chinese restaurant, often you look carefully. They would have.
A lot of frying in the corner somewhere because they believe in gods too and I noticed I used the plural gods and they believe that they have to make offerings to God to appease whatever God they were appeasing. So they go through the motion.
So you see this little shrine, and on the shrine there's usually some fresh fruit or perhaps some fresh meat that they offer to their gods. But as much as they try to give the outward appearance, a lot of them find that it's a lot of work to put fresh fruit in that little shrine every day.
So if you look carefully in most restaurant you will see this nice plastic fruit that are shiny and new.
It saves them a lot of work having to replace each day. That man's way, isn't it? Then if you look carefully, you see for this little incense that they OfferUp and if you look carefully again, you'll find that the incense have no smoke coming out. It was a plastic stick that looked like incense with a little light bulb at the end to make it look like incense so they can go through the motion as if they were appeasing their gods. But.
Reality, they were teasing themselves by going through the motion. Friends tonight, how many of you? Or perhaps that's too strong of a language. Let me rephrase that. How many of us?
Do things that we think we're doing it for God, but really is to appease our own conscience.
Table offered up a sacrifice that is acceptable. God accepted this offer.
Now there is another reason why I thought able.
Able from the very beginning in Genesis. You know the story there.
Abel really is a picture of our Lord Jesus Christ. From the very beginning God told us the story that Abel is there is this man that offer of an acceptable sacrifice, and after he OfferUp that acceptable sacrifice, he was killed.
Interesting picture isn't it, of our lower Jesus. So we find in the book of Hebrews the Lord Jesus knew he can turn to chapter 10. We can make some quotation there. He knew that there is no other way to appease God. God may wage for children of Israel to have temporary relationship with men. He told them I want to dwell with them. So he.
Would not go there so that he can be with his people. But God is holy as we have before us. The meeting before last, that he is a holy God and he cannot tolerate sin in his presence.
So he separated himself in the Holy of Holies, and man cannot enter in.
But the offerings were to be made. As many of us have studied some of the offerings there were four or perhaps 5 or maybe more depending on how you look at it. So let's just look at that. See how the Lord Jesus is pictured.
Or foreshadowed through those offerings Hebrews chapter 10.
Back in the day they have to make continual offering. Let's begin with verse one for the law having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of the things can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the commerce there unto perfect.
Oh, what an opening statement. All these sacrifices, these traditions that they have gone through.
All these years it said it didn't make them perfect. Verse 2 For then would they not have ceased to be offered, because that the worshipper once purged, should have had no more conscience of sins. But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance made again of sins every year. That's referring to the the Day of the Atonement, and then it tells us it is not possible.
So there the IT is, for it is not possible that the blood of both and of goats should take away sins. Oh, what a basic fundamental truth that their sins is only forgiven for a season that is not permanent. But then we find in verse five, it's interesting to see this is the Lord Jesus speaking before he came into this world.
He would say this to his father, is that wherefore when he cometh into the world, he says.
That's how I know it was before he came. When he cometh into the world, he said, sacrifice and offering Thou wouldst not but a body hast thou prepared me in burnt offerings and sacrifices for sins Thou hast had no pleasure.
Oh what a strong statement. We find at least 4 sacrifices mentioned here. So we find verse five is easy. It spells it out the that. Oh in verse six there is the burnt offering, the faces of all the other offerings and offering that is a sweet sweet smelling Savior ascended to God.
We see the burnt offering and the sin offering mentioned in verse 6, and that leave us to the previous verses with the other two offerings, the peace offering and so on listed there. So he said, he said, I know you're not gonna have pleasure in this. And then he repeated it as if it were. But this is after he came then he said.
Lo, I come now. Notice that's in bracket, so I'm gonna skip the bracket to get the thought. I come to do thy will.
Oh God.
Even though in bracket they said it's been written in the volume, in the volume of books, it is written about his coming to be the perfect sacrifice. Verse 8 above when he said sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin that was not neither has pleasure there in verse 9 Then he said, lo, I come to do thy will.
He came to do the Father's will. He came into this world to be the perfect sacrifice for man. Abel made a sacrifice acceptable before God, but it didn't purge the sins of this world. We learned from the Word of God, the basic fundamental from the Word of God, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
That is a very fundamental of the Gospel tonight. If you do not acknowledge and believe that you have sinned because of one man's offense, sin came into this world, and death by sin, and that all have sinned, you and I are included in this world.
So the Lord Jesus came. He offered up himself to be the perfect sacrifice, the Son of God, the one who could not have seen, the one who came into this bodily form as a man, as we had before, was born of a woman's seed.
Born of a virgin, as we were reminded by another person yesterday morning that they came.
As men, so that he can taste death for every man he came into this world. We sometimes sing in the Sunday school hymn that he came, he was so kind and he did good. But then we know that man would despise him. They would reject him.
And they nailed him to that cross of wood.
So here we find a Savior Jesus. Let's just read couple more verses. Verse 12:00 we we read of this man. Now it's mentioned again in verse 12, but this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins.
Forever sat down on the right hand of God, from henceforth expecting till His enemies be made His footstool 4 by 1 offering He had perfected forever them, that is sanctified this man. No other man could take away the sin of this world.
We found that when the Lord Jesus came into this world, I should say before he came, he had a forerunner. John the Baptist was to proclaim his coming.
There was that voice, as Isaiah chapter 40 proclaimed to us, a voice came out of the wilderness to prepare either way, There he could declare, Behold, the Lamb of God. There's no other way, for the Son of God must die for you and I. So Abel. Abel made a perfect sacrifice.
A picture of our Lord Jesus Christ who came.
He he looked forward or scripture look forward to the day.
When our Lord Jesus Christ will complete the work of redemption by dying on the cross. Now let's go back to Hebrews Chapter 11. Again, I'd like to look at the 2nd man.
The second man it mentioned here it says in verse 5 by faith Enoch.
Was translated that he should not see death and was not found because God had translated him. For before his translation he had this testimony that he pleased God.
Oh, what a wonderful statement about this second man mentioned in the book of faith here. He he walked with God and then we find in Scripture that he walked with God and then he was translated, taken out of this world.
Didn't go through the article of Dash and you know this is 1 difficulties we have as men because we know the word of God has told us that it is appointed unto men once to die.
But after this, not after death, but after the this the judgment.
Man is expecting to be judged by God, and many men did not escape the article of death.
Enoch was translated. He was taken out of this evil world.
Wait a minute, that was from way, way back. Enoch really was the 7th from Adam. How evil was the world that he was in? Let's turn to the book of Jude.
And we found again, we don't know very much about Enoch, especially from the book of Genesis. We know he walked with God. What a faithful man. But then Jude told us quite a bit more about Enoch.
Jude, as you know, there's only one chapter in verse 14. It's a Enoch also the 7th from Adam prophesied of these saying now this is very interesting word that the Spirit of God has laid here. What was he prophesizing the words we're about to read a very strong language from Scripture. Enoch was a behold the Lord.
With 10 thousands of his things, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them, of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their heart speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken.
Against him.
Wow, to think that early into the history of man the wickedness that Enoch had to face. No wonder his grandson Noah had to build an ark to deliver those from this present evil world.
All these ungodly man.
But Enoch.
What a commendation here.
The preacher of righteousness.
Let me address my brethren here just for three moments and not to. I hope you don't take this the wrong way. This is more for encouragement. How would you like the commendation? Not just as a preacher, but preacher of righteousness.
We're told from his word where to do the work of an evangelist.
What a, what a Commission. And, and I take it as this, brethren.
We often they stand there and say, I, I am not an evangelist. And you know, honestly, I don't feel myself to be an evangelist. But when I read that verse, I can see that it says do the work of the evangelist. And my answer is I'm not an evangelist. Do the work of an evangelist. There's no excuse.
And whatever excuse you have, the answer comes back, do the work of an evangelist. What a wonderful Commission the Lord has given us that we can do the work of the of an evangelist. And you know, what's even interesting is that it doesn't say the Lord's gonna give us a grade on how well we do the work as an evangelist.
You simply say do the work of an evangelist, so I encourage you to do the work of an evangelist.
Enoch said so. He was a godly man. He prophesied about the Lord's coming. You know, our brother spoke of how do we act in this world. And as Christians, we forget the responsibilities in this world. So sometimes we'll go, and I hope we're not repeating what was said. Sometimes we'll go what we need to straighten this world because we live here. We don't find that in the word of God.
We are to proclaim the news that this world is right for judgment.
That God is gonna come, and his coming is so ever near all these terrible sins of various forms that this world is making an acceptance of God is a righteous, holy God, that he has not changed. We often use that phrase, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. The standard God put in the day of Enoch.
Has not changed from the standard he put in the day-to-day God will not and does not tolerate sin. We're in a different dispensation that we're not gonna find God's gonna say you sin and I'm gonna struck you down with the day of grace but that day of grace is coming to a close very soon and the difficulties I believe. Please bear with me to digress from there is the fact that we don't.
By the word of God, properly so a lot of Christians do not believe the Lord's coming is imminent. They think this world, we can make this world better is wrong. Brethren, this world is not our home. And if you're not saved, the message is we're not telling you this world is going to get better. This world is get it's going to get worse and worse.
In our home, our hope is not this world. Our hope is to be with the Lord.
So here as Enoch, Enoch gave gives us a taste of what it's like when we walk with the Lord because he's gonna take us out of the sea. So we find we read sometimes in John 14. He he encourage our hearts by saying that I go to prepare a place for you. And he promised that if you go, he's gonna return and take us to be with himself.
You know, sometimes we think, well, when we die we go to heaven. Well, first of all, I don't believe the word heaven is mentioned much. We don't know what heaven is, but where the Lord is.
By having him as our Savior. God loved this world. God is a righteous God. Sin must be punished.
God must punish sin, you know, sometimes we make so light of it we think that when we walk.
He's honoring the Lord and then we got saved and everything is forgiven. Well, from the positional standpoint, we are, because we have eternal life. But we forget sometimes that there is the governmental side of God. We're exalted to walk in a way pleasing to Him. We're to remain holy as He is holy and as our Christians hope. It would be like Enoch of old.
Looking for the Lord's return to take us out of the scene. That is interesting. We find these are the Old Testament example, but from the very beginning of Scripture we see this.
A sacrifice that must be acceptable to God, not according to man.
The Lord Jesus.
Must die for sinful men. There is no other way. And through his death, and of course we can always say in resurrection.
The next thing will be like Enoch, the church. His people are special people.
His not part of this world a faded away. We have no portion in this world because we will be taken out of this scene to be forever with the Lord. And this weekend I believe will reminded many times of the Lord's soon return. And some people say, well I'm hoping the Lord will come so I don't have to face any more of those problems.
Well, that's not the thought I don't believe, brethren, is that we're to be with the Lord. This world will continue to have problems and we're part of this world. We will continue to be affected by some of these problems. Let's go back to Hebrews Chapter 11 again, I said we'll look at 3:00. So we find we talk about.
People how there was an offering made that was acceptable by God.
We talked about enough his faithfulness, and really it doesn't say that I take it as this, that through the death of Abel, through the death of our Lord Jesus Christ, the church is formed and the church portion is not earthly but heavenly being translated out of the scene.
The next man listed here, oh, before I go into this thought, there's another thought that came to me. Scripture is quite specific about this man, Enoch. Is that the 7th from Adam? He didn't just say Adam's descendant. It's kind of interesting it mentioned the 7th from Adam, and I'll let you do some searches to see why the 7th. But I see young parents here. I like to talk about another man who is the 7th or perhaps the 8th.
How you counted? Let's just go back to Genesis from Adam just for encouragement and also warning.
Genesis chapter 4.
Now you have to go to the Genesis genealogy to figure out which he is. I'm gonna just for time's sake, we started verse 19 and Lamac.
You talking to him? Two wives. I don't believe the rest of God.
Verse 20 Look at his children.
And Adarbeer Jabel, he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of such as half cattle. And his brother's name was Jubal He was the father of all such as Hendo, the harp and organ, and Zilla. She also bare turbo Cane, an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron.
And the sister to Bocane was Naima.
I'm gonna read the next verse too, and Lamac said unto his wife. I'm gonna skip down, for I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my heart.
Play Mac. I believe it's the 7th from Adam.
The descendant of Cain and if I saw the chapter one said well it can be from Abel because Abel was killed.
You notice here that his family is still under Cain because one of his children's name is Tubal Cain.
What a chain do Chain was the first man born into this world.
And KQ, his brother, first man born into this world was a Sinner. He was a murderer. And it's not hard to deny from the word of God that for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. But when we reach through this list, sounds like he has beautiful wives. Some would make a comment from A-Z.
I would almost use the word of renown. It looks like they're very skillful, good with brass and iron and back in this is the early days. They must be good mechanic or perhaps engineers with all these materials and.
The daughter's name was.
Uh, Naomi, I believe it means pleasant.
The boys that are good with their hands, that can make things.
Daughter, that's beautiful, pleasant, isn't it? Doesn't it sound like a wonderful family to have? And I see some young people, young couples, and some just got married recently. And I congratulate you for that. But here is a warning. As if it were, even though on the surface it sounds so good. This is the heart of man. We want to look well before our brethren.
So here.
This successful family as if it were.
Compared to Enoch's family, who does Enoch have? Well, let's see, you can go through that. He has a son named Methuselah. Well, what was he known for? Well, he was the oldest man lived.
And then he has his grandson, Noah.
But what's striking is this as prominent as.
This man.
Lamak and his family and how successful. It appears something terrible happened to all of them.
Do you know what that would be?
Can you picture the next man we're gonna talk about? What's Noah?
What happened? What do you think happened to this family, this nice looking family?
I don't believe they survived the flood.
In fact, I'm sorry that wording was wrong.
They did not survive the flood. I know that was certainty from the Word of God because there were a soul. Scripture is very specific on that. Noah, Noah's three sons and the wives. I should say Noah's wife, the three sons and the wives a souls were spared. They were saved from the flood.
Nor are two being the preacher of righteousness. So let's go back to Hebrews Chapter 11.
By faith Noah being warned of God, of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, and prepare an ark to the saving of his house, by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.
It doesn't say a whole lot here, does it? But by saying he saved his house, he saved his family, young family again.
Isn't it nice to raise children that are honorable? Reputable.
What about the eternal soul? What about the soul?
And you know many of us here, let me use the word.
Have a very godly heritage.
And we should be thankful.
Someone asked me that when I was saved and how I was saved and.
The answer is really, I'm no different than many of you. I was raised in the assembly, which many don't know that I have had the privilege of being raised in the assembly.
Did I follow and listen? Well? No.
But you know what, the fact that I want to meet it, I was under the sound of the word of God.
I have that preservation grace and it's wonderful. Bring your children out.
You may think they don't remember anything or understand anything. You will be surprised how much they learned. Like I'll. I'll share with you this story perhaps. Hope you don't mind us being very personal and not to be in any way of bragging. I don't often hear my son speak. It seems that when we're home it's not right, but often.
I got to speak and one day I was actually sitting there. He had the gospel meeting.
Now let me backtrack a little bit. I always look at my children don't listen very well. And some of you as parents may understand that it seems that whatever said seems to go between the years and straight back out the other side.
When I sat there that one evening.
I look at my wife, I said.
Is someone playing my tape?
I said he's even stealing my stories. He's using the same verses I would quote and I thought he never listened.
Parents, don't be discouraged bring them out lettle by little is precept upon precept. As we were reminded precept upon precept. Here's a little there a little the word of God as cleansing power and and not only can it save our souls, but encourage us on So let me go back to the story Noah Noah is very interesting.
I heard I overheard someone.
Behind me talking about well we're all from Adam. I didn't want to pipe in. It didn't seem polite but having you hearing aid it really helped. Picking up other people's conversation was before people could be talking to me and I have no idea and they think I was rude.
You know, we hear that phrase. We are from Adam. I don't think too many people would dispute that. But.
My thoughts often drifted and I guess I don't think very conventionally. I don't know if it's right or wrong, but I would argue and say but we are from Noah.
Are we not? Are you from NOAA? I'm quite sure you are, because there will be no other man on Earth.
You are from Noah through one of his three sons.
Now I'm sure standing up here you can look at me and say you're Chinese and I'll tell you a little bit about Chinese. Little about Chinese history is if you look at the old, old Chinese history, they'll say the first Chinese. His name was Noah and they fixed the flood problem. In fact, it's not the thoughts tonight. If you can call me someday, I'll share with you that most you can use the Chinese symbols to explain the 1St 11 Chapters of Genesis.
It's hidden in the Chinese symbols. But let's get back to no one. Noah, that preacher of righteousness, we're all through.
But I've been meditating on the how come we don't say that or we do? The world doesn't seem to acknowledge that. No, this is my opinion whether you like it or not. Take it as my opinion and you can meditate on that and perhaps help me to correct me. Here's my thoughts.
Adam, no argument. Adam is a picture of one who is seeing he did bad things. But what was the bad thing? The bad thing was he disobeyed God. Disobedience of sin, he disobey God. We as men, we can say, yeah, I know, so I'm bad, So what? And I believe man's heart today have hardened so much that.
Some of us would accept that it's a So what? I'm back.
When it comes to Noah, Noah gives us a different picture. Noah, the picture of Noah is not only are we bad, Noah speaks of judgment. Not judgment to come, but judgment executed. Oh, that's a terrible thought to swallow, isn't it?
That God must punish sin.
Today we hear God. People will say God is a God of love. He couldn't let that happen to us. Well, friends.
God of two sides, as if it were God is a God of love. So we found scriptures that God is love. But then we also have to say God is light. In him there is no darkness at all.
No evil would be allowed in his presence, so Noah reminds us of the judgment.
That came and executed. And if we don't re remember that he even tells us look at the sky. We see the rainbow as a reminder. Well, some would say no, no, that's that's a reminder that God promised he won't destroy this world by water again. But I tell you this.
It's a reminder that God execute a judgment on that kind and there is a judgment to come, the Lord Jesus.
It's going to be that judge we had to start before us as the Son of man. The Son of man, He came into this world. Well, when we read Scripture as we've had it before us, there were many character. We see the Lord Jesus, He is the rightful king. We read in the book of Matthew. He has the proper title to be king of Israel.
He was also the Son of Man. The Son of man despised, rejected a man. He came into his own. His own received a nod. They didn't want him.
The only word we as men have for this man was away with him, crucified him. And even when Pilate was questioned, what has he done? He said I found no fault with his name, but they still led him away to be crucified. That's the heart of me.
We crucified him, the Scripture tells us Scripture knows this. So in John chapter 3 is this. As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, Even so must.
The Son of man be lifted up, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth it, believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life. God didn't send his Son into the world to condemn the world. He sent him so for the world through him might be saved. Dear friends, this is the gospel message. The message is that God send his Son.
As we saying earlier in that hymn, God in mercy sent his son.
To a world by sin undone this world sin oh is so wicked. The description we read by Enoch is probably not even close from today's stand standard. But Jesus Christ, he was crucified. It was for me that Jesus died.
Would you accept him, Mr. Lord and Savior? This is not something you have to do, something you have to buy. There is nothing you, we as men can do, you know, in our office or in our meeting room there, there are a lot of Muslims in that building. They believe of doing things, they must pray, they must kneel for so long, and so on, the word of God said.
It's not of works regardless of how well you try, how hard you try.
You can't save yourself but by believing. Believe that Jesus died and we died with him. We bury in the grave just like SFD did, and we rose triumphantly like he did. We are His and we belong to him forever.
Perhaps we're close in in singing.
Hymn #15.
We're just saying the first verse and the last verse of hymn #16.
Oh, blessed gospel sound, Yes.
Lord can help your name on here, Oh my God.
I should finish the thought there about the three that meant that I picked for those who studied the Word of God. It's interesting to see how in the very beginning the God of Gentiles and Jews in mind.
You know there is this false teaching today.
That the church today is same as Israel, Israel same as the church. That's false. The word of God distinguishes very clearly right from the very beginning. So as we mentioned that Abel was a picture of the perfect sacrifice, but he must die. Picture of the Lord Jesus Enoch, picture of the church translated out of this world. No one Noah is interesting.
Is a picture of the remnant Jewish nation.
In the future, they that the Kingdom belongs to them, there will be those overcomer that the Lord would preserve for the Jewish nation. So it would encourage you to study the Word. Look at it to see God's love is great to all mankind. And today in the day of grace, how wonderful to see there is neither Jews nor Gentiles.
When we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, we're part of the church and I enjoy the hymn writer that that role wrote the hymn that we just sang. He wrote the gospel hymn, but he wrote many hymns that we sing on the Lord's day morning and let me just read 1 stance and then we'll close in prayer. He said this is him 244 now little flocking book. He said that well that right and lesson.
Near when He the Bridegroom shall appear, do we wait for that and her, and call his bride away, such our blessings that we're waiting for her blessing then shall be complete, when with her Lord she takes her seat in everlasting days. Let's pray.