Go On for the Lord

By: David So
Duration: 55min
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Address—David So
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Sometimes when we change things a little bit, we pay a little bit more attention to it.
Oh, worldly palm and glory.
Your charms.
Are spread in vain. I have heard a sweeter story. I have found a chore again.
Where Christ a place prepareth, there is my love abode.
There shall I gaze on Jesus there.
Shall I dwell with God? Let's sing the last answer together.
The God and our loving Father, we give thanks again this afternoon for another opportunity to have Thy word open before us. We look to thee. We commit this meeting into thine hand. We know the meeting is called for an address to young people, but we know that there are young people of various ages, as we've been reminded throughout the day with various needs. But we do know that my God will supply with all our needs. So.
We look to Thee for help. We were reminded of the power of the Holy Spirit, so now we look to Thee. We trust that through Thy Spirit Thou would teach us more of Thy blessed weight. We pray that the message may even be the younger young people can enjoy, and that it would awaken the heart with the desire to go on after Thee. So we look to Thee now for help and for blessing.
With this meeting, committing it all into the name of our Lord and our Savior.
Jesus Christ, Amen.
Turn with me to 1St John Chapter 2.
Like to begin a meeting with this one verse to begin with first John chapter 2 verse 15.
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world.
The love of the Father is not in him. If you recall, we read that stanza that we sung.
Oh, worldly palm and glory, your charms are spread in vain. You know, it's easy to say that Scripture tells us not to love the world or the things in this world, but we know our own hearts in reality.
There are many things in this world still draw our attention, doesn't it? Whether it be things or people or attractions. So we need the Lord's help not just to despise things of this world, but to look forward to something better than what this world has to offer us. That is eternal life.
You know scripture said to lay hold of eternal life.
I'm sure many in this room know and be assured of eternal life, but have you laid hold of eternal life?
When I was asked to take this as the young people meeting, I I would confess with you, I find it difficult because.
Which group of young people are we to be addressing? It's difficult, so let's pray that the Lord will work in the hearts of all.
You got young one in perhaps preteens. You've got teenagers.
You got some of us who would like to think we're still young and be part of the young people.
And you've got some of us older one that like to help with the young people. So it's difficult to think of how to address that.
And I might say this jokingly, to take an address after lunch. I know it's difficult because I've been sitting in those chairs for many years, knowing that a good lunch doesn't help listening too well. Often I'm not in agreement with the speaker, so I trust that what is before us this afternoon.
Would be from the Lord and that occurred and would touch your heart. So I'm going to begin with a little story maybe the younger one can appreciate and perhaps with the story, it's just a story. I trust that you don't go home and show your mother this story and do it. So it's just a story. We probably heard of the story of a frog in boiling water.
So little guys, don't go home and boil frogs. This is just a story for you.
It's just last weekend we were at in Ohio and some brethren were here at the Cuyahoga Falls or the Carrollton Conference. And that is a little bit different setting. It was there was a lake, a man made lake in front of us. There are trees and grass and yeah, I guess you don't have trees here. I shouldn't tease you with that. Trees are over the place. And some of the younger one went to the back and they caught.
Frogs, and I know some of the parents were not too happy with that, but they had found that wood frog.
And I have never done this, so I will tell it as a story. And from what I understand, if you put the frog in water, it would stay there being comfortable because they can breathe air and also absorb oxygen through the water. If you were to put heat underneath this pot of water, they won't feel it.
As you increase the intensity slowly they get comfortable with it.
And in theory, they can be boiled to death without realizing it. And there was an ugly story before the younger one. They probably find that interesting. But you know, I told that story for a reason because I think, and I'm going to be careful as I say this. I think some of us that I'm pointing finger this way just in case if you're not in this category.
We are comfortable with the things in this world.
That's the way it is. We are accustomed to the luxuries given to us. And I know some of the older ones will look and say, yeah, look at the younger generations. They're doing things differently. Well, that's because we are comfortable or we were comfortable with different standards without looking to see why. Now, some of you may still laugh. I see bottled waters all over here.
I'm still old school being cheap.
I don't like to buy bottled water. The newer generation just think, well, we want water, we'll get bottled water.
So I don't know if some of you can relate to that. We get comfortable with the way we've been doing things.
So what happened to this world? Are we being comfortable with a, with the way things are so-called accepted?
I like to turn to a verse in second Timothy chapter 3. I'm not going to speak as much as about the world. I want to be even be more practical now as many of us know, the first epistle of Timothy speaks of the House of God and things have deteriorated so much that when it get to the second.
Epistle of Timothy. It is referred to as the Great House.
Yes, there are Christians in the greyhounds, but there are also many professors and many have sort of tolerated with the evil and wickedness. Now, we're not going to go into details. It's not profitable to go into details. We're told to keep simple to the things that are evil.
But this is more to bring our awareness. Let's just read a few verses.
1St I'm sorry, Second Timothy, chapter 3 beginning at verse one.
This know also that in the last days perilous times shall come, for men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous boasters, proud blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful.
Unholy, without natural affection, truth Breakers, false accusers, incontinent fears, despisers of those that are good traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power.
There thereof cause the exhortation assets from such turn away.
This is the condition in the Great House.
You know, back when I was younger even. Yes, I know that was many years ago.
Even the phrase when people are not married, living together, we had an expression for them that they were living in sin.
And it was up for to hear and see that. What's the standard today? Oh, it's okay, they're living in sin. At least they're not homosexual. How can we get accustomed to something and even start to wait? What is more sinful than others?
Is there such a thing that is worse? What is it like before God in his eyes?
Is the one better than another? I don't believe so. It's not my intention to go through this list, but to let us be aware that we like that frog in the boiling water. The heat is being cranked up slowly.
And we're just smiling and say, well, it's OK, we need to tolerate this.
Is that God's will for us not to make waves in this world?
We do know that when we present Christ, you're going to suffer persecution.
When you stand up to what the word of God have to say is the different story.
Isn't it Now I'm going to read another verse and 2nd in the same chapter.
For encouragement verse 14 so we read about how terrible the conditions they were in verse 14 but.
Continue thou into things which thou has learned and has been sure of, knowing of whom thou has learned it, and that from a child thou has known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise.
And to salvation through faith, which is in Christ Jesus.
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
As I look across the room, I have to confess I don't know some of you.
It's interesting when we spend most of our time in the eastern side of the country, we seems to think that we know most people.
If not all come across here, there are many new phases.
And I want to apologize to some of the young people.
And some of you remember I look at you and say I don't know who you are. And you smiles and Mr. so you know who I am.
And the apologies really is this when I saw you last, I was looking down to say, how are you now? I have to look up to talk with you and seeing you holding a baby in your arms, very different time. So our young people or teenagers and our young people, young people, our parents. So I trust that some of these message regardless of your age.
Would be suitable if you're a young person, this is an encouragement for you to hold on to the word of God. All Scriptures, not part of it, all of it are good for. What is it for? Oh, instructions. Yeah, we need instructions. But what about correction? Well, I don't like that. How many of you like correction? But we need it.
For instruction in righteousness.
Or we need to be instructed and we'll talk about righteousness if our time still keep us have enough time for that. So and as I look it says and from a child and I think many in this room qualify for that many of you have from a child. The word of God was presented to you and on top of that, you probably and most likely have a godly mother and father.
Or even godly grandparents.
Been praying for you One for the salvation of your soul. Two, that you can become a man of God or man or woman so that you can glorify the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Oh, the Word of God is good, even though the time is terrible.
Let's I like to look at some example at that time and see what people were doing and that we need to be careful with.
Daniel, Chapter one.
I believe Daniel's time was a very difficult time.
We often read of Daniel in regard to his faith and his brave braveness before God.
But there are times too, then you'll have to learn as a young man. So Daniel, let me give you a little bit of background.
Daniel was most likely one of the royalties used to a good life and one day.
This man a king from another country named Nebuchadnezzar.
If your history buff, you can go, yeah, that was 606 BC.
And he took Daniel and his friends away. All these royal Princess were taken away into captivity to be a slave. So let's just look at that and see what happened with these.
With these children, they were taken away. And let's start at verse 3, Daniel chapter one verse.
Three And the Kings wanted these children, but he wanted something.
Jeff. Fred. You want the smart kids, kids that are very well taught, verse three. And the king speak unto Espanol, the master of his eunuchs, that he should bring certain of the children of Israel and of the King's seed, and of the Princess children in whom was no blemish, but well favored and skillful.
In all wisdom.
And cunning in knowledge and understanding science, and such as had the ability in them to stand in the King's palace, and whom they may teach and learn the tongue of the Chaldeans.
They wanted smart kids. They want a good looking kids. They want one who knows science.
Who can think?
How many of our young people here that we can think of are in this category? I can see many of you good looking, well favored, smart in school, straight A students, whether it be mathematics or science. Am I correct in saying that?
This king who is not their king, Nebuchadnezzar came, he said. I want these kids.
But now, read it carefully. Who looked after these kids?
There's like in the beginning of verse three, there is a man named Espinos. What's so special about this man?
He's the master of all the eunuchs.
We don't hear that term used much anymore. Eunuch is.
Who no longer are boys and cannot reproduce children.
Interesting. He wants them, he doesn't want them to reproduce.
As Israelites.
He just won the smartness to serve Nebuchadnezzar.
How many of you are working or be careful if you're about to choose a career, Are you going to be working for someone who no longer wants you to have the godly heritage? He wants to erase all that so that you can work.
For the king of this world.
O whirly palm and glory.
Oh, yes, he's offering them charms that they can refuse. Yeah, let me make you no longer a man. But you get to eat the King's meat. You got the best of what the king eats. And drink his wine too. Oh, it sounds so good. Oh, worldly palm and glory. And I trust you can answer back your charms.
Are spread in vain.
I have heard a sweeter story. I've gained a true again.
Is that the world wants you. He wants you to be like this frog, not realizing that you're going to be boiled to death slowly.
So does that mean we should be no longer part of this world? Now I want to go down further in the chapter.
Chapter one, verse eight There is something special about Daniel.
But Daniel purpose in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the King's feet.
Those meets were probably has been offered to Idol and most likely.
They were from some sort of unclean animal that as a good Israelite of all, they were prohibited from partaking of it. Daniel purpose in his heart. Isn't it interesting? What if? What about you young people?
What about you, all the young people?
Do you have a purpose in your heart?
What is that purpose? Purpose of not to be defiled by the environment of this world, but to serve our God? I want to go back a little bit to verse six. It's even interesting here, if you notice.
His names are given now. Before we read this, think for a moment when we think of Daniel and his three friends.
You know how to say it out loud. Think what do we normally associate the three friends? We'll go, Daniel.
Vishak Ibaneko, right? Wait a minute, let's read this here now.
Now among these were the children of Judah. OK, Daniel, we see the name there.
Hananiah, Michel and Azariah, the king of this world, wants you to even forget who you are by giving you a new name.
What part of this world do you want? And as parents, sometimes I heard some parents that well, then we shouldn't bring children into this world.
A sad world. Well, that's not what the word of God said. Let's turn with me to the book of Jeremiah chapter 29. I believe here this is going back a little bit. This is probably.
Around 1010 years or so, maybe around 600 BC, just before Nebuchadnezzar come, they were told something. They were told that they're going to be.
Going into captivity, they were told not to resist, but go into it as God hath laid out for them. They were told it was because of their unfaithfulness that they will be going into Babylon. By the way, there's something interesting. Children of Israel were sent to Babylon as captives. We know that. Many of us know the story.
But you know that today when a Christian.
Become a backslider.
Often they go into Babylon, but in the form of the church, Babylon, the great religious system that's going to rule the world. It's interesting, isn't it? I'll just leave that as a side comment with you. Jeremiah chapter 29.
They were told, let's start with verse 4. Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel.
Now, before we go further, notice the introduction to this verse. Who said that?
It's not Jeremiah, the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel. He is telling them that.
He said.
Unto all that I carry away captives whom I have caused to be carried away from Jerusalem, unto Babylon.
Bill ye houses, and dwell in them, and planned gardens, and eat the fruit of them. Take your wives and begets sons and daughters, and take wives unto your sons, and give them daughters.
To the husbands, that they may bear sons and daughters, that ye may be increased there, and not diminish, and seek the peace of the city. Whether I have caused you to be carried away captives, And pray unto the Lord for it, for in the peace thereof ye shall have peace.
I know it's a long verse, but they're basically told go ahead.
This is God's plan. You're going into captivity. Some of you who know scriptures a little bit more, We know that the 70 years that they have to fulfill, they didn't, Sir, they didn't rest the land fulf. So they have to pay for it and the land get rested while they're in captivity. So here they're to go in and the Lord said life goes on.
You go into as captivities.
Into captivity there, you're going to build houses, you're going to live there, you're going to have children, you're going to have wives, you're going to have sons and daughters. Life goes on. Does it not remind us that we are in this place, this world, though, as a wilderness scene, where to continue on? But what's interesting here is, he said.
That they are too.
For the children.
When a wicked when the present wicked evil world.
Do we remember to pray our children and some of us can now say our grandchildren. I notice a brother came up to me as I noticed in your prayer you mentioned grandchildren too. Yes, because we have yet another generation who? Well the proper verse that No, not the Lord. I like to put it another generation here who need to learn more.
About the Word of God, we need to pray for them.
We pray for we're at prayer meeting, we commit those who are sick, who are needed, and we know that there is power in prayer. Now hold your finger at what we are elected. Just add a little thought. Let's jump to Colossians chapter 4. Just a little thought, perhaps to enhance our prayer.
Because we have the tendency to pray. Lord, whom thou love us is sick. Oh, not only that, Lord.
My best friend is sick, please heal him. We're selfish, aren't we? We have that what's in it for me attitude. I like the prayer mentioned here in Colossians 4 verse 12 and Apophis.
Verse 12 Aprophus, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, salute you.
Always laboring fervently for you in prayers. You know, for many years my short attention span stops there. I enjoyed the thought that our professor was one of us and he prayed for us fervently too. Forgetting that as the verse has not stopped, there's a comma.
After for you in prayer, my thought is what is in his prayer?
That is so important for you and I to learn is that that ye may stand perfect and complete in the will of God.
Oh brethren, do we pray one another that we may stand perfect and understand the will of God, or do we remain shallow and say, Lord, I need help?
Which I'm not saying we're not to pray that way, but are we to expand?
That we can pray for one another. That we may stand.
Perfect and in the complete will of God.
So the children of Israel were put into captivity and they were told to do so.
Now let's turn to.
I want to look at the Apostle Paul. Let's turn to the 20th.
Chapter of Acts, I'm sorry, I'm looking at the clock. I find it's a little hard to think of the time in the quarter after time. You're so used to the hour and looking up and saying out of time thinking there's only 8 minutes left. So I apologize for that hesitancy there.
Act, The Book of Acts, chapter 20.
We're going to read in verses 2425 to 27.
But none of these things move me, neither can I my life dear unto myself.
So that I may finish my course with joy and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus. So what is this ministry?
Now, as we read the three things, I'd like to speak on very briefly to encourage our hearts.
To testify the gospel of the grace of God. To stop there for the moment, first thing. Isn't it precious? We'll come here for two, maybe 3 days and we have the privilege to have two gospel meetings.
It's important, isn't it, brethren, to testify the grace of God.
That's what we do. That's what they did testify the grace of God. We're told to do the work of an evangelist, and I often say that some of us will say, but I am not an evangelist. Well, the answer is very simple, do the work of an evangelist, but I can't do the work of an evangelist. Now we don't read from Scripture that the Lord said, who's a report card after you do the work?
No, we're simply told to do the work. Sometimes the simplest word.
Would convict souls and remember is not your word. Sometimes I use the phrase it's not a good sales pitch that sells is the word of God that is quick and powerful is the word of God that has power that would affect souls. So the apostle Paul says to them, first thing we did was we preach the gospel of the grace of God.
Wonderful brethren, and we need to remember that.
To continue on to do the work of an evangelist and to preach the gospel of the grace of God.
And young man, let me address you for a moment. If you were called to take on a gospel meeting, take it as a privilege. Don't look at it and say I can't take it as a privilege that we can present the gospel of the grace of God.
Verse 25 And now, behold, I know that ye all, among whom I have gone preaching the Kingdom.
Of God. I stopped there. That's the second thing he told them about the Kingdom of God. What is the Kingdom of God? Well, we know it's not about meat or drink. It is about righteousness. Isn't it all in practical righteousness as we walk as if the King's here, even though we know the king is up in glory? Where to live?
For that and another thought to that is to have a Kingdom.
You have to have a king. We know there's a king coming and a lost. Some Christian will say Christ our King.
I don't know about you. I'm not waiting for Christ to be my king. He's going to be king to rule over this world.
But not as a king to the church, so the Kingdom of God.
Again, it's not my intention to go into any of these in detail. And then the third part.
In verse 26.
20 Let's jump to verse 27.
And I have not shunned.
To declare unto you.
Or the counsel of God. I know sometimes it's difficult to read when there are double negatives in there.
And I haven't done written tests in 40 some odd years. And we have a licensing test that just came out from my business. And I remember looking at some of that, look at the sample questions that they gave and I get them wrong and I look at it again, they say and then realize, Oh yes, they used to do this. What is not the opposite of something it's so we have to read it carefully, so.
He says I have not shunned. He did not stop telling you. He did not avoid telling you.
A bold.
Or the Council of God. What is the counsel of God? Oh young people, we need to know it's not again with time permit not permitting. I will leave that for you to research. It's important to understand the Council of God. We need to have a good outline of Scripture. We need to know how to cut a straight line as if it were.
Would the council would, would the council of God? It's wonderful that God, as we have taken up a little bit, that would have us a Gentile, to be brought into blessing. Though we were without God, without hope, He brought us into this blessing. And not only are we saved by grace, we find that we're going to be heir and joint heir with Christ. It's precious to know those things.
In detail, that's the Apostle Paul.
Reminding us, yes, the world, the condition is terrible. In fact, we'll go through Paul's time, we'll find that his own people that he came to give donations to or collections to, they rejected him. The religious people rejected him. Then he have various forms of government. We find Felix want money and say he's not guilty, but give me money, I'll let you go. We find Festus find no fault in this man, but he wanted please.
People we find.
Herod that not letting him go and so on. So we know there's no justice in this world, especially concerning Christ. Just a quick remark too. He said Paul, he was superstitious. If you look through that and we'll find in the chapter we were in, they said Peter will find that reading later. He was drunk. He was full of wine. So when we present Christ, you'll find those accusations that you must be drunk.
Or you're just too superstitious. Don't be alarmed, brethren. Now, just one more portion that I have on my heart.
Second Timothy again.
No, I'm sorry. Let's go to first Timothy first. First Timothy chapter 6, verse 11. This really is the thought I really have. Or as a message I have for you as young people. I'm sorry it took so long to build up to this. First Timothy chapter 6, verse 11. I know this verse is written to Timothy, but I believe we can take and learn from it.
Verse year 11 But thou, O man of God, just going to stop there for a second.
How would you like to be considered as man of God?
Now it's interesting, I don't find anywhere in Scripture someone would stand up and say, hey look, I'm the man of God.
No, they recognize, they know. Look at that man. I think he's a man of God. You can go through Scripture and we'll find that Moses was a man of God.
How would you like to be a man of God?
Would you, dear young people?
Strives to be known as man of God or woman of God. I think it's a precious thing. Not that we want to take it as as pride, but to seek to serve the Lord thy way. So let's finish reading that first. But thou, O man of God.
Flee these things.
Now we won't go into those are the previous verses things they have to flee, but what's on my heart with a few minutes left is the following verse and follow after. There are seven things here. OK, let's look at the first one and follow after one righteousness.
Two Godliness of Piety 3.
Faith 4. Love 5.
Meekness Now verse 12 to fight the good fight of faith. I personally lumped that back into faith.
Lay hold on eternal life.
This is how you can seek to be the man of God.
What is righteousness?
Young people go search up that word because it's important we use that word often, don't we? Righteousness.
Is it God's righteousness? Is it our righteousness? Righteousness imply godliness along with it too.
Is God righteous? How is he righteous? Why is he righteous?
God who is sinless forgive sin. If that is the case, then he is not righteous. It doesn't seem to add up.
So He has to find a way by giving His Son for us through the death and suffering and resurrection, as we will remind it, that sins are forgiven. So we are therefore justified and we became there. So God is righteous to forgive sin because the price was paid. But I think here too, the righteousness speaks more than that. What about the righteousness that we have as brethren one to another?
Then we try to treat each other with righteousness.
Well, we're so upset, our brethren, because something was said or something was done.
Do we think of it? If we think of it from that light, it may change how we look at our brethren. Do we treat it with righteousness? Let's go one step further. Do we treat that with righteousness? With godliness in mind? Meaning, how would God glorified in how I talk and interact with my brethren?
That godliness, righteousness, godliness go together, doesn't it?
Who was considered righteous?
By the work you have done and because of his faith. It goes together, doesn't it? Righteousness, godliness, justifications. Faith is. I have trouble explaining that.
Abraham was his faith, wasn't it?
So three things that I noticed interesting when often when you have seven things in Scripture, the 4th is the problem. You look at the seven fees of Jehovah, the 4th one has leavened in it. You look at his seven parables in Matthew Gospel chapter 13. The 4th one has loved in it. You look at the seven churches, the 4th church Thyatira, though that you weren't leaven is not used, but you see the leaven in it. It's interesting you look at that.
Here the 4th or the middle of this is love.
Love is important, brethren. We need it in the middle of it all. We need love toward one another. We need to exhibit brotherly love. But be careful.
Do we start with brotherly love and expect things to get better? Often that's how we are told. Show love first. No, I believe we need to show righteousness, godliness of piety, faith, and then we can talk about love.
Because the love need to be the same love that we receive from the Lord.
So that we can exhibit that to our brethren. And then after that we need patience.
I very hesitate to even use that word because I know I want to have very little patience or endurance, right? And remember, I really like a text. When I was in university years ago, one of the fellow that I visited with in his in his dorm, he had a little text on the wall which make me laugh. He had on the taxi. Go Lord.
Give me patience. He got dot dot dot and hurry.
Well, that's me. The boy allowed circumstances in our lives to teach us endurance.
Meekness. What is meekness?
I believe Moses was one of the meekest man the scripture mentioned.
Being meekness, that means he was a pushover. He led millions of people. I don't think he was just a pushover.
I don't know how to explain that, but the simple way I can put it is a meek person does not take offense and does not give offense.
You know, we have, they're so conditioned to this world.
Now we say things when it's not according to our thinking.
We all have opinions.
In fact, we can back up our opinion by saying Facebook said so.
Because they have many followers, he said. What does the word of God have to say? And if you were to enforce that opinion, perhaps one test is this.
What would the result be? Would it bring glory to the name of Jesus? Would it bring unity to our brethren?
We've gone through a tough time with COVID and I see very different opinions.
And in all honesty, I thought.
Perhaps the devil will use that as a tool to divide the brethren some more. I'm thankfully it didn't. Do we hold our opinion with meekness? And then the last is that laid hold of eternal life.
What is eternal life?
Many of us know we have salvation through the blood of Jesus.
John 316 said, For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have. Have what?
Everlasting life. But I believe the proper translation should be eternal life. I think that's how Mr. Darby translated that everlasting simply means to go on and on and on and on. Well, is it a good life? Do I want this life, with all the problems and difficulties I face, to go on and on and on and on?
I don't but eternal life, a life that is like our Lord Jesus before eternity begins. If there is such a word. I know it's a contradiction, but to try to explain that.
You have to use that phrase and continue on in eternity.
A life that is like our blessed Savior. That's why I believe we don't find.
The word hasn't a place as if it were that would make us happy. But is to be with the Lord a life like this? Can we comprehend that? I can't because we're 20, understand something with finite mind, something that is controlled by time.
To something that has no time, the one who inhabited eternity. Do we not think of time without this? Another few minutes meeting should be over. We can go outside.
This time. But how long would it take me to drive home? That's time. When is supper time? That's time.
Explaining everything we have is related to time. That's how we think.
And you have something with no time. I can't comprehend it, but I can surely try to enjoy it. And we are told to lay hold of the eternal life.
One more portion than I need to stop.
Second Timothy, Chapter 17.
I made a remark that in first Timothy, the portion we read But thou, O man of God, as Paul was addressing Timothy. Now this portion I believe he's addressing you and I.
Second Timothy 3 verse 17 that.
The man of God.
May be perfect, thoroughly furnished in all good works. Please let me read it in the new translation. I find that it.
Helped with a different thought, as if it were.
That the man of God.
May be complete.
Fully fitted to every good work.
Brethren, young people.
Brothers, sisters, I trust that it would be the desire for all of us that we seek to be the man of God and these instructions are given to us so that we can be complete and fully fitted for every.
Good work.
Let's sing in closing, I know we sounded him before or during this weekend.
Hymn #330.
I found this hymn. It's so precious to me. Question was raised. What race? The wondrous thought.
That's a question, isn't it?
Verse two may it be our answer. Oh God the thought was thine thine only it could be blessing that him together.
Let's commit ourselves. Blessed God and our loving Father, we give thanks again.
For thy word before us, we do pray that thou would help us to heed, to learn, to read, to accept what I would have for us. We know Scripture exalt us to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. So as we've been exalted as the man of God, though time seems to get darker and darker and wickedness seems to be abound around us.
We do thank the further provisions, we do thank the that our exhorters to continue on to be the man of God that we may shine in this Dark World. So we commit one another into thine hand. We look to thee for help. We acknowledge once more our weakness, our feebleness, but we do lower that thou art able to keep us from falling. So we give thanks again this afternoon for this meeting. We give thanks.
In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.