Children's Meeting

Children—David So
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Well, good morning.
You wear more little ones that would like to sit up front.
You know, well, perhaps we can begin the Sunday school with a hymn.
Anyone has one they would like to start with?
I see Amber with a hand up first.
OK, Emma, what number?
Now what number is that? That should be here, isn't it?
What is it in the sheet?
I suppose we can sing that at least the first verse, the VIBLE Islam.
Well, that's nice.
Now before we start, let's look to the Lord for help 1St and we bow our heads. All right? Anyone else? I saw hands up here before. Is there another hymn? No, no.
Do we have? Yes.
That's a nice 1 #40. Anyone not heard of this him before?
Oh, most of us have, So let's sing this.
Jesus loves me. This I love.
As much me.
The Bible counting so.
Dear silence smile.
True, and more than one.
Just loves me the Bible.
Please be safe from every.
Arm. Yes, please. Let's make it.
Please, I love you.
Oh my God, who tells me so?
Jesus loves me, loves me still.
My favorite?
And now from here shining.
Oh my God, see where I lie?
Ask me some slow sleep.
Yes, yes, lovely. Yes it is.
We don't want to keep ground staring blows, shapes hiding me all the way.
And I trust him to write. I want to take me on my mind.
That's loudly. Yeah. I love you, so I don't want to hear you.
For that is nice. Is there anyone else that would like to give one up?
What number is that?
I'm sorry #25.
I saw your hand.
Life at this is very brief life.
And what they will lie behind.
It can save you on your way. You can find gold together.
And your pride is up to the day to be the time.
Never respond to the behavior and beauty of our soul. Day all you have to stay.
In mind.
I'm considering to consider my wonderful.
That's conceal your whole pleasure to do.
Oh my friend, count the cost. There's a painful windy problem and your priceless soul devolved reading time.
Reading mind.
Million times.
Who I have no voice on Jesus Christ. You need time.
Let him send you all the way. You don't think I know? Let me get it. And you're crying because you may be.
In the mornings, make the morning behind these noise, let alone every other woman who rejoices.
Come and start for heaven tonight.
Why all the boys on Jesus calls to give me in time?
Now I saw a hand up here and I missed it last time.
Did you have a favorite you want to sing?
Zacchaeus I don't.
We don't have the sheet and I'm not sure everybody know that one well. Is there another one you would like?
A little child of seven, A little child of seven. Oh, that's one of my favorite. That's number 42 now.
Some of you may know when we sing this hymn, I have a special rule.
The rule I have is we have the singles him twice except the second time around.
We're going to change the wordings a little bit because if you look at this room here, we have little kids of seven and he wants 7 here with children that are 7, right? Or even three or four. But then we have big kids here that are probably 70 or older, right? So the second time around, we're going to change this. We're going to sing a little child of 70 or even 34. So this would include, I hope, everybody in this room.
I know some here older than 70, but we will class you into that. So the first time we sing this, we'll sing it the way it is. The second time, we're going to sing about the little child of 70 or even 34. Maybe you can look across the room and see if we can spot someone who is 70 or someone who's 34. All right, OK, let's sing this together.
A little child upset.
Through the world. You know, when we come to Sunday school, we often think of little kids, don't we? Children come to Sunday school, But big children, big kids come to Sunday school too.
And we find it singing this hymn. How old do you have to be to receive salvation? Do you have to be 3 or 4?
7 Isn't it nice to think that this message is for all of us? So someone who could be 70 years old, you know, there are 70 years old out there who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior. It's sad, isn't it? You know, we used to visit the nursing home and we used to visit even places at home. We have a place called Seton House in the brother Bill here know that place well. This is a place where.
Well, at home we call the Skid Rd. I'm not sure if you have that phrase down here.
Where people are down to the very end, they they have no mean of supporting themselves. A lot of them are either drug addicts or Alcoholics. And they go to this hostel where there's a place for them, a warm bed and perhaps a meal. And we used to have the privilege to present the gospel of God's grace there. And we found there were men that are 6070 years old.
They don't seem to have.
Have been saved. But you know, one thing interesting was they knew a lot of them knew the gospel message. In fact, one of the favorite hymns for these older big kids. You know what the favorite hymn was?
They love singing Jesus loves me. Isn't it nice to know that?
When the word of God is presented, they remembered it when they were a child. They loved singing Jesus loves me because they know deep down Jesus loves me. This I know for the Bible tells me so. But you know the difference boys and girls of just knowing it in your head and knowing in your heart could means life or death isn't it is to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior.
That's why we're here. They have Sunday school is to present and remind you of the story. And you'll probably find that the story we tell today is the same one you heard last week and the week before. That is the old, old story for that old, old story. Is it ever new? The story of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God who love me. Oh, he loves you too. He loves me, and he gave himself for me.
That's the story of God's grace, isn't it? Let's have one more, OK, Paul.
43 #43 Oh, I think this is nice too. One door and only one. Okay, one door and only one and yet in size are two. Fill in silent outside. On which side are you?
One door and only one hand near your side.
Inside, on which side are you?
Now, I think some of you have spent all week learning the verses, right? Who would like to say it for me? I think that's a really nice verse. OK, what's your name? What's your name?
Jacob, Jacob. OK, go ahead.
And what I'm going to do is I'm going to put this in front of you so they can hear. Oh.
OK, let's try again. Do so whatsoever.
So so so not written in the Book of Life.
Sorry, we can't until it's her revelation.
20 through 15. Very good, Jacob said. Anyone else would like to say that verse? OK?
Go ahead.
Whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the Lake of Fire, Revelations, 2015. Ah, that's good. Anyone else? Oh, whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast in the Lake of Fire, Revelation, 2015.
Hussar was not found in the written in the Book of Life, so it was cast into the lack of fire.
Roman Revelations 20.
That's fine, Very good. Anyone else?
Hello and are you going to try?
Was not found.
Written a book of life.
A lake of fire.
Would you like to try? No Would you like to try? Anyone else I missed that would like to try?
Well, any big kit would like to try?
I see a lot of smiley faces back there. Does that mean they say we want to say the verses? Well, I'm going to do something a little different. Excuse me?
Now there was a book. How many of you know what a book looked like?
Have you seen a book before? OK, what I'm going to do is I'm going to get a book out and I'm going to write the names of those who said the verses, OK? And it's going to go into my book. And I don't laugh when you see my book, though. OK, I've got a book here. Oh, this is a big book. You know, way back before they have these printing presses books coming as grow, doesn't it? Well, this is the closest I can get to us grow.
And this morning, when I saw that, I thought this would do as a book. Who can write? Who can help you write some names here? Can you? OK, I want you to write. I think Jacob said it first. Right. So we're going to write. Oh, I need a pad. Well, we're going to have to use a chair. How's that? Get up for a minute. We're going to write his name here. You write Jacob's name on there. He said his verse.
How do you spell that?
OB all right, now you're going to write your name on it.
Danielle, now you're going to write Paul's name on it.
They set the verses you're going to write. What's your name?
You help them spell that.
A house.
Who else at the verses? Oh, and am I?
And OK, and you can do right, Emma, Emma.
OK, I think these are the I got a big book here and I got some names in this book.
This is my book of verses. Thank you.
And you know, I know some of you boys and girls are used to seeing books like in the Bible, right? And I'm sure if I look around and ask some of the big boys back, they've got these so-called electronics book, right? Those ebook. And I see them peeking in the meeting time and they they pull out the computer and they were able to read that. That's a book too, isn't it? And then some of them have a book on the cell phone. I see some of them use those reading pad on the cell phone. I see one back here that he can tilt it sideway and return and rethink sideways. Well, that's a book.
But God, God has a special book. What was that book that we just had in that verse there? It was written in. Oh, what was that?
Cameron, what was that?
What was that book called? The book of Life? The book of life?
To get how do you get your name?
Into that Lamb's book of life, because there is some special consequences for not having your name in that book.
What was the consequence for not having it? Whosoever. Oh, wait a minute, that's a big word. What does it mean by whosoever? Do you know what that means? What does that mean?
That's a tough. That's a tough word, isn't it? Whosoever. What is it?
What do you think it means?
It means everyone. Is he right?
Yeah, wait a minute. Now who is the whosoever then?
There's another verse that use whosoever. Can you think of another verse that you use whosoever?
Let me think, oh, you know what that verse is? What's another verse that you know where the word whosoever in it?
That whosoever believeth.
In Ham.
How does that go? Hmm.
How did it go, Paul?
Should not.
I started in the middle. Maybe that's not fair. I think it should go something like this. Is that for God?
Yeah. How does it go? Can you say that?
For God.
So, umm.
That's a tough one, isn't it? Oh, you remember now? How does it go?
For whosoever shall love. No, that's the one I'm thinking of. For God so loved. Yeah. What is it? The world. Oh, the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. That's right. That's another place we find the word. Whosoever. It tells us that for God so loved the world. This is God himself. He loved everyone in this world.
That he would even give his only begotten Son. And the result of that is, He said, whosoever believeth in him should not perish. What does it mean by perish?
Oh boy, we've got so many big words here.
Have you ever seen anything that got perished?
How many of you, Well, let me tell you a little story. You know, I sold my car one one year years ago to this fellow who was a car detailer. What it means is he cleaned cars, he cleans it inside. And he called me back a few few weeks later. He said, you know, he said, I found one of your apples sitting in the back seat, all shrivel up and dried up.
Well, see fruit perish. Have you ever loved an apple sitting on the shelf or maybe under your bed, under the seat? You know what happened if you let it sit for too long? Have you ever seen that? It perished, doesn't it? That's why we call those things perishable goods. Well, it's that shall not perish, but have everlasting life. And you know I love this. Someone told me this one day. He said he saw this little boy.
Who had trouble walking? I think he must have cerebral palsy or something like that. He was able to walk, but he walked very awkward.
But he sat on his shirt. He said you know how you boys have T-shirt with writings on it right? And on the shirt he said I am whosoever. Isn't that nice? Whosoever that means me was saying that him too. Wait, that means me. That means me.
I am the whosoever, but in our verse we had very serious whosoever.
That includes.
The big boy that is 70 years old, the big girls that are 34 years old says whosoever. What? Oh, I forget that. How does it go? Whosoever, How does it go?
How does how does our verse go in our paper, whosoever what was.
Do you remember how that verse go?
Do you remember?
They wouldn't found something something about written in the book of life. What happened is they're not found written in the book of life was cast in the lake of fire. Oh mine isn't it terrible if your name is not written in the book of life is that you'll be cast into the lake of fire and in that portion is that they found dead small and great. Oh, he said it will be cast into the lake of fire.
I said, how did we get our name written in the Book of Life? Well, I think we said that in John 316, didn't we? How did we get our name written in the Book of Life?
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. That's right. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. God made a way of salvation very simple, you know. See, he knows we are all little kids, even though we may be 35 years old, 34 years old or 70 years old, he said.
We got he said things have to be simple, one simple verse right Is it believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. There's not that much to do is there? Now you know, it's what's interesting is we had a book here. I didn't tell you why we write some names on the book.
There were some names here, right? This is my book.
This is my book. I can roll this up. By the way, for the young people. You know, when you read Revelation, is it a CEO is broken and then another CEO think of this. I could put a seal on this and close this book to open it. I have to break the seal. So that might help you understand that. You know what I didn't tell you was if your name were written in this book, I brought something for you. Oh, look at this. If your name were written in that my book of saying verses.
Let's open this.
You get to have something. Oops.
Just a minute now.
Thank you.
I should have. I should have done that beforehand, right now. Whose name was in that book? Let me see now.
I got Jacob's name in there. Jacob, would you like one?
I got Daniel on there.
I got Paul, I got Cameron and I got Emma. She was in the book. Her name was written in the book of getting seeing the verses and get candies. But you know, God is gracious. He always gives us another chance, doesn't he? So is there anyone else would like to try and say the verse and get your name written in there? Would you like to try?
You can try it.
Oh, I am the door. OK, that's good.
And what else? I am the door.
Well, that's part of a verse. So we can I'm going to have her daddy put her name in this book and his name in this book.
Without you and because her name and his name is in that book. What happened in my book though?
They get to have a treat.
You're welcome.
Anyone else would you like to try saying your verse? We can get your name in my book, OK?
Who, whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life, was cast into the lake of fire? Revelations, 2015. You know that verse very well. You were too shy to say it. Okay, Rebecca, you put your name in this book.
And how are you going to try?
He said it's on that.
And then the foot.
A life shall be cast into the lake of fire revelations.
Thank you. Are you going to put your name in the book too? You put your name in this book.
But wait a minute, they didn't say it right away. Does it matter?
They took three tries. They were the third one. They came in late.
Do they get this?
Yeah, the name is written in the book of Verses. OK, Holly.
Thank you.
Now, boys and girls.
This is only candies. This is only A roll of paper towel book.
But what's important is the Lamb's book of life. Is your name written in there? Have you, have you sins forgiven by asking the Lord Jesus Christ to wash your sins away? Remember, God loves you. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. You know, there's one more thought. We got a few minutes left.
You know, sometimes boys and girls who are safe, they have asked the Lord Jesus and they forget that the name is already written in the Lamb's book of life. They forget that. You know, I know when I was growing up, I doubted that. You know, I asked the Lord to forgive my sins over and over again. How many of you have done that? Many of you were afraid and we thought, oh, but you know, once we are saved, the Lord said He won't let us go. You know, I told this story before, but I thought many one day, and I'm going to tell this again, how many of you have seen your parents? Have you seen your parents? Got one of these?
Maybe it's a fancier one than this. We call that a clicker. I don't know why we call it a clicker. It doesn't click, right. It's a remote control for the car. Now, how many of you watch mom and dad as they leave the car? They push the button and the car go beep and then they walk a few feet further and they push the button again and go beep and then they walk further away until.
The remote gone past the distance doesn't beep anymore because you know, we feel that we push it a few more times and walk better, doesn't it?
The first time we locked it, but we lock it again. It does a lot better job, doesn't it? Well, you know, salvation is like that. How? How many times do we need to be saved?
Once He said He gave unto us eternal life, and He says that we shall never perish. He told us that no man can plug it out from his hand, and he said no man can pluck us out from the Father's hand. We have something so sure as we deem one. The Lord Jesus becomes ours. He is our Savior, He is our friend, and He will have us for eternity.
So if there be anyone I know this morning we addressed the boys and the girls, the little ones. But we have a big audience here, 70 or even 34. The Word of God is open to you too. And if you still found loss in your sins?
Now is the accept the time is to believe that Christ die for your sins.
And that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Don't be like those men that I told you down the Seton house who know of the way of salvation but did not accept it in our hearts. Because as I look around the room here, I see many of you. I see either. I know you, I know of you, and I know that I don't know of anyone here who you have never heard of the gospel message before. It's not just for children. It's for you too. Behold is the accept the time.
Behold is the day of salvation.
Let's have time for a couple more hymns. Who would like to sing couple more hymns?
Oh, before I forget, any little boy who were under 70 years old, a little girl who would like to say the verses afterwards. We have lots more. We can write an e-mail in that book too. You know, I went into the store last night and thought of that last night and I picked up one of these and I guess you folks down in the States here don't do what we have at home. It doesn't say how many in there. So I go, OK, I have no idea how many, so I want to have what, 5 bags just in case. So we've got lots of these M and Ms. here, but you got to get your name in that book.
All right, who has to him?
What number Holly?
That one number four, oh I think this is so nice hymn #4 Christ is the Savior of sinners. Christ. Now can you sing the next line Christ?
Is the savior.
For me.
Savior of sinners, Savior of sinners like me, shedding his blood for my ransom. This is the Savior for me. Hymn #4.
Christ is the Savior of sailors.
Christ is the Savior for me.
What I must change is not that nobody is grace. I am praying.
Sing our standards like it challenges one for my grandson.
This is my savior for you.
Now I can say, now I can. I'm pretty unjustified to me.
My grandson.
Business mistaken for you?
Ask. That's why I speak in front of me.
Now there is no time down there.
This is frustrating.
I'm not saying that you're on the cigarettes like.
This one for my grandson.
This is mistake accordingly.
What with all of that I'm hearing.
How shall I tell his brain?
Nervous saying nervous like me.
Now I need his blood flowing, his blood for my grandmother.
Let's look to the Lord.