Jesus Said

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Gospel—D. So
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The one to the Gospel meeting tonight.
You know, I was just thinking.
Gospel meeting actually started about 15 minutes ago.
And some of you may know, in the backroom there were quite a few brothers.
On the knees.
Praying for this meeting, asking the Lord for help.
Because many are concerned about.
Perhaps some here who are still lost.
And then I enjoy one brother's comments, and perhaps even some. The heart have grown cold. Maybe I'm not quoting it exactly as the way he had it worded.
And that they may be encouraged.
From hearing the word of God and by the way, it was very nice to see many young men in there praying as well, and I would encourage the young brothers.
To be there, we ought to be there to pray. So the meeting really began already. And as I look across this room, I see a great audience. Audience of all ages. We were reminded yesterday. How?
Young people, perhaps under the age of 40.
We felt kind of bad on that. I always thought I was on the young side, but I guess I got tossed over to you. The other violence now.
But I thought as young people, as I look around, I thought of a story to tell. I cannot remember the name of the writer and I need healthier and perhaps someone can help me afterwards and let me know who wrote this story. But it was a story about this young chap who grew up literally on the wrong side of the track.
He knew that on the other side of the track had a gospel hall.
And one day he decided to go and see what this Gospel Hall is all about.
And to his surprise, when he got there.
They were just closing the door and they said it was full. I said look across tonight. We can't say that can we? We still have lots of room here. This young man was quite disappointed.
He looked at the closed front door. He paced around the building. He saw windows on the side.
As young people.
They're very observant. He noticed there were pipes beside the window.
And I'm looking at some of the young men here and I can see.
The gears are clicking. What would you do if you were this young person with a window up high but water pipes next to it? You're right, and I'm sure the girls were thinking of that too. You'll climb it, Take your shoes off, I suppose, and climb up that window just to see what's inside.
You see, many here have heard of the Gospel message.
Many of us know the good news of salvation, but there are many out there who do not and have not have the opportunity to hear the story of God's love. Let me sidetrack on the story and I'll come back to this in a minute. There was a brother in our meeting. He had the privilege one day to go into the school next to his house to read John 316 in one of the morning assembly. And to his surprise, after that reading, one of the teacher came up to him.
And she said, now I know what John 316 is. She always thought it was a ball game score because people would lift those big cars that sets John 316. He was surprised for the first time that this teacher get to hear, For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Oh, you're smiling, you say? I learned that from Sunday school. Well, many did not have that privilege. This boy, when he got up to the top of the window, he looked in for the very first time, he catch a glimpse of the story of salvation. The story that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners like him.
Oh, that gospel touches heart, and he was saved from that.
Later on he wrote a hymn and to him goes somewhat like this. It says, Oh, blessed gospel sound, yet there is room. You know that's him, don't you? In fact, it's right here in that hymn sheet hymn #15 It tells to all around. Yet there is room. The guilty made you are near, though vile. They need enough fear.
With joy they now may hear, Yet there is room. Oh, can you see as He painted Him, picturing Himself almost shut out from the good news of salvation. Now we can tell to all, There is room. God's love in Christ we see, yet there is room. Greater it could not be, Yet there is room. His only Son He gave.
He's willing now to save all in him believe yet there is room. You know one of the no I should say many of the prayers that we had before us this evening is that the message.
May be clear and simple.
Here's the gospel message.
His only son he gave.
He is willing now to save.
And his son?
That he died on the cross for you and I, so that your sins.
May be forgiven.
All things are ready come.
Yet there is room.
Christ, everything hath done.
Yet there is room. The work is now complete before the mercy seat. A savior you will meet, Yet there is room.
I need to pause for a minute here.
Because the next verse.
The next verse becomes very serious.
I know many.
In this room tonight.
Have heard of the gospel message many times before, and yet perhaps you have put it off and off and off.
Him right or here is giving us a very solemn warning. Let's look at this hymn, verse four. God's house is filling fast, yet there is room. Some guests may be the last, yet there is room.
Yes, soon salvation's day from you will pass away then.
Grace no more will say, yet there is room.
Blessing this hymn together.
Oh, blessed gospel sound.
This one stands up here.
Feeling quite inadequate and telling for the story of God's love.
What story, what great love that God has exhibited to us, that God would stand his Son? But why would he do that? Ah, to save sinful man.
Who are we addressing to?
When we talk about sinful man.
On the way down here this morning.
I thought.
Perhaps one way to share with you our sinful condition is, If you don't mind, I'll use a little bit of a personal.
When I have to open up?
A bottle with pills.
Limited supply and some of you may be familiar with cases like this where it has.
A slots in it, one for each day. I know some people carry bigger cases.
I thought what a reminder that, well, first of all, some of us are getting older as our body deteriorates, that we need other help.
A reminder, too, that our body is not our own.
A reminder above all.
Sin came into this world, and death by sin.
The word of God said For the wages of sin is death.
Then we are told, it is appointed unto men once to die.
And after this?
The judgment.
As men, we boast about the advance of science and medications.
Sometimes we take medications to prolong life a little bit.
But how long?
I remember the first time I was given some medications.
They were in tiny pills.
Maybe the size a little bit bigger than a grain of rice. And I remember having this little bottle containing 100 toads in there. And I remember taking the first one the first day, the second one, and I look at that bottle.
And I thought this will last forever 5-6 days later.
The bottle still seems pretty full.
But a week or two later, I've noticed.
That bottle was half gone.
And then a thought occurred to me.
What if?
What if by the end of that bottle?
I cannot get anymore.
Does that spell the end?
Of one's life.
But yet.
Our days have been numbered, haven't we?
Young people, we were reminded last night, even a nine year old was taken home.
That borrow didn't have to be finished before 1. Go home with the Lord.
What is your life?
How much of that bottle, if you were to have one, that you have left?
Every day that's passing on, you're that much closer to eternity.
And then whoops, the bottle got spilled, all the pills falls out, then what?
Have you any thought of eternity?
Have you any thought about your sinful conditions that you need help on?
The gospel is sinful, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
We have about 600 people in this room tonight.
And I believe when it says aw.
All 600 or so of us are included.
For all have sinned. And then we just quoted that verse. The wages of sin is death. Oh, death is imminent, isn't it? The question is when.
But God has appointed a time. It is appointed unto men once to die.
And after this the judgment.
But we know this is the gospel meeting, a meeting of good news. Good news in regard to God's salvation.
Ah, the Word of God said for the wages of sin is death. But we know that verse does not stop. That's only half of that verse in Romans 98. But the gift, the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Blessed to know truly this is the good news, the good news that our Lord Jesus Christ came to die in your stead and mine, and God is offering you that gift of His Son.
Eternal life.
Through our blessed Lord Jesus.
Tonight, with the Lord's help, I'd like to turn to.
Portion in the Gospel of John.
Where we can see perhaps a number of things about our Lord Jesus Christ.
I have on my heart.
The first and foremost purpose of going through this portion is to present the gospel of God's grace, but also perhaps through God's words here.
If there were any that are discouraged.
That it would lift our souls and for many of us who want to walk and follow our blessed Saviors and continue to follow His footsteps, that we may be refreshed.
John's Gospel, Chapter 11.
There are seven or perhaps 8 instances that I'd like to turn to. It's not as much the story itself, but the application. I hope you'll bear with me in regard to the gospel.
This is in regard to what Jesus either have done or doing.
John's Gospel, 11.
Let's start reading in verse one. Now a certain man was sick named Lazarus of Bethany, the town of Mary and his sister Martha. It was that Mary which anointed the Lord with ointment and wipe his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick. Therefore his sisters sent unto him, saying, Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest is sick. Now we've got a little bit of a background here. We know Lazarus is sick, night unto death.
The first thing I'd like to point out.
It's about our Lord Jesus in that next verse, verse 4. I'm going to read just two words first and then we'll go back and read that verse together. Verse four, beginning of the second word Jesus heard.
Jesus heard Oh dear friends, do you know we have a savior here who hears everything that would go to him he hears our prayer here. They want him to know that Lazarus is sick sick night unto death. The Lord Jesus the first thing we should know as he hears everything Jesus heard Let's read that verse together verse four When Jesus heard that he.
Said this sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby. And tonight we know Jesus here everything and that all things that we would pray that the name of Jesus may be glorified and that God may be glorified through it. Keep your finger there like to turn to the book of Exodus.
Exodus chapter 2. We find that in the book of Exodus, after Joseph died, Pharaoh, no, not the people of Israel, and we find that they were under oppression. We know that Egypt was a picture of the world. They were under *******. They were under slavery.
They were under the taskmaster's control. Verse 23. Exodus chapter 2, verse 23. And it came to pass in the process of time that the king of Egypt died. And the children of Israel sighed by reason of *******. And they cried, and the cry came up unto God by reason of the *******. And God heard their groaning. And God remember his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. And God looked upon the children of Israel.
And God had respect unto them. We find example in the Old Testament their God hears everything they were put into that situation for a reason, but God heard them. The purpose is not to go into the book of Exodus in this particular instance, but just as an example of how we hurt his people is groaning and he allowed it for a reason. He didn't go and save them immediately. We find that seven times the Lord says I will in the next chapter he said I will I will he said in verse seven of the next chapter. He says I know of the sorrow and he said.
He will save them, He sees the oppressions. He said I will be with thee and so on. We know God hears your problem. He knows you're under the ******* of this world where Satan is the Prince of this world. Our brother this afternoon reminded us how Nebuchadnezzar he would bring in the young man. He won those with all the intelligence, the bright one, the smart one, the one that are good with science and on. He wanted them to be his.
He wanted them to even speak the language of the Babylonians. He even give them a name, a Babylonian name, so that they will forget who they really were.
Are we doing that to our children? Are you being engulfed by this world where this world can offer you the empty glory?
Moses we find that he learned, he learned, didn't he, that the glory and the pleasure of Egypt is full but a season and he rather served the people of God. Here we find Jesus heard, He knows your problems. He knows the groaning that you have. And yes, it's not difficult. I'm sorry. It is difficult to get out from the power of darkness, but God is able to help. He knows you can cry to him for help.
Peter cried, Lord save me and he found immediately the Lord's hand was there reaching out to save him. Oh, the Lord heard. But sometimes we may not see an immediate respond because He allowed it for reason which we will go into shortly. Let's go to the next verse, verse 5. Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.
When he had heard therefore that he was sick, he abode 2 days still in the same place where he was. Then he said. Then after that, saith he to his disciples, let us go into Judea again.
In this portion here at verse five, let me read 2 words again, the beginning of verse 5. Jesus laughed.
Oh, here we know we have a Savior who loved us. Here we see in the story he loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. We have one who loves us. We know he's the one that we quoted in John chapter 3 verse 16. For God so loved the world.
We know He's the one knowing full well what was before Him, as Moses even mentioned in His Word. He said as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, Even so must the Son of Man be lifted up. And then we have the verse from John 316. Then he can go on and say, For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish.
But have everlasting life. God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. What love we have from this Savior, the Son of God, who became a man.
We read another passage that he came. He set his face as a Flint to go to Jerusalem.
You know, young people, sometimes these older words are hard to understand and, and I have a problem understanding it oftentimes and I have to look up Flint.
We hear verses quoted often.
Flint. Here's one to set a face as a flinch. A Flint is like a stone, as hard as a stone.
He knew his mission, his mission was to become a man.
He would live as a man and in the middle of his life that he will die for you as a man.
He suffered on that cross so that you and I may be set free. He knew that.
Sin must be punished.
And he became the sin bearer. He bare your sins.
My sins, our sins on his own body, on that tree, because he loved you.
He loved you that he would die for you on that cross. But then he may say, here in this passage we find he says He loved Martha and Mary and Lazarus. But why did he wait two days? He must have known he's the Son of God. He must have known that he's dying unto death.
But yet he waited 2 days.
And you may cry and say, why did the Lord not pick someone up?
We can ask that, can we? But I can share with you my thought on this and I stand corrected.
Two days.
Notice before he said the Son of Man might be glorified. 2 days.
We know that Scripture said a day. Is it 1000 years? I said why would he weigh 2000 years?
To save someone.
We know the Lord Jesus came into this world. He came about 2000 years ago.
He came this morning. A young brother encouraged us by telling us he came to seek and to save. Oh, how precious.
2000 years.
And He reminded us that He will come again. And He reminded us that the meeting may not even have a chance to finish because we all have that blessed hope of our Lord's soon return. But yet another opportunity of gospel meeting has come on.
Could it be because his loved toward us is so great?
That he willing no one should perish, but all may come to repentance. Oh, he extended the time of grace just a little longer. Waiting, perhaps.
You, you dear one, you sitting back there.
Are you the one he's waiting for?
But then remember, we sing in that hymn.
God's house is filling fast.
It says soon, yes, soon, Salvation day. Oh, here's the warning from you may pass away. Yes, there's going to come that day.
It will be too late. He waited, and he waited.
When he got there, he found they told him Lazarus is dead already. How's that? Did I save you? Failed to save the one he loved? Oh, never.
Never everything else. Savior would sail us. Oh, he said he was only asleep. Let's go down further into the chapter there.
Verse 17 Then when Jesus came, he found that he had laid in the grave.
Four days already.
Here's another 2 words I'd like to repeat.
Jesus came.
Oh, we learned that Jesus heard. Jesus loves.
Jesus came. Oh, he came.
But we often look at things very differently, don't we? I know I would be just like Martha Lord.
If you were to come earlier, look at this. Lazarus did already. He's been in the grave for four days. In fact, he said he stinketh by now.
Thinking how?
God's word must be magnified. 4 days. We just talked about two days, perhaps as the 2000 years. Could we look at this four days and think of that as 4000 years?
What can we think of 4000 years? Let's turn to Luke's Gospel. We'll come back to this in a minute. Luke's Gospel, Chapter 13.
Luke's Gospel, chapter 13, verse six. He speaks also this parable. A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none. Then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard, Behold, these three years I come seeking fruit on this victory, and find none. Cut it down, why comfort it the ground? And the answering said unto him, Lord.
Also till I shall dig about it and dung it, and if it bear fruit well, and if not, then after that thou shall cut it down.
I didn't change the subject.
It is still the same subject, I believe, about the four days. We know the victory is a picture.
The nation of Israel.
For 4000 years the nation of Israel was tested as if it were. And when Jesus came.
Three years, he said. I found no fruit. Here's a nation that was set aside for special blessing God's people.
And found that no fruit, but we see God's graciousness toward his own.
We can see as if the Holy Spirit is that one saying don't cut it down, please don't cut it down yet, let's give it another year. Oh, we find the history of men under the best condition that God has given the result after 4000 years. Is that distinctive by now?
That's me.
Because of sinful, all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. It's dangerous. Let's go to Mark's gospel.
Now the incident of the fig tree.
Mark's Gospel, Chapter 11.
This is the day after the Lord entered Jerusalem before to be crucified. He entered Jerusalem on the 10th day so we can fulfill the Passover lamb. The lamb were to be picked on the 10th day and to be killed between the evening of the 14th day. So on the 10th day He entered Jerusalem. And then here at this juncture, verse 13. This is the 11Th day, the day right after He entered Jerusalem.
And keeping in mind that would make it 3 days before His crucifixion. If you want to picture it even better in our time frame, He entered Jerusalem on the Sunday. The Catholic really have it down nicely with the words. I'm not supporting what they do, but you see they call it the Palm Sunday, which is the 10th day of the month and a Good Friday is the 15th day of the month. The Passover is on the Thursday, the 14th day of the month. So this will be the Monday before the Thursday night suffering.
So he sat here, verse 13, and seeing a fig tree far off having leaves, he came, if happily he might find anything thereon. And when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves, for the time of the pigs was not yet. And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee thereafter forever. And his disciples heard it. Now remember I put the time reference purposely.
That was the 11Th day or the Monday verse 20.
And in the morning, so that would be the next day, on the 12Th day, you'll find scriptures quite precise when we spend time and look at the details carefully. And in the morning, as they pass by, they saw the fig tree. Oh, isn't that interesting? The same fig tree, the one, remember the day before, our blessed Savior, He cursed it. So you shall bear fruit no longer. Now let's read on. And in the morning, as they pass by, they saw the fig tree.
Dried up.
From the roots and Peter calling to remember, and saith unto the Lord, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou curseth is wither away. Oh, they noticed that. Remember the fig tree is a picture of the nation of Israel. It was cursed. It was to bear fruit no longer. But here we find God's grace toward his people is still long-suffering. We find here that it didn't dry and died immediately.
There was a little time still. Not until the next day did they notice that a tree was dead. Oh dear friends, when you see the Lord came and he's waiting for you, it's his goodness. It is grace waiting His long-suffering to us. Word so that you can be saved. Look at its nation, that Israel again at the cross. It ended in the sands. The time of grace began at the cross. But yet we find throughout the book of Acts God as if it was still waiting for Israel.
To repent and we find not until the I believe the 18th chapter 24 years later before Paul would say from henceforth I would go unto the Gentiles God patience and goodness toward you. But there will always come a time because God has a time frame for everything we know if we study the prophetic history of the word of God Israel.
Is God's center Israel, we know will be set aside, but just for a moment.
Few weeks ago, as Saint Louis, we have the privilege to talk a little bit about the seven feasts of Jehovah. We'll find the picture of the seven feasts laid out, the outline of prophetic Scripture. We find a Passover, the unleavened bread, and then the feast of the first fruit. We don't have time to go into that into detail, but we found that speaks of death and resurrection. We had that before us this weekend. Death and resurrection goes together, the power of God who raised Jesus.
From the dead. But then after that 50 days hands with the Feast of Weeks speaks of the Church being formed. Christians, Gentiles are brought into blessings, but only for a little while, dear friends, because we find the 5th feast is the Feast of the Trumpet where Israel shall be awakening. They will be brought back into blessings. But at the meantime we know as the one who have been redeemed by His precious blood will be, we will be caught away. We will remind him this morning.
He will come again before Israel shall be restored. Oh, what blessing God has for us. But there is a time, dear friend, you can wait.
If you wait too long, the word of God said, behold, now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation. Let's get back to our chapter John Chapter 11. We know Jesus came to see the Jesus came into this world to save sinners.
Let's go down to the next incident as our time is going by quickly, verse 35.
In this verse, there are only two words.
Jesus wept.
I know many of us used to use this as our favorite verses. Favorite verse? They were great for Sunday school.
Memorization of verses.
Jesus wept for such a precious verse. We find the Lord Jesus, I believe, recorded three times in connection to him weeping. Here's one He wept at Lazarus grave. Let's turn to Luke chapter 19.
Chapter 19 when I see a little bit more why, I'll save you wept.
Luke chapter 19 verse 41 and when he was come near.
This is the day he entered into Jerusalem on the 10th day, and when he was come near.
He beheld the city and wept over it. Why did he weep? Oh, he knew He came to seek and to save, but He knew He's coming to this place. What man will say away with him, crucify him? Oh, he know he will be rejected. He is a Savior.
Ready, willing to say, but he know the man's heart was so hardened.
That he wanted nothing to do with his savior.
What is your heart like tonight, dear friends?
Are you just like men of old at the cross?
You do not want this man to reign over you.
Or worse still, are you saying away with him? Crucified him?
Our Lord Jesus wept.
In Hebrews 5 we find that in the date of his evil flesh he mentioned about that how he weeped. We won't go into that as our time is going by. These couple more incidences I like to go into. Let's go down to verse.
35 verse 35.
1St 2 words.
Jesus said.
Jesus said.
Take ye away the storm, Martha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto him, Lord, by this time he stinketh, for he hath been dared four days.
Jesus said.
Jesus had come unto me, All ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Jesus said I am the way. He said, No man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
What's your response?
We see here Martha's responds to what Jesus said.
Didn't appear to be very obedient.
Oh, she is questioning what the Lord is offering her. Oh Lord, he's been dead. He stinketh by now. What's the sense of rolling opening that tomb for him?
Jesus said, Come unto me.
And you know.
Some of us are very perceptive to what the word of God have to say, and we follow and obey.
And some, maybe you can empathize with me that we ask for an answer over and over as the answer come before us. We need another answer. And sometimes we need someone with a baseball bat hitting us on the side before we see the answer, don't we?
So here the Lord in His graciousness in verse 40 we find.
Jesus saith unto her. I'd like to emphasize that with atomed voice. First time Jesus said come, come.
Then we find it gets stronger. Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that if thou wouldst believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God.
We find they obey. Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid.
Dear friends.
Have you heard Jesus said to you about the way of salvation? Now he's saying to you again.
Say I not unto thee.
What are you to do with Jesus?
The one who loves you, the one who died for you and thy cross.
Let's move on verse 41.
They took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid.
And Jesus lifted up his eyes and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me. Oh, isn't it blessed to see? Jesus heard our voice, our cries, our prayers, and now we find that he's in full communion with his Father.
He looked up and he knows that he's in full communion with his father. This morning our brother presented to us the burnt offering. Oh, how precious to think that the meal offering is perfect walk in this earth. He lifted up his eyes with little time left. I like to turn.
Luke's gospel again.
In Luke's Gospel chapter 23.
Perhaps or just quote some of the instances there. I'd like to take us back to that cross.
You know, some of you were in Saint Louis Conference.
When the encouragement was our brother said we should preach Christ crucified, not stories.
Christ crucified. We had the privilege and the enjoyment.
Of sharing First Corinthians chapter one. And tonight we'd like to present the one who was crucified on that cross for you and for me, and to think of this one who came.
In this expression of showing you how we come was that on the cross he had his arms stretched out wide, with nails in his hands and his feet. And he said, Come, come unto me, or either the labor and a heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Come.
Picture our blessed Savior crucified at the hands of men.
On the cross with a throne of crown at his head, suffering from the brutal Roman spurging and crucifixion.
There on that cross.
7 utterances were recorded.
And we find this loving Savior.
There he would say the very first thing he uttered on that cross.
Was he said Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
Oh what a blessed Savior. Hear the man nail him to the tree. He would say, Father, forgive them.
They know not what they do.
And then we find a little later.
He would turn to his mother.
Woman, I see. Doctor John, Behold.
Thy son.
A little bit later.
We find he would turn to under the malefactor on that cross. He was saying to this man who himself said he was worthy to die.
That he was.
Indeed, Justly deserved to die.
And because he believed the Lord were turned.
Remember, his arms still stretch out wide, would say to him, Tonight shalt thou be with me in paradise?
No thought of his own suffering.
It's about you. It's about me, Father. Forgive them.
Thought was toward everyone else but himself.
His mother needs to be taken care of, even the thieves who deserve to die.
Was taken care of. Then in the middle of those utterances, he would say.
Eli, Eli, love us about the knife. And we all know scriptures has told us that he cried. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
Here on that cross, he suffered for your sake.
And for mine.
Then we found as you look up to heaven.
Looking for the help from his father.
You find, he said, I thirst, and man would come.
With vinegar. Can you imagine if you were beaten like that? What cuts?
All over you, inside your mouth. And someone poured vinegar into that. The hatred of man still there. We wanted no part of this savior.
He was able to look up to his father and he said.
It is finished.
It is finished. Then he cried with a loud voice.
I command my spirit Nicki above the ghost.
This is the savior we're presenting to you tonight.
As if that was not enough, we read that the soldier came. They want to hasten the death.
They came to break the lake of the one and the other.
And they said they found him dead already.
And can you picture this?
With a spear.
He tears his side.
Forth with cave blood and water.
This is the Christ who was crucified for you.
What will you do with Jesus?
So we find here, let's go back to our chapter just for one little more more little portion in John's Gospel Chapter 11.
Verse 45.
And then Mary of the Jews which came to me, I'm sorry. Then many of the Jews which came to Mary and said, and has seen the things which Jesus did.
Believed on him.
Oh, how precious to see. They saw what Jesus did, dear friends.
We try to paint a picture tonight from the Word of God, what Jesus did to redeem you from this ******* of sin.
What you believe on him?
The word of God sets Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.
Thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead. Thou shalt be saved. Under the opening comment was that the gospel should be simple. It is that simple. Do you believe that God sent his Son? His name is Jesus. His name will be called Emmanuel. God be with you.
He shall save His people from their sins. He shared His precious blood on the cross, so we can say tonight the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sins.
So we find here, they saw what Jesus did and they believed.
Verse 46.
I'm going to take this out of context a little bit.
But some of them went away.
Perhaps I should just read part of this verse further down and told them what things Jesus have done.
What would you do with Jesus? Do you go away like some go find a Pharisees and dispute over this?
Or do you go away rejoicing?
The work has been accomplished. What would you do with Jesus, young or old?
There is only one way.
I like to read a hymn before we pray. I'm thinking of the hymn #42 on our hymn sheet.
Because we started the meeting by saying we have a huge.
Range of ages.
This hymn goes somewhat like this.
One of the children's favorite.
He said a little child of seven or even 3 or 4.
May enter into heaven through Christ the open door.
When the heart believeth on Christ the Son of God.
Tis then the sole receiver salvation through his blood. Often we address the young people and children.
But I do believe there are times adults who need to be saved.
If there be anyone here who still have not the Lord Jesus as the Savior, believe him as a little child. Would I like to read this hymn one more time, except I'm going to change the words a little bit for those who are older.
A little child of 70.
Or even 34.
May enter into heaven through Christ the open door. For when the heart believeth on Christ the Son of God, tis then the soul receiveth salvation.
His blood let's command ourselves.
Blessed God and our loving Father, we thank thee once again for the Gospel message.
We thank thee that the name of Jesus.
We'll be able to proclaim here once more.
Oh, as we think of thy grace, thy long-suffering.
Willing that none should perish.
But we know that door.
A door may shut very soon, for we know.
That we have that blessed hope waiting for thy soon return. So we would pray if there be anyone who was still lost in this room tonight.
That that would work in the heart and conscience, that thou would not give them rest.
They repent.
So we look to thee and we think of many here. We think perhaps there's some discouraging souls here. Who do you pray that?
That would comfort them, that that would help them to realize Thou, Lord Jesus hears our prayers, and that thou dost loved us, that thou dost weep with us, and that Thou didst come into this world to redeem us. And that we have been made both kings and priests, and that we have been lifted up into the heavenly places on high, and that this world is only this is only a world in a scene, and we soon shall be with Thee. So we just give Thee thanks tonight and ask for Thy continued help and blessings.
In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.