
Children—David So
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Have your hand up, I'll remember you next number.
We will sing the 1St and the last verses. Is that OK? Hymn #23 Behold, behold the Lamb of God now It's lovely to hear younger child too to choose a hymn like this. The Lamb of God and someone raised the tune please.
All right, who? We have to. Oh, you had your hand up. Go ahead.
Hymn #27.
Is it OK we're seeing just the first and last one OK? Can someone raise their tune for us please hymn #27?
One with the voice. Aha.
Can we sing the first and last verse of that as well? Thank you #25 Can someone raise the tune please?
Like everybody, by the way, it was going to be right.
I'm going to be in the light.
I can't call. I can trust with my name and finish using time.
Singing a warning voice. May the Lord your hide his voice, who has a holy world.
The longer way you may find your own way and your life is considered.
Now, I think I heard wrong. Did you give out 25 or 45? It is 25. OK, I thought I heard you wrong, but this is nice. Oh, OK, We'll sing one more than I want to have a story for you. OK.
40 Oh, that's thing the first and last verse about Jesus loves me. This I know you know, this is such a lovely hymn. I I don't know of hardly anyone in this world, at least the English speaking world that don't know of this hymn. And brother Bill would remember when we were younger, we visited a place called Seeton House. This is where.
Men have no place to live and they give them a bed and.
The older one used to go down and preach Jesus to them and you look at these hardened men.
They have no homes, they have a terrible life. Most of them were taken over by the influence of alcohol and other things, and when we asked them, hymns they like.
This still was one of the favorites. They may be as a world car down and under. They still know this hymn. Perhaps they learned it when they were young. So it's a lovely hymn, isn't it? To recognize and remember in your heart that Jesus loves me. Not only that, he says Jesus loves me. This I know.
Do you know that? How do we know that? For the Bible tells me so Let's sing this together. Someone started him. Please.
Believing yes, it is not lost me.
If some of you remember, we talked about darkness and light, yes, we talked about many things and I heard various ones commented on that even in the course of our conversation afterwards. Light, There's something different about light. You know, sometimes people say light is the opposite of darkness or darkness is the opposite of light. Now, I don't believe that's true.
There's a big contrast because if this room have no light, it would be darkness. You can't take darkness into a room full of light, can it? Light dispel darkness.
A light also stands out.
I brought something with me. I know some of you already saw me walk in.
I'm going to put this on.
When you see someone.
I hope I can put it on with my shoes on.
When you see someone with this on, does it mean anything? What I just put on was a payoff. Bright orange overall with fluorescent light. Her fluorescent stripes on it so it can be seen from a long way. Have you ever seen people wear this?
What do you think when you see someone with one of these on? What do you think of that person?
Oh, I need to borrow perhaps a phone. What do you think when you see someone have this?
Need to watch out. You need to watch out. Oh, that's interesting. Yeah. Especially if you're driving. You want to make sure you see a worker down there. You need to be careful. He's not a target, is he? I know some of you boys play this video game. It is fun to run things over, isn't it? Then you go, oh, I got two points. I got six points. What else does this tells you?
Does it tell you anything about the person who?
Oh, they're probably construction workers.
That's that's a good deduction. I see a lot of construction workers wear something like this. Any other thought?
Traffic off and to realize that for people to cross something could be actually it's more tell the traffic to be careful. It stands out, doesn't it? You know, I, I noticed that one night I had looking for something in the dark, I turned the flashlight on and I noticed these reflectors. There's a reason why they put these reflectors on.
It really shine and you see it from a distance. So how are we? You know the word of God says we should be workmen. Do you think of this as a Workman when you see a man with this on actually could be a woman.
Story behind this one, I'll tell you a bit more. This belonged to a woman.
They couldn't find one that fit me, so they had to find a woman's size small enough that I can have.
It's a Workman, isn't it? Now here's the problem that we as workmen do We let people know we are workmen. Are you a Workman?
What do workmen do? They sometimes wear certain uniform. And someone suggested this must be a construction guy's uniform, right? And then maybe I come in with a set of blue overall and you say, oh, he's probably working the warehouse. There's something. What about you and I? Do you have a uniform on that someone can tell you are a Workman?
You know, it's funny, I'm a Workman, but I wear a different uniform. Sometimes I put a tie and a jacket on.
Because what my line of work? That's my uniform.
Do you have one that the world knows you are a Christian?
Do you have something to tell the world that you stand out?
Now I'm going to do something else for a second. I'm going to kick this off and just.
Another problem we have.
I'm going to take this off and you're going to see that I still have balance, right?
Who would like to try this out? Yeah, you try this out.
So she's going to get into this?
Does she look like a Workman now?
Something's not right.
What's wrong with that outfit?
She looked like a frog person with a big flipper's on.
Anyone else want to try this?
Anyone in the front row see if they fit them.
Boys, no. OK, so sometimes too. You know what we do, children, We we like what the other workmen do and we follow what they do. But maybe it's not what the Lord has for us. It's not always good, a brother read yesterday. The harvest is ready, but laborers a feel a few.
There's a lot of work to be done, but is that your calling? Do you remember David?
David was before sauce. So I said you OK? You going to go fight that giant? I'm going to let you wear my armor. Can you picture David in his armor? It would be like this. And her It doesn't fit. So we need to get our own uniform to show the world, don't we?
Now then there's the other side. There's always a story behind a story. So many of you suggested that this was a construction worker.
I don't know how many of you, and I'm sure there's some engineers here. Let's see.
Adam, you can read What does this say?
OK, I know you're always told don't use a cell phone in meeting. I know many of you sneak and do it, so I'm going to let you do that. This thing says HRC 2.
How many of you know what that means? That means this uniform has a special rating.
Yeah, pull your phone out. It's OK for now. For the next two minutes, you can Google HRC 2.
Google is slow in here I guess.
Well, I'll tell you then they can look and see if I'm right. This is not a construction worker's clothing. HRC two sets. It can withstand 240 calories per centimeter square.
See a big mark is about 680 calories. We know that right? Wait a minute, I believe this calories use the capital letter C and you go look after under a Big Mac, they use the little C, not exactly the same calories, right?
What's a calorie? See, that's interesting, isn't it, that we need to be to be a good Workman, you need to know the insurance and outs of things, not just as the word of God said, the outward appearance. Now your children ready to memorize this one calorie?
I hope I remember that.
One calorie is the energy required to raise.
1°C on one gram of water and one atmospheric pressure. Got that? OK good, I just repeated that I have no idea what it says. I looked it up too.
This here.
Is for power worker with electricity because there's always a danger on what they call an arc flash. This is like an electrical explosion and often these electrical workers not do they get executed, they actually get burned badly. So this is for workers to avoid the burnt.
HRC is one of the lowest level 2 is the lowest grade but is better than nothing. Now as you can see, I'm not a real worker. I pretend to have one of these because he was given to me and he can see I work on my cars with it just to have an overall. That's why it's dirty. But isn't it interesting that?
We need to know, just like the Bible.
How many people have said bye Paul, it's just all fables? Why do you read that?
But yet I know many in this room can tell us the pressure. Oh yes.
I'm sorry. OK, now you say that again.
That's good to get knowledge, but what is heavenly knowledge, isn't it? And knowledge that this world doesn't see. When you don't know that you're just an Oval. I can go to Walmart and spend five nights one of these, or electrical worker will have to spend $600 to get one of them.
Is it different? Do you know the preciousness in the word of God?
Do you know that the word of God tells us a lot of things pertaining to life and godliness? You know, I'll tell you another story. It may be for the old, somewhat older to understand this. There was a brother that used to be in fellowship with us. It didn't really take much part. I'm not sure how much he knows, and he doesn't think he knows a lot about scriptural things, but something got him upset one day so he left.
We hear stories like that, don't we? He went to this church and because he knew more than the rest of the people, they made him an elder right away.
Because they said, you know, the word of God, He said, no, I don't how many of us feel like that We don't know the word of God that well, but.
He was made an elder. So one day they had problems and the elders get together and by the way the elders so-called is not according to the word of God. So they made a decision and he said wait a minute, this is not right. He said well what's wrong with it? So he opened up his Bible and he told them from the word of God, I don't believe this is right. So they took his advice and they made a different decision.
On the way out they said to him the next meeting, do not bring your Bible because you messed everything up.
What does this do? It tells us more about the Word of God pertaining to life and godliness.
Now we should be as good workmen.
And learned.
But then sometimes things happened. I brought another one. Some of you may have seen me wore this for the last few some winters.
What is this?
Now I'll give you a hint right away. It stands out. It does stand out. I have people remark that I can see you're half a mile away.
What do you think this is?
Probably like the code that you have with the overall matching code. With the overall it's like.
The boy's uniforms were working. Boy's uniform for working. Any other guesses?
Cover your arms. Covered. That's good. All right. Let me tell you.
In the business world, there are things called pride. How many of you heard of that word Pride. A5 letter word.
PR. What's in the middle? PR.
What is it?
I. I is the middle word, right? PRIDE in the middle of it all is me.
Well, how is this code? What does this coach got to do with me? So when you're in a company with many people, they have different ranks. They call it them pay grades. This code is only for managers. You notice how clean it is or how much cleaner it is. Workers, the workmen were overhauls. The managers wear this and I was told as a manager.
You're not a button up or zipper up your coat because you need to make sure they can see you have a jacket underneath. So when you walk around you know you're one of the managers.
Isn't it interesting pride? Sometimes we can make people know we are Christians.
Do we do it because we want to tell for the story of God's grace, telling them that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners and the apostle Paul would even say I'm the worst of them all and they came to save me. Are we better when we can proclaim the gospel of God's grace? No, but sometimes some would think they are better.
I saw the news the other day. This preacher was so good.
So many people listened to his preaching and now he has so much money that he was buying his third private airplane. He said he deserved it.
Pride can easily come in. Now the rating on this quote, I can show you the tag is worn out is a lot less. But why is that? Because it's really only for sure. The effectiveness of this code is not that important. It's just to say, hey, look, I'm a manager in this company.
Anyone want to try this to see if he can show off? I'll let someone else this time I'll say, oh, anyone else want to try see what you look like in someone else's coat? All right, come on up.
Let's put this on.
How does she look?
I think I look like a Penguin.
You think you look like a Penguin. Well, we have to thank you.
Back to that same thought is we need to know what the Lord has for us. Now I want to leave with you just one verse. I purposely did not turn to many scriptures because I find often there's so much going on we can remember what I want to go to the first epistle of John first John, as we sometimes call it.
Maybe if someone could help me now where you set we they tried the spirit?
I thought it was.
Chapter 4 yes, thank you. Now chapter 4 verse.
Three, and every spirit that confesseth nod that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God. And this is that spirit of Antichrist, that wherefore ye have heard it, that it should come, and even now already in this world.
Now I'm going to reread this, but starting from verse 2 here. Know ye the Spirit of God, Every spirit that consensus that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is God.
How is that going together? Well, just like this.
How wordly it looked the same.
There are so many people professed to be Christians, and I'm glad they say they're Christians rather than others.
But many don't believe in the Word of God, as the Word of God teaches us.
You know, I was sad to hear that a major religious organization.
They said they found that most of the ministers are atheists. They go, that's OK, it's not OK because they don't believe that Jesus is the son of God. They don't even believe that there is a God.
So we need to look deeper than just what the outward we often use that God judges not by the outward appearance, but look into the heart. That's what our actions. But with people we're with, we have to be very careful, don't we? Do they believe that Jesus, the Son of God who came into this world as a man?
That's what he meant by in flesh. There he lived, he did good, and then we, as men said, crucified him.
We do not want this man to reign over and we nail him to the cross.
This is the gospel story, as sad as it may sound. It's the gospel story that God's Son came into the world so that he can die for you and I, and that's the only way of salvation. I'm going to stop here.
I understand the verses.
To be set, how many of you memorize your verses?
I need somebody to help me pass this out. So for saying the verses you've got two choices. I have no idea what this stuff is.
I know what kit kats are. I like kit kats.
Now, I have to confess this part. We bought this on our way down here. I didn't realize how hot Kentucky is and how much harder it is inside the car. So forewarned you that I'm not sure exactly what state these chocolate bars are in. Yeah, if you can open it for me. Thank you. But you're welcome to have it. I think they still taste the same weather as well.
Different shape.
OK, who's going to You have your hand up, am I right? Yeah, go ahead.
Leonardo's fries, naturally, said, accepting 31.
Allergies, Christ, and now, shall we say, Acts 1631.
Believe her Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. Acts 1631. I can't believe these four boys know us so well. Do I need to go around? We do. Maybe we should just stop here and give them the candy bars and.
No. OK. Benji, would you like to say it?
OK, you snack up to say it. Go ahead, believe.
These choirs thou shalt be shade Arkansas search Tampa thank you.
And I miss someone. I'll come right back.
Believe on the way Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Act 1631. Act 1631. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.
Cleveland Allergies Christ and that shall be saved X 1631 Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Acts 1631 Did I miss anyone? Oh.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Acts 1631. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Acts 1631. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Acts 1631.
If I miss you, you can say it to your parents and you can come up after meeting to get one of the rewards. That's a wonderful verse. We be repeated it about 15 times. Believe, you know, the story goes somewhat like this. It was the Philippian jailers, wasn't it? They set the paw and Silas, sirs, one must I do to be saved.
Oh, they really wanted a good answer.
And Paul and Silas can reply back, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. You know what I really enjoy about that verse? If you look it up, it says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. And there's a little comma, a little comma after that verse. And then they go on and they said and thine house.
Isn't it precious to know that He wants you to be saved and the blessings come through the whole household as well?
We have time for a couple more hymns.
Oh, I didn't you and then you OK, You first #41 I'll come right back to you #41 Oh, this is precious.
Around the throne.
Singing Glory.
Nothing is a great.
What can one?
Because we'll have to make me whole life here, not before the world.
Is wrong. Oh crap.
May see why I saw.
All we pray. I think I should sum up what we say. We talk a lot about different things. I don't know about you children. I have trouble with this. Whenever I leave a conference, someone else will say, did you enjoy it? I go, yes, it was nice. What did they talk about? I don't know.
I have trouble recalling a lot of things, so I want to help you. Just maybe little things you can say. Well, Mr. So brought all these ugly uniforms. No, no, that's not what it was for, was it? Maybe just two thoughts to sum it up. One.
We as Christian should stand out. We're meant to be peculiar, aren't we? We're peculiar people. Does the world know that we are His?
How are we to shine for the Lord? Now? Don't ask your mom and dad to buy one of those. That's not the idea, OK? We all have different ways to shine for the Lord. That's one. Can you remember that? How do we shine for the Lord 2?
Test everything with the Word of God. There's a lot more to it than what people have to say. What does the word of God has to say? The word of God should have the final word.
That two things how do we shine for the Lord and test everything with the word of God. And really, before you can test it, you need to know what's in the word of God. You have to study to show thyself. Approve as that workmen need not to be ashamed.