
Children—David So
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Good morning.
I was hoping that more children up here we have 4. Is there anyone else who would like to join us up here?
No, I guess that's a tough one, huh?
You know, I, I don't blame you on that. You, you may not know this. I, I'm one who's always afraid to stand up. I'm one who's always afraid. And especially when it comes to saying versus I used to sit back and go, Oh, no, two more. Then it's my turn and I was shrinking my seat. So I don't blame you, but for thank you for those who are able to come up.
But let's begin our meeting by singing.
Ahem. Anyone of you have a favorite?
OK, Emma.
#47 OK, that's a nice 1 #47 in the back of our hymn sheet. When he cometh, when he cometh, when he comes.
Well, before we start, let's look to the Lord for help.
Blessed God and our loving Savior, we give thanks this morning for the time, uh, with thy word before us. We thank Thee for this Sunday school meeting. We thank Thee that children, young or old, are able to come under the sound of Thy word. We look to Thee. We ask for help, We ask for blessing for this meeting.
We pray, especially if there be anyone here.
Who are still lost in the sins, whether it be a little one or an older one too Lord.
We pray that that would work in the heart and conscience this morning, that that would help them to repent. And surely we know how precious it is to know that the blood of Jesus Christ, thy Son, cleanseth us from all sins. So we commit this meeting into thine hand, looking for help once more in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
All right, who would like to sing another hymn?
No, you gave one hour already. And if I do that, people were saying I play favor.
Yes. Oh, is that a stretch or arm?
No one else or thank you.
Hymn #40 Oh, this is an all time favorite, isn't it? Jesus loves me. And can we notice that when we're saying that it's me? This is about you. This is about no one else but you. Jesus loves me.
This I know, for the Bible tells me so. So let's sing this together. Jesus loves me.
Yeah, that's good at 9:00 today.
'S awesome, honestly.
Yeah, I don't think you just thought that's why you're serious.
I want me to be lost in love.
Anyone else for another one?
Yes, go ahead #33.
Nothing, either Gray or small.
In the past and it's just getting in bed and many Grand Prix gods.
You know, that's a really nice hymn. I know often.
With children's hymn we sing in the back of this hymn sheet. But this is a really nice hymn, isn't it? This tells us the whole gospel story. Tell me, is it not?
Oh, many of us here know the gospel story. The Lord Jesus died on the cross for us. And on the cross he said, it is finished. There's no more to be done. The work of redemption is fully accomplished. And yet, you know there are Christians out there that was trying to do extra things. They may say to you, you need to obey the Sabbath. They may say to you, you need to do this or that.
Well, when it comes to salvation here, the work is finished.
Now I ask your children to pick him. Is it OK if I pick one? Would that be OK? Yeah, I like to pick #42 many of you know, that's my favorite. It's a short, very short M. And in Sunday school meeting like this, we got children of all ages. Someone said to me or we were talking this morning about we're not getting older. And I told them I. I know I try not to grow up. And my wife thinks I.
Not growing up. So this year tells us a lot. The Hymns has a little child of seven. Anyone who was seven years old here. No. Oh, a little child of seven or even 3? No, that's not you. Three or four.
May enter into heaven through Christ, the open door. And I know some of you anticipating we'll sing it twice the second time around. I like to change the word so little because some are little older than seven. So we're seeing it this way.
A little child of 70, I know Brother Bill told me yesterday that he's 70 years old. He's old, right? But then he says, or even I'm going to like to change the next line too, or even.
34 Some of you, I'm sure, are around that age. So I like to sing it this way because the gospel is for all, isn't it? From a child of seven to 70, whether you are three or four or 34.
You are included in this hymn. Let's sing this together.
Breathe right here, you also know where you are.
Dial Ray.
You know, I find the Sunday school is a very challenging meeting to address. The reason is do we speak to the three or four?
Or do we tailor it to the 34? So I find it difficult. So let's, through the Lord's help, perhaps a little message for the younger one first, and then perhaps a little message for the young people and for the rest of us, because we're all should be able to learn or learn something from that and children.
As I look around here, I believe all of you have been to Sunday school before, have you? Yeah, some of you are may not know very well.
But I do believe you have been to Sunday school, you've been to gospel meeting, and you know the answer of how to be saved. Am I right in saying that? Yeah, to be safe is very simple, isn't it? The Word of God says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.
Yeah, you're echoing that verse with me. Thank you. That's very nice, isn't it?
There's no more to be done is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ in Romans says, If thou shall confess with thy mouth.
And believe in thine heart. Wait a minute. What are we to confess? Do you know that verse? Think about that for a moment. We are to believe.
We could confess how many of you know that verse and help you say that? Hold on a second. I forgot I have this say that verse for me. It's on.
If thou shalt, thou shalt, thou shalt, thou shalt. That's what I'm out, that's what I'm mouse.
I believe the Lord Jesus Christ would thy heart, thou shalt be saved. That's good, that's good. We missed a little bit that I was hoping to, but that's very good. Can anyone else help with that?
Believe in thine heart that.
God has.
Raised him from the dead. Thou shalt be saved. It's very important to realize it isn't. It is to confess him as our Lord, not just the name Jesus. Yes, the name Jesus. Every knee shall bow is going to come that day. But today you must confess him as Lord and believe that.
He's no longer dead.
He came to die, but God hath raised him from the dead. Thou shalt be safe.
You know, we speak a lot of death, the Lord's death, but the Word of God always put death and resurrection together. You see that thought through our Scripture three days after His resurrection. So for the little ones, learn those verses.
My desire this morning is to encourage not just the younger one, but that a little bit older.
To read the word of God.
This is where the power is, isn't it?
And I know if I address you, you say I read this.
Well, someone said to me one time, he said, you know, Mr. So I know that person. When they go home, they act differently. It's sad, isn't it, that sometimes we have two lives. We know how to show our brethren and our young people how spiritually we appear to be. But this is nothing to do with being who you are with, but for yourself.
This book is wonderful.
I'm going to use.
A little example here, perhaps a little object lessons. When we look at this book, there's nothing you know. This is like the Lord Jesus. He said when they looked at him, he said it was like a root out of the dry ground. There's no beauty in Him that we should desire Him. He was despised and rejected of man, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And I find most of us treat his book.
Similarly, so I bought a bag.
A big bag so I can bring a little bag with me just for illustrations. So what do you think I have in this little bag?
What another bag?
You would think I'm Russian.
I love Russian, don't I? With those little dolls that have a doll inside a doll, right? But sometimes we look at something on the outside and go and what's in it. There's nothing in it.
You can't judge by the cover, can you? Well, there's no cover to this. You can't judge it either right now. Let me see. I need some volunteer here. If you can, then tell me what you see.
I would I would guess most of you wouldn't know because he didn't park this bag.
Oh, I forgot about this handy Oh.
Something sweet, isn't it?
Oh, before I toss it over now talk to your parents. Not all of you are allowed to have this, and some of you don't like candies. I know that, right?
And and I want to share with you one more thing. When you take these candies, they don't look good because I didn't realize how hot Kentucky is. And we left it in the car and then my wife decided to test it. She'd go, oh, it's gracious soft, so it's even more squishy. So you don't have to eat a squishy candy. But it that's all I have. I didn't have time to go to the store. Thank you for helping me. The rest of you can just watch and wait.
Oh, taste and see, the Lord is good. It's OK, I got more. We'll do that later. So in this little bag was hidden something sweet.
We didn't open this. Would you have known there were candy bars in there? Oh, I'm going to set some out here. What else is in there? Oh, there's more candies in there. See. See, when you look. Oh, there's different kind too. I'm going to sit out here for a minute.
And though some of you, if I forget, you might go run behind the podium later after meeting, right? And what's this?
Another candy, another bag.
Oh, wait a minute now.
I brought I brought a windbreaker. Would you have guessed there's a windbreaker inside this bag? Oh, you would have. You saw me stop it this morning.
Sometimes you have to open things up to see what it is, don't you? And wait a minute now, there's still more in there.
I'm not doing a magic show, so don't think that I I just thought this is kind of interesting to show the point. What do you think? Wow, another garment.
What you have? No, If you didn't open the bag would you even have gas?
Well, the Bible is like that. There is always something sweet and then.
There is garment it's interesting too. Garment in the word of God often speaks of the garment of righteousness right there. Now I'm fashionable, right? I believe this is the newest craze with this vest and that look like life jacket. So there's something in that we didn't know. Now let's let's turn to our Bible.
There are so much hidden.
I have about 5-10 minutes and I don't think I can tell you everything there is. Well, I really couldn't tell you everything there is because I don't know everything there is about the Word of God, do I? But there are so much in there. But I'll share with you something interesting.
This Bible has 66 books in there. Did you know that you did good? You heard me talk about that before.
66 books. 39 books in the Old Testament.
That leaves 27 books in the in the New Testament, right?
How many of you like math? How many you don't like math?
You know, I can never remember things, so I always go 39 books, 39 books, I can remember that, so I take 3 * 9. Is 27 OK, the 27 books in the New Testament.
Funny way to remember things, but you know, there's something interesting that God have one theme in this book. This theme is.
The Lord Jesus Christ isn't it? You know, at Sunday school, it's very interesting. I tell this story often, and this group is different. You're a little bit older a lot of times.
Some of what I say someone would say I have a question.
And often children would have their hands up before the question is raised. Have you ever seen that? Children are so smart, They know what the question is before it was asked. They put the hand up and then when the question is raised, they'll go umm, umm, and they'll say Jesus.
Have you seen that before? But if you really think about the little child is right, because everything we talk about is about Jesus.
When you read this and you go, I don't understand it, I don't know what it's talking about.
Well, then the first thing you should say is Jesus. How is Jesus applied to this passage? Would that help you read the word of God? It's a wonderful book if you want to, if you love mathematics. Oh, there are numbers all over this. If you like history, There are history right through if you like to know how to deal with people.
Is right, true, but above all, the most important question the word of God has to deal with is the question of sin, and this is a topic that this world no longer want to talk about.
Everyone want to say how good they are but ignore the fact that this has a benchmark that God sets and God sets for the wages of sin is death. But before that he says for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Sad isn't it? Now I want to condense things a bit because of time. How many of you heard of the book called Isaiah?
Oh nice.
And most of the older ones haven't. Isn't that interesting?
Only the younger one know the book of Isaiah. How many books in the book of Isaiah? How many chapters in the book of Isaiah?
I'll give you a few seconds to think as you're flipping the pages.
How many chapters?
Your clothes? How many?
66 chapters in the book of Isaiah. How many books did we say in the whole Bible?
How many books in the whole Bible?
66 books in the whole Bible. Interesting you know Isaiah, the book of Isaiah is just like a miniature book of the Bible because the book of Isaiah we want time to let's turn to chapter one.
It starts off by stating something that most people don't like. Perhaps today they would even use the phrase is not politically correct.
Let me just read some verses, see if we know anybody like that.
Verse we'll start a chapter one verse two, Isaiah said hear O heavens and give ear O earth. Wow is telling us everyone here to listen carefully for the Lord has spoken, God has spoken, he won this world to know he said I have nourished and brought up children and they have rebelled against me. Oh, this sounds bad, doesn't it? Right from the beginning of this book.
He said that his he raised children and they were rebellious. Verse three The ox knoweth his master, and the ask his master's grip. But Israel does not know my people does not does not consider.
Sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evil doers, children that are corrupters, for they forsake the Lord. They have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger. They are gone away backward.
He is speaking to the nation of Israel, but does that remind you of anyone or any country that you know?
God in this book, just like the Bible from the very beginning declare that.
Man a sinful before him and this is the first thing we need to understand that there is a God.
What's the first verse in the Bible?
In the beginning.
You know what it is?
In the beginning, who?
But in the beginning is God who created all things. So that's the first thing we have to know is there is a God. For then the book of Janus is tell us that man have failed man disobey God and he sinned. So here in the first book of Isaiah it tells us man sin. But then as we go through we won't turn to it. Now see the clock is running. Then he tells us he provided a way he said as unto us a.
Is given. He told us that so he's going to send a savior now, just for time's sake, let's turn to Isaiah chapter 40. I'll tell you why. Chapter 40, let's go back to what we said about how many books in the Old Testament. How many you remember how many books in the Old Testament.
39 So the first book in the New Testament would be which book number wise.
The the 40th book. So let's turn to the 40th chapter, because this is just like the New Testament, isn't it?
So you start off by saying God said comfort ye, comfort ye even though he condemned the people of sin.
Let's go down to verse three, chapter one, verse three, the voice of him that crieth in the wilderness.
Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make strayed in the desert a highway of our God. Does this man remind you of anyone in Scripture? There was a man in the New Testament we read. We read off. His name is John. He was peculiar. I guess today's phrase. He's weird, right? He doesn't even dress right. He wore camel's hair. He eats honey. That's OK.
But along with Locus, how many of you taste at locust? I see there are quite a few out in the field. Can you imagine? That's your diet. Honey and locust. It's different. But God raised them up. In fact, he was. We read about him yesterday. Someone read about Elizabeth. His mother is an interesting, eh? She was six months pregnant. So when we read the word of God, we know. Ah, wait a minute.
John is 6 months older than Jesus, but we don't think about that that way, do we? He was six months older, and he came as it was foretold in Isaiah. He came out of the wilderness. His job was to prepare a way. He was a forerunner.
For our Lord Jesus Christ.
This book tells us God must punish sin, but it tells us that even though for the wages of sin is death.
But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Children, young people, brethren, this is a wonderful book that we need to spend time to enjoy as this is the way God would speak to us. All right, we have 10 minutes left.
The reason for the candies? Oh, before I I know some of you are probably wondering why I brought a big bag too. Do you think there's a story behind this I'm going to use?
No, there isn't.
That's just to keep you guessing. Just like you know, it's like many things in this world. It's called fluffs. It's there to make you think there's something, but there is nothing. Mind you, I did use it to bring a few more candy bars for those who want to say the verses though. So what is the verse for today?
Psalms chapter 18, verse two. Am I right?
Any volunteer? OK, Emma?
I'll hold it for you. So you're reading it. Now close your Bible.
The Lord, the Lord is my rock, my fortress, my Deliverer, my God, my.
My deliverer.
My string.
Umm, in whom I will trust my buckler, my hormone?
That's cool. Yeah. Anyone else?
Iraq may focus on my liver and humorous trust.
How do you learn? Did you learn more? No, that's good. So I'm on the way to ARMS 18.
22 tomorrow.
The Lord, the Lord.
As the Lord is my rock, the Lord is my rock, my fortress, my fortress and my deliverer.
In my delivery. Am I right?
Thank you.
Anyone else?
The Lord is my rock.
My fortress.
My strength.
My God.
Am I deliver?
And whom I will trust.
Psalm 18. Two.
Though is my rock and my fortress and my strength.
My God.
My deliver.
In whom I will Psalm 18 to.
The Lord is my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, my God, my strength, and whom I will trust. Psalms 18, Two.
Everything OK? You can read it.
The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God and my strength, in whom I will trust my buckler and the horn of my salvation and my high tower.
OK, good. The Lord is my rock, my fortress, fortress and my strength, my God, my deliverer, and whom I will trust my buckler in the horn of.
My salvation.
Umm, that's good. You learn most of it.
Anyone else? OK, you're going to try? No.
Any big boy big girls back there want to try it?
Well, that is very nice. Thank you for trying that. Now I'm going to set a bunch of candy bars back there. If you feel you set the verse and earned it and some of you may have said it quietly, that's OK too.
And feel free to come up if you think your mom, mom and dad need one as much as you do. Well, feel free to get one for your mom and dad. Let's sing one more hymn before we close anyone else that someone? Anyone else who haven't given to him yet?
Have you OK?
Hymn #44.
Into a text.
You know, often after a meeting or perhaps when we go home, and I know this happened to be a lot, someone would say, how was the conference? I would say it was nice. What did they talk about?
I don't remember.
So it's kind of nice sometimes to some things up. I know when we leave, sometimes we don't remember and I may not be very good at expressing myself so.
My message was to encourage you to read the Word of God. Even if we can't express things right, God will express it properly to you. This is the most important thing, isn't it? Read the Word of God and enjoy what He has.