Duration: 46min
Children—Wally Dear
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Morning, boys and girls.
So happy to see you here today. You know, this is referred to as the Sunday School, and I know the Sunday School is for everybody, but I think it's mostly for the children.
And last weekend we went to a conference and instead of Sunday school on the schedule, it said children's meeting. It was a meeting especially for the children. And so it's so nice to see some children now on the front row and.
There's any children toward the back that would like to come to the front?
I think that, uh, you might, uh.
Be glad you came to the front because we got something to pass out. You see that bag over there? That's not a Bible bag, that's a tearing bag. I got something in there for all your boys and girls.
Let's begin by seeing some songs off the hymn sheet. And I like to sing as many songs as we can, so maybe we're going to sing the first and last verse, unless you indicate otherwise. Sam, you got a number?
26 All right, we're gonna start today with #26 on our hymn sheet.
I believe we sang this last night.
So let's sing it again. Let's sing the first and last verse #26.
There is light.
At this moment over here in the.
And I love considering. And let me say I'm still there. And who was male unto her screaming unity.
Very great spotlight. Thank you very much. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Yeah, I'm always such joy. And thou in heaven can't stop when I am shaking in thus thy pride thus never.
Away there in life and on the path that's great with the high wise in high Kwanzaa and I want the airplane there and why it's like a stone and sovereignty.
That sounded so good. I think we're off to a good start. Anybody else have a number? Yes.
Yeah, OK, so let's back up one song #25 first and last verse.
25 perhaps it's just fine. It was still going to be expired and you're saying it's all behind. You know what I need to try?
Listening on it begins on my heart, and it's big and big and straight and crying out in the world.
And I can't even tell the water any blood make so low. If you're having $6, let's go on her house as well. And he's gone all the way to the beginning of life.
I'm gonna be diarrhea getting to your eyes from your way and I'm sitting on it for hours.
Come inside for heaven to die in time.
And your Friday comes too late.
See you tomorrow.
Yes, 14 #14.
First and last.
Have you been to?
His friends and I'm sorry you want in the blood of the land.
All right, now Friday's good promise of your willows beginning in your life because I ran by and above the blah, blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
We don't want to hear the whole behaviour and I think all of them back to Josephine's surprise and I think a lot of the skin that's blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Very good.
Good singing here today. Anybody else have a number? Yes #1.
You know, I see that we're not even singing songs off the back.
On the back page of this hymn sheet it says children's hymns and choruses.
But I find that the boys and girls, they like to sing that other songs in the hymn sheet, so that's good. All right #1.
I think we've got time for maybe one more. Anybody else? Yes.
#9 All right #9.
We'll sing the first and last verse #9.
Come every soul.
Let's pass. Uh, well, no. Let's just set our hymn sheets aside, uh.
I don't know where you wanna put them. Could put them on the floor.
Dan, I'm up between the chairs between.
Anyway, we'll put our hymn sheets aside.
And, uh, we're gonna take time to pray. We're gonna ask the Lord for help. And so let's just close our eyes and bow our heads while we pray.
Our God and Father, we thank you this morning.
At the boys and girls have come to the Sunday School and we thank thee for each one who has been seeing these wonderful songs about the Lord Jesus.
And we've been singing that little word COME com.
We pray that each boy and girl here might not only come to the Sunday School, but they might come to Jesus.
And that they might put their trust in the Lord Jesus. We thank you that.
Trusted is what we need to do in order to be saved, to put our trust and confidence in the Lord Jesus and His precious blood that was shed at the cross of Calvary. And so we earnestly pray for each boy and girl here today, if there's one here who is still.
In their sins, who has not been washed in the precious blood of Christ and is on the broad Rd. that leads to destruction?
We pray that this very day they might come to the Lord Jesus and accept Him as Savior and Lord.
So that each one that's sitting here in this.
Gymnasium might also be found seeded in glory around that throne, singing thy praise for Jesus. So we ask you for help as we continue the Sunday School here today. And we do pray for Thy word wherever it's going, out to boys and girls around the world in many Sunday schools.
We do ask Lord that I'm word would find an entrance into their hearts and that they might enjoy.
Salvation through faith in Christ. We ask this as we give thanks to my worthy name, Lord Jesus, Amen.
So now typically we have memory verses.
Don't really have a lot of time to spare. Is there anybody that really knows their verse really good and would like to try to say their verse?
Here today.
We're not gonna twist any arms.
I know when I was sitting in.
A seat like yours when I was your age, it was kind of scary to say a verse, especially if you're asked to say it into one of these things, he said. Well, I.
Well, I see, Sam, you've got your hands up. OK, You wanna say your verse, Sam? God commendeth His love towards us, and that while we are yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5/8 Very good. Anybody else?
Anybody else?
Yes, Would you like to?
God commanded his rock first command in his love.
You need a little help.
Anybody else wanted to say it? Anybody think they can say it without help? Anybody at all? You mean Sam's the only one that's gonna say this first without help?
Well, I think Sam maybe should get a special prize. I think I got something for you, Sam, after. OK, so there's nobody else. OK, How about you? All right.
God commanded his love toward us, that while we were at sinners.
Christ died for us.
OK, who else?
Any other hands up?
Frozen 8.
MMM, the father something.
Roman 5/8.
Garbage handed his love toward us.
Well, you're young, so Christ 'cause.
5/8 OK well you need a little help too, but.
Try it. That's good. You know, boys and girls.
I was thinking about the fact that.
We're not too far away from the anniversary of what's known as 911 now. Does anybody know anything about 9/11 911? Can you tell me something about 911?
That's right, the Twin Towers came down. We all remember that. And that happened on 9/11, which would be the day after tomorrow is 911 and.
The anniversary.
Of the emergency call system called 911.
Is the 50th anniversary is this year you see back in 1968?
It was decided it would be good to introduce some kind of a call system so if somebody was in trouble they could dial 3 numbers and they could get help.
And so they decided the three numbers would be 911911 and it was an easy number to remember and it was referred to as the Lifeline to Public Safety 911. It's been used ever since. Now, has anybody?
Called 911.
Anybody here on these front rows here ever call 911?
Well, that's a good thing. Oh, OK, you did. Do you mind telling us why?
Oh, when you were little, you accidentally pressed 911.
And what happened?
Oh, so they came to your house?
They were there wanting to help, but it was an accident. You just pressed the numbers. OK? Did you press the 911? What, 4?
Oh, Dynamite 11. OK, so your sister thought you got hurt and she went and dialed 911. Well, you know, boys and girls.
What's that now?
Oh, you dialed it?
Oh, she took it away. Well, we have some interesting, uh, stories.
To be told, well, I think back in my life and I dialed 9111 Time. I can only think of one time. And you see, we live in a place called uh, Vanceboro, Maine and we live right across from a river.
And this river is like a boundary line between the state of Maine and New Brunswick. It's called a Saint Croix River. And right at the head of Saint Croix River is a dam. And the water flows through that dam. And when they open up the gate of the dam, that water rushes through.
At a tremendous speed and it's a dangerous place to be.
Well, you know, one day there was a group of canoeists and they came with all their canoes and they decided they're gonna put in their canoes just below the dam and they're gonna go down the river.
So this has happened before and there was a lot of talk and then a lot of commotion.
And so I, uh.
Was listening.
All of a sudden I heard some screaming and I said to myself, I think somebody's in trouble, somebody needs help. And so I ran across the road and I looked on the bank and I looked into the river and.
There there's a big bridge that goes across the river and these big pillars that support the bridge that go from the bridge down into the river.
And here I saw.
That there was a canoe that was actually wrapped right around one of those pillars. The force of the water had taken that canoe. It was probably about 1617 feet long and it just wrapped itself right around the pillar. And then I looked and I saw where the screaming was coming from. There was a boy.
And his leg was between the canoe and the pillar. He was trapped and the water was rushing over him.
Like this?
And he was shouting, screaming. And I thought 911911 and I ran and I called 911 and in no time there was these men that came and they were able to release this boy from being trapped in the river. He could have drowned well.
This boy, I'm thankful to say.
Had no broken bones, but he had a very bruised legs. In fact, I was the one. I took him to the hospital to be checked out and it turned out that.
You're just gonna be OK. But it was kind of a scary time. But, you know, it was nice to be able to call a number to get help.
Now you know, I would like to refer to a verse today.
And it's not 911, but I'm gonna call it, uh.
50155015 Now this is back in the psalms and if somebody has a Bible and would like to read this first I would really appreciate it. This is in.
Psalm 50.
And verse 15.
Yes. Would you like to read it? Could you stand up and and and read that for us?
And call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me. Thank you very much. Now here we find.
You might say A911 in the Old Testament, and who is it that speaking? It's the Lord himself, and he says, call upon me.
In the day of trouble.
How many here have ever been in trouble? Put up your hand if you've been in trouble.
Yes, I can see.
I think that maybe all of us at one time or another have been in trouble. You know, it tells us that man is born unto trouble, like the sparks fly upward. If you look at a fire, sparks are flying out in every direction. And so trouble is common to man.
And it's even boys and girls have troubles. But you know, here's.
What we need to remember?
The Lord says, call upon me.
In the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee. What does that mean?
He'll help you out of the trouble or through the trouble.
And thou shalt glorify me now, this boy, I don't know if he prayed, I don't know if he asked the Lord Jesus.
For help I'm not sure.
I believe I had the opportunity to tell them about the Lord.
But you know, it's a wonderful thing that no matter what time of day or where we are, if we find ourselves in trouble, we can call upon the Lord and He is ready to listen, it says.
His arm is not shortened that it cannot save, neither is his ear heavy that it cannot hear, he hears.
When we call upon him.
If we turn over to the New Testament.
We read about many times when different ones they called upon the Lord Jesus for help. They were in big trouble.
And I'm thinking in Matthew's Gospel, I was just going through the Gospel of Matthew and I find there that.
Remember the disciples, they were in a ship and they were going across the water and this huge storm came up and it tells us the waves just covered the ship and they were all scared.
And they went to the Lord Jesus. Anybody know where Jesus was at this time? He was on the boat, but you know what he was doing?
Yes, Sam. Yeah, he was sleeping on a pillow. See, the storm didn't get him all nervous.
And the disciples?
They were all nervous, and you know what they said? Lord, save us, we perish. 5 words. Lord, save us, we perish.
And the Lord had to rebuke them. Where's your faith? You think that ship's going to sink with Jesus in the ship? Of course not. But you know, the Lord Jesus, he got up and he said to the wind and the wave, peace be still. Everything becomes perfectly calm because.
He has control of the weather, He has control of everything, yes.
With sharks. Sharks in the water. Oh, that's scary, isn't it? You know?
I got a shark. I'd like to show you after I got two sharks.
And I'm going to show you after. I didn't bring them with me, but I got them. They're in the car. You like to see them.
They have big teeth.
And the mouth goes like this. OK, so you come to me and I'll show you. You know, I believe that God has saved.
People from sharks.
You know, there's nothing too hard for the Lord so.
Let's see. Oh, there was another time in the New Testament, in Matthew's Gospel centurion.
I think he had charge of 100 soldiers.
Centurion and his servant was sick.
He was at palsy. He's like paralyzed, couldn't do anything, so he comes to the Lord. The centurion came to the Lord and asked him to heal his servant, and that's what the Lord Jesus did.
And another time there was a ruler.
He came to Jesus about his daughter. His daughter was sick.
And I think she's only 12 years old. Is there any girls here 12 years old? OK, here's 12 year old girl and you know what?
The Lord Jesus.
Was helping somebody else and then a message came to this ruler.
Don't bother.
Your daughter just died, she said.
You know, the Lord Jesus heard that message to the ruler, and I'm sure the ruler thought, oh.
How to say it? But the Lord Jesus said.
Be not afraid, only believe.
And the Lord Jesus knew exactly what to say to be a comfort to that man. And you know, he went to the house and he raised up the girl, and she was only 12 years old.
And then the Lord Jesus said she's hungry, so you give her something to eat.
Uh, what about Peter? You know Peter? He was.
Walking on the water.
And as he walked on the water, the wind began to blow, and there was the big waves coming up. And Peter, he took his eyes off the Lord Jesus, and it tells us that Peter began to think he's going down in the water.
We prayed a short prayer. 3 words.
Anybody know the prayer that he prayed? He called on the Lord. Sam, you got all the answers. What do you think?
Yeah, that's right. Lord, save me. He was in earnest, you know, long prayers.
Sometimes they don't come from a heart and they aren't worth a straw.
But a little short prayer that comes out of our heart, God appreciates. And you know it tells us that immediately the Lord put forth his hand and lifted him up.
Peter called on the board. And in the next chapter, I think it's Chapter 15, there was a woman that came.
Her daughter was vexed with the devil, and she came to the Lord and she looked to him for help and she said, help me and the Lord helped her and we could just go on and on. There's so many instances where the Lord helped those who called upon him. Now I'm thinking of another.
It's in Luke chapter 18. There was a man, he went into the temple to pray and he prayed.
I believe it was 7 words. Let me see if I can count these up.
You know what? He prayed.
You said God.
Be merciful to me, the Sinner.
He called upon the Lord for mercy. 7 words, a little short prayer, but it came out of his heart.
And you know, this man who tells us, went down to his house, justified God heard that prayer and saved that man. Well, we could, uh, speak about a lot more, but I think that's really the first prayer that God desired that we call upon him and say, God be merciful to me, the Sinner. Now I'm going to turn to another, uh, if I could call it a 9/11. It's in the New Testament in Romans.
Chapter 10 and verse.
13 and then we're going to find out.
What's in that bag?
Romans chapter 10 and verse 13. But I think it would be nice to read verse 12. Now, is there anybody that would be willing to read this for me? OK, now you read before very good. Would you like to read it? OK, Could you stand up and just read, uh, Romans 10 verse 12 and 13?
So there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek for the same Lord.
Overall is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Thank you. Very good. Here we find that there's no difference. Earlier it tells us there's no difference. All have sinned. Here we learned there's no difference.
For the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him, and whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Now I hope each boy and girl here today has called upon the name of the Lord for salvation.
There's no salvation in any other than Jesus. He is the only Savior. He's a complete Savior, but He's exclusive Savior. And it tells us that by himself He purged our sins. He went to the cross of Calvary like we had in our verse today. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. And this is the display of God's love.
For boys and girls, and for you and me. You know God wants us to be saved. He wants us to go to his happy home.
He wants us to be part of his family. He wants us to have peace and joy in our souls, and he has provided the means whereby our sins can completely washed away and it's through the blood of Jesus. Wonderful, the gospel of the grace of God. So now let's take a look at what's in this.
I gotta quickly do this. I'm going to pass out.
Something here to you and we'll see if we can tie it in with our message. See, this is something here. Help.
Health 911 supposed to put that in the window of your car.
If you have a problem on the side of the road, you can put that in your window and hopefully somebody will stop and help you.
Does that sound loud? It does.
This is called the ICE whistle.
In case of emergency, you blow this whistle, get lost. There's a man out of Baltimore or Annapolis. I guess he went out and was kayak, I think it was last May.
The waves got kind of big and he went over his kayak and actually tipped it right over.
And now the man's in the water. It's cold water, too. Back in May, it's very cold. But you know, this man had a whistle and he began to blow that whistle. And I believe it caught the attention of somebody in the distance. And they came and they helped the man. Well, this is another means of calling for help, but.
What I got here today, I got just a few minutes and I wanna pass out one of these to everybody.
And I want you to see if we can open up this.
And be careful not to spill it, please.
You're welcome.
See if you can open the top on that. Can you do this?
All right.
One for you, one for you.
One for you.
My concern is that these tops might be a little too tight, but hopefully you can open them up.
We just don't want that.
Soapy liquid to spill out OK.
Yeah, you're welcome. All right, one for you.
One preview.
And one for you.
Now we're gonna do something altogether.
I got my eye on the clock here.
So is that everybody? Everybody got one of these, all right?
So let's open these up.
On the count of three.
I would like I'm. I'm gonna show you how to do it first and then everybody can do it. OK, You take this out of here.
OK. And we're going to do that on the count of three, so?
Let me recharge this. So when I say three, I want everybody to to blow OK 123.
Well, isn't that beautiful?
That's fine, I like that.
All right, let's try that again. So we're gonna put these in here.
On the count of three.
And kind of blow up into the ceiling 123.
Well, that's a lot of bubbles.
And those bubbles are beautiful. Look at how they glisten in the light. I see all the colors of the rainbow in the bubbles.
Yeah, I'd like to do this again. Let's try this again.
OK, here we go.
Oh, I forgot to say three, didn't they? All right, we gotta do it again.
On the count of three, OK.
OK boys and girls.
Now these bubbles are so beautiful, but the point here is.
The bubbles look at him.
They're disappearing.
We had hundreds of bubbles and all of a sudden they're gone.
And, you know, that's like the pleasures in this world. You know, we have fun, don't we, doing different things. We go to the park, we go down the slide.
And then we wanna go down again and we go down again and the slide is fun, but we can't spend our whole life there. And maybe we go to another park and we go on a roller coaster down, down. And that roller coaster ride is so fun, but it doesn't last. It goes away. And maybe we go on vacation. You know, you poison cross it then on summer vacation, right?
But now summer vacation is all gone. Summer vacation usually is a fun time, but I must say this summer has come and gone so fast.
And now?
No more summer vacation. You know, what I'm trying to make a point about is that.
Things in this world, they don't last. And even our lives, no, boys and girls, the Bible tells us that our life is like a vapor. It appears for a season just like those bubbles showed up and then vanishes away. That's what happened to the bubbles. So.
Life is short.
And boys and girls.
One of these days Jesus is coming, or you may die. We hope not, but we never know. Could be an accident, Could die.
Jesus might come, and if you're still in your sins, you're not going to go to be with Jesus.
When you depart this world, you'll be left behind for judgment. It's so serious. And This is why we need to take advantage of opportunity to be saved and be saved now. And I'll tell you something, when you come to the Lord Jesus, you're going to find that He provides pleasures that aren't.
For a moment, but there are pleasures in Jesus that go on and on and on forever and ever pleasures forevermore. That's what we find when we come to the Lord Jesus. There was a African native and.
I read one time what he said.
He was such a happy person and he said I'm happy for three reasons #1.
I have Jesus in this book #2 I have Jesus up there and #3 I have Jesus.
In here. And he pointed to his heart. Three reasons to be happy. Well, I trust that we all might be happy.
Knowing that we belong to the Lord Jesus, that we've been cleansed in this precious blood, and that we're on our way to heaven to be with Him and He is the only Savior and He's the best friend that we could ever have. Well, our time has passed, so we're going to just pray and ask the Lord for His blessing.