
Children—Wally Dear
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That's a good sound.
What we'd like to welcome each and everyone to the Sunday School today.
And you know, we've got all these seats up here in the front and there's nobody sitting on the seat. And this is especially for the boys and girls this meeting. And so I'm going to ask that.
Boys and girls, would you be willing to come and sit on these front row seats? It won't cost you any extra. You know. Front row seats are good seats.
You can see what's happening.
So now does anybody need a hymn book? We might have to share this morning on the hymn books.
But we don't want anybody have an excuse not to sit.
Anybody need a handbook?
All right, so we're all ready to sing, are we?
Did you boys have a good sleep last night? You did.
Did you have a good breakfast? Yeah.
Yeah, well, that's good. Do you feel sick?
No. All right, Well, let's see.
It's a good time to sing. Do you have a number you'd like to sing in this book here? Which 1/22/22? All right, let's start number #22.
#22 starts with the word come. What a beautiful word.
Come to the Savior.
In her midst he found out tenderly saying come joyable, joyful, joyful, joyful, joyful will come hidden big when I'm saying our hearts are your and tragedy.
Joyful, joyful.
Sail for our hearts and our devil, and we shall gather.
Savage our within.
Our eternal.
We're off to a good start. Anybody else have a number?
Yes, 88 number 88.
There once was a while ago He had to retire to my dream and give us my taking care about him. He said go ahead and bring him to me. And when they had brought into Jesus how quickly I'd ever may grow that grass. Was that my little donkey?
What's quiet and Long Beach and that's good.
For the year that was riding upon him, anyway. I shall somewhere that he shall.
We don't give it make so by the Son of God and she doesn't disable to make you move whatever he wants you to be living. He loves you and wants to forget you the living room and make you both happy and crazy.
Anybody else have a number?
Do you have another number?
But if you don't know the number, maybe you can tell us the name of the song, Yes? Which one would you like to see?
Jesus loves me. I would love to sing this song.
Sometimes I wonder how many times I sung this song in my lifetime. I never get tired of singing it. Probably thousands of times.
But it's just as beautiful today as ever. So what #52 OK, Jesus loves me this. I know how many know this time know the sign language for the chorus. OK, when we get to the chorus, we're going to sing and sigh.
OK. And uh, I think when we think come to the course the last time, instead of singing, we'll just sign. So we'll be really quiet and won't sing the chorus the last time, we'll sign.
Jesus loves me inside.
We find he is strong. Yes. He is not part of me. Yeah. You trust lost me. Yeah. He is not responding to me. Don't have probably close. I will be so Jesus loves me, he who died.
Yeah, yeah.
Tells me so Jesus loves me. He will say love you die me off of the way if I trust him. Should I die he won't take me over my mind. Yes.
Like it? That's nice.
You know this part here. You know why we do this?
Can somebody tell me why we do this?
For the Bible exciting the Bible, do you know Max?
What does this remind us of when we go like this? Yeah. What about you?
Exactly when he was nailed to the cross.
You know, and some people, they have the idea that he was tied to the cross.
With ropes around his wrist and I've seen pictures like that.
But the Bible tells us.
That he was nailed to the cross, because you know, the Lord said they pierced my hands.
And my feet. And so that's what they did to the Lord Jesus. Well, we have a wonderful Savior to sing about. And Jesus was willing to suffer on the cross for boys and girls like you and me. And so it's a wonderful thing seeing this wonderful little song about Jesus loved me. Well, I think we have time for one more song. Anybody else have a number?
Which one would you like?
55 #55.
Jesus wants me forever to shine for Him.
Every way to try to do it.
I'm sorry.
Maybe from the other side?
Of the young suddenly for him.
She is on his wife's name to be in love.
With you all, I said showing how person that's why I'll be in place that no one can be.
I will ask you so soon about a whole day to give my heart from standing.
To the heart of the gentleman, and the way shall I encore him?
A sunny mountain to me, that's what's made for us.
I'm saying.
Let's, uh, take me to the poster side.
Yeah, I mean, if you can just put them down on the floor for three years, legs and the seats there chairs, now we're going to talk with the Lord.
You know, somebody told me one time.
We talked to children about the Lord. We need to talk to the Lord about the children. So that's what we wanna do. So.
Let's just close our eyes and bow our heads while we pray.
Our Father loving God, we thank you this morning that we can be here to sing these wonderful songs about Lord Jesus.
Thank you, dear Father, for sending Thy Son to be the Savior, and we thank Thee that He on the cross was willing to die to suffer.
In order to open wide heaven's gate, and we thank you this morning, Lord Jesus, that our inviting boys and girls to come.
And to enjoy a full and free salvation.
Through simple faith indeed, thy precious blood that was shed there on the cross. And we wanna thank you for each boy and girl here today. We thank you for the older ones too. We pray that there would be a message that might reach into the heart of the dear children that if there's one year still in their sins.
They might realize how awful.
How terrible is their condition before deep or God, and that they might come to Jesus, and finding him that which not only can save their soul, but satisfy their hearts and become the very righteousness of God in Christ. So we ask this, not only here in darkness, but wherever thy word is being proclaimed this day.
Boys and girls are sitting onto the town of the Gospel.
Depressed, and by thy grace, thou at work.
That they might see and satisfy, we ask this thy precious worthy name, Lord Jesus, Amen, now today.
I brought my suitcase, so I got to go get that. OK, so you just wait a moment. I'll be right back.
Mr. Galbraith over there.
With the suitcase.
He said. Are you checking out today?
No, I said. I'm checking in.
And here I am today in this hall with my suitcase. And what do you usually put into a suitcase?
Does anybody have a thought on that as to what might be there mask?
Clothes. What do you think?
Stuff all right.
Anybody else have an idea?
Stuffed animals.
Toothbrush and toothpaste.
That's a good thing to carry in a suitcase, but.
You know what?
Max, you struck the nail on the head when you said close, because that's what I got in that suitcase.
And I'm sorry, boys, I don't have any stuffed animals. I should have a toothbrush in you. Probably toothpaste.
But you know what?
I want to talk about.
Those today.
Now, you know, the Bible talks a lot about flows, and sometimes they're referred to as garments. Garments. It's the same thing as clothes, OK. And what I find is that God, he makes clothes for men and women and for boys and girls that are so very nice.
And that suits him.
And other people, they think they can make their own clothes to suit God and it doesn't work. Those clothes are nasty and in that suitcase.
I got it. Nice clothes and nasty ones, that one. Now I wanna turn to a portion in the Bible and this is a story back in Zechariah chapter 3.
Chapter 3. Now I've seen the Old Testament.
Seth and Iah Hagee I Zechariah.
Malachi So it's just second to the last four in the Old Testament.
And chapter 3.
We're gonna reach it a little bit, OK?
This is what it says and.
He showed me Joshua, the high priest, standing before the Angel of the Lord.
And Satan standing at his right hand to resist him. So now we have a man, he's called a high priest, and he is there in the presence of the Lord.
And also there is Satan.
What's another name for Satan?
Could somebody tell me?
Devil. Devil. That's right, Devil.
And I just thought the other day, you know, there's so many bad words that start with D, you know, like.
Discouragement, Darkness, Depression.
Siemens devil starts with D and then we have EE plus evil that.
Did you know that Satan is here today?
We are in the presence of the Lord, but we are also, I believe.
Here and Devil is at work.
And he tries to, as it tells us here, resist.
What the Lord wants to do, He don't want us to.
Follow the Lord and His instruction.
He wants us to go his way.
And we know his way leads to destruction.
It leads to the Lake of Fire.
Now, since the Lord said to Satan.
Lord rebuke thee, O Satan, Even the Lord that has chosen Jerusalem rebuked these. It is not this a brand plot?
Out of the fire.
You know.
That there is no.
One crater than the Lord.
And the power of the Lord is greater than the power of the devil.
I remember there was a boy, his name was Billy, and we had a little gospel meeting and after the meeting he came to me and he said, you know, Mr. dear, the power of God is greater than the power of the devil. I never forgot that.
Now the devil is stronger than you and me.
But he is not stronger than the Lord, and so the Lord rebuked Satan now.
Is this?
Joshua was clothed with filthy garments.
And stood before the Angel.
Anybody tell me another word for filthy?
Tilted Does anybody here have tilty garments?
Look around, you see anybody?
You had your hands up. You're gonna tell me what's another word for filthy might be.
Somebody gave their hand up here.
Jill, do you have any idea what that means?
There is a filthy garment in this world.
In the suitcase. OK, so.
I'm going to get this out.
And you know what I say?
Away from this garment as much as I can.
There it is. There it is.
And I thought I'd bring it today because I think it helps maybe to prove a point.
If I put this on.
I would say.
I have on a filthy garment.
This is dirty.
This is not a nice suit of quotes.
And I put it on last night.
Over at the hotel to see how it would fit.
You know what my wife said?
She said. I sure hope you're not gonna wear that today.
No way.
Hey, listen, there's a filthy garment.
And you know.
I really don't feel comfortable wearing this in front of all these ones that have such nice clothes on.
But here it tells us that Joshua, he was standing in the presence of the Lord.
And he had on a filthy garment. Is that a good thing?
You know.
I believe.
That what we're talking about here.
Is the fact that.
Earthly people.
The Jews.
They had turned away from God.
They were doing wicked.
Acts terrible sins.
And you know, there was in the Jerusalem that we're reading about here, a house. It's called the House of God. It was the temple.
And you know, in the temple they were to worship the one true God, the living God, and how wonderful he is. And he did so very much for his people. He brought them out of a place called Egypt where they had to work so very hard under cruel taskmasters that brought down whips and probably made their backs to bleed because.
They make them work so hard. They had no love for the people.
But you know, God saw this situation and in a miraculous way, he brings them out of Egypt through the Red Sea into the wilderness. And for 40 years he provided for his people out there in the desert, food and water, and he cared for them. And then when they get into this beautiful land, the land of Canaan, we know that the.
We're able to overcome.
Enemies. And ultimately there was this temple built.
Where the Lord would put his name.
And you know, you can read about it over in uh.
What the Lord had in mind.
You know it tells us here.
In verse 4, behold, the glory of the God of Israel was there.
And so on and so forth. But the sad thing is.
We find that there were things.
That turned away from the board and.
They began to.
Do things in the temple that were really bad.
And they built.
Idols in the temple.
And it tells us here about how they.
In verse 10.
There was the form of creeping things, abominable beasts, all the idols of the House of Israel portrayed upon the wall round about.
And then if you come over here to verse 16, there's 25 men between the door of the temple or the porch and the altar of the Lord. And what are they doing? They're bowing down and worshipping the sun. The SUN.
It was a bad suit there in Jerusalem, and there was one king, his name was Manasseh, I believe, and he built an idol that had its hands out like this.
I hesitate to say this, but they would actually bring.
Little children and put into the hands of this idol, it was just a piece of metal, the little one, and that one would be burned. It was like an offering to the gods of Malik. And all of this was going on in Jerusalem, which was the place.
Where God had put his name. Now, you know, God would never do anything like that. In fact, the Lord said it didn't even come into my mind to do that kind of naughtiness, but that's what happened in Jerusalem.
And so I believe that this particular people, the nation of Israel, they seemed so grievously.
And so here we have this high priest, he's flowed with his filthy garments, representative of what the people had been doing and the king. And you know, it was a sad, sad condition. However, notice what it tells us here.
It says in verse 3 Joshua was clothed with filthy garments and stood before the Angel.
Of the Lord, which I believe would be the presence of the Lord. And he answered, and spake unto those that stood before him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from him, take them away.
I don't want those filthy garments in my presence.
And this is what the Lord says.
And unto him he said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, Then I will close thee with change of raiment. Change of raiment is new clause.
A new suit and take away this old filthy garment. Now, I believe that you and I, we have a lesson to learn from this story. Even though it's about the Jews, you and I, we have been bad too.
Is there anybody here on this role that's never done anything bad?
Thank you for being so honest.
How about this role? Is there anybody here that's never done anything bad?
Just put up your hand. If you've never done anything there, how about the next row? Next row?
Nobody's putting up their hands.
Oh, look at that back row over there.
There's some people there, they're dressed so nice.
Anybody on the back row that's never done anything bad?
You know what the Bible says.
Fibocyst fall as standard. The Bible tells us there is none that doeth good. It tells us that the Lord he looked down from heaven on the children of men.
And we're all children of men, everybody in this room.
What for? To see if there were any that did understand and seek God. And what did God see?
They are all gone aside. They are all together, become filthy. There is nothing to do with good. No, not one. Not even one.
And so we're just like this high priest.
Clothes with the filthy garment, such as our character before God. That's how God sees us.
It's not nice.
And, you know, many people don't think about it.
And they have no concern about how they look before God. But you know, God is looking down into this world. He knows what's in your heart. And you know, as I look around this room here today.
There's nobody that's wearing the filthy garment.
Outside except me.
But what counts with God is not what we are wearing, as nice as it might be.
Whether it be addressed?
Or trousers or sweater. And it's, it's nice to dress nice outside. I, I don't mean to discredit that, but really what counts with God is what's inside now.
It tells us in the Bible that the Lord.
It looks on the heart, man. He looks on the outward appearance.
And as I look around, I see the outward appearance in the new boys and girls. Are you got your hair nice and your dress nice?
But the question I have is, is your heart filthy like this pseudocode filthy with thin thin.
Is that which 50 files and God's people, they were polluted, corrupted. But God was going to do something about this and he alone could.
And so.
It says here.
Take away the filthy garments from here.
I look forward to you with the change of rain.
So I'm going to pick this off.
You think that this could be washed?
And made nice and clean.
In the washing machine.
Some are going like this, something like this.
Maybe we should ask somebody that's been running the washing machine a long time.
You think we should ask somebody like that?
Who are you pointing at?
Oh, your father, he knows.
Not there's a lot of watching. She just all the washing. Yeah, watch.
Well, let's say she followed.
Uh, Mr. Kokkin, do you think that this could be washed and made clean in a washing machine?
This. This, uh, this year?
No and no. All right, how about we ask one of the mothers?
Let's see who's the mother here that's been running the washing machine a lot of years.
How about Mr. Tejor?
No, you don't think so either. All right, well, what we're going to do is set this aside and you know, the fact is there are those that have the idea that.
We can cleanse ourselves from sin by turning over a new leaf and doing what's good. But the Lord says.
Even though.
You wash yourself with nighters now that's that's a very strong cleansing agent nighters and take the much soap. Your iniquity or your sin is still marked before me.
I don't care how much.
So neither it's not gonna get that clean. We need a brand new garment and.
That's what I got today. We've got it's just a few minutes left here, so I'm gonna put this on.
This is just the opposite.
Of what we have there.
So pure and white.
And you know, when we think of pure and white, I think of what the Lord Jesus he was wearing on a mountain one time where the disciples went up through the mountains.
And it says that.
He was transfigured for his.
Changed in the presence of the disciples up on the mountain.
And it says that his his clothes they became shiny, exceeding white as snow as no Fuller or Fuller could wipe it. Now Fuller is somebody that I understand dies flow off or maybe bleach his cloth and tries to make it really nice and white.
But the Lord Jesus was wearing garments. You can read about it in Mark Chapter 9. I believe it is. And there was nobody on the face of this planet earth that could make.
Clothes as white as what he was wearing, and it tells us that his face was shining too, about the like the sun. It's a awesome sight.
But you know, the Lord Jesus is.
The Son of God, not the SUN. He is the Son, and he is.
Holy he is of two pure eyes, and the behold iniquity. He is pure, and it tells us about him and how he was in this world.
He was holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners because he never did a scene. Never. He never thought a scene. Not a bad thought.
Never said a bad word, never did anything bad. He was perfect in every way because he was God.
Displayed in the flesh as a man now, he was the same age as you boys at one point, but he grew up 33 years old.
Was taken out to be crucified because they said we don't want this man. You know why? Because really people, they like the dirt, they like it, they like their sin. And when you look at the news today, it's all bad. And people complain about the bad news, but really that's what they like. You got a bad nature that responds to that sort of thing.
But you know, the Lord Jesus is different.
And he went to the cross, and there on the cross, the Lord Jesus was willing to bear the punishment for sin. And they put those nails. They pounded through his hands and through his feet, the nails. And there he suffered on that cool cross of Calgary for you and for me.
It tells us that he, the one who knew no sin, he was made sin, that we might become the righteousness of God in him. And you know, that's how God sees us now when we accept his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, God puts us in Christ, and that's how he sees you and me. He don't see us.
Like this. He sees us like this. And by the way, that's something else to put on here.
Diseases so clean and white that we could not become any whiter, in fact.
It was David that said that.
Wash me.
And I shall be whiter than snow.
Is there anything wider than small?
Is it? What do you think?
Jesus, that's right, He is.
And he wants to make you and I why didn't stop. The only thing that's whiter than snow is a heart.
That's been washed in the precious blood of Jesus, and God makes us whiter than snow so that we can enjoy His holy presence for time and for eternity.
My question to you how do you appear before God today?
You know, filthy garment.
Or the clean.
It's so wonderful.
To look around and know there are those in this room who have been washed in the blood of Jesus and we sing a song. Oh Happy Day when Jesus washed my sins away.
I hope, boys and girls.
There has been a happy day in your life when you asked Jesus to wash your sins away, because if you have not, you are still flowed in a filthy diamond before Him. Now there's just one more verse and as time is gone.
Isaiah 61.
And verse.
10 Isaiah 61 and verse 10.
Now here's what it says.
I will greatly rejoice in the Lord.
My soul shall be joyful in my God, for He has clothed me with the garments of salvation.
He has covered me with the robe of righteousness.
Clothes with the garments of salvation.
Covered with a Robert Ryder.
I understand over there in Zechariah when it speaks about, uh, change agreement.
It's the costly Raymond, costly Raymond, and you know it costs the Lord Jesus.
So very much in order that you and I, we might have the garment of salvation.
That's why we're here today, because we love the Lord Jesus because of what he was willing to pay.
There's a little song, it goes something like this on the cross for me, on the cross for me, dying there in agony. Jesus paid the price himself to sacrifice on the cross for me.
Well, I see our time is going, so we're just going to pray and ask the Lord's blessing. Father, we thank Thee.
This morning that we can.
Talk with the boys and girls about the importance of salvation, and we earnestly pray that no boy or girl here this morning might appear in My presence in their sins, with the filthy garments.
We ask you that each and everyone might indeed turn to be our God to thee, Lord Jesus and.
Trustee for Salvation, acknowledging that.
Apart from the precious blood of Christ.
There is no remedy for sin. Father, we do thank you for this time. Together we seek Thy further help and direction throughout this day, and we just do rejoice as we give Thee our thanks for the garments of salvation. Rover of righteousness that.
Thou alone has provided. We appreciate it, giving thanks and the precious Word. Do you name our Savior, the Lord Jesus? Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.