Children—Wally Dear
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So nice to see you boys and girls come to the Sunday school and I see a number sitting on the front row. We don't even have to ask you to come to the front. That's good.
Would there be anybody else sitting toward the back that would like to come to the front?
You know, I'm really happy.
But I think I might be even happier if there were more people sitting on the front row.
Thank you very much.
Anybody else? Well, perhaps while we sing.
Somebody else will come to the front, so we're going to sing some songs and here's the girl already has her hand up. What number?
Why? Why did the ocean? Well, I don't believe that's on our hymn sheet, but we sang it last night. And I don't get tired of singing that song. And I noticed that most everybody knew it, so that's good. You know, maybe we should stand up. And so it's not to harm our neighbor. We could turn sideways.
Well, we're off to a good start. Anybody else have a number? How about a boy? Yes.
And by the way, if you know a song that's not on the hymn sheet.
Feel free to tell us what it is, and if we know it, perhaps we can sing it.
Even though it's not on the hymn sheet. All right, let's do #30 now let's sing the first and last verses, OK, of the songs on the hymn sheet.
That way we'll have time to sing more songs.
Years winking will not take me.
Drinks like a long time. Barney dreams Palace on the third of the dream.
05093301 can stand me?
Jason Chrysler.
In the grandparents.
Yes, Ellie #5 all right #5 so we're gonna sing the first verse and the last verse.
Oh, happy day.
I was looking around the room as we sang that song and I saw some who seemed very happy and they so much enjoy singing the song. But I saw some others that didn't seem very happy and I wonder why that is. Could it be that you still are in your sins? Is it that you have a weight of sins upon you?
I don't know exactly why it is that maybe you're not happy, but I know one thing. Jesus wants to make you happy. And we sing a song like that, don't we? Jesus loves me when I'm sad.
And he waits to make me glad. So he wants us to be happy.
And he wants us to be praising him and this is good thing, it really is. Anybody else have a number?
I think it's a boy's turn, yes.
44 All right #44.
This, perhaps, will be the last song off the hymn sheet #44 the first and last verse.
Into what, 10?
I am gonna have something to me. Flowers again. Tell me again.
Salvation Army.
And children's hunter? No idea.
And it would also have worked out in France at 10:00 PM to the plowing of them.
Los Angeles, CA Ohio restaurant.
No, there's a verse that's not printed on this hymn sheet, and it tells about how the little gypsy boy looked.
Even while he was dying.
Does anybody know how he looked? We sing it in a verse. It's not on this hymn sheet.
Happy, it says. He was smiling.
As his last sigh was spent.
How can somebody be smiling when they're dying?
Many people don't understand how that could be, but you know, that's right. He was on his way to heaven. He was going to be with Jesus and he knows Jesus is his best friend and Jesus died for him and he's going to spend.
In God's happy home with the Lord Jesus. Well, I hope everybody here today has the assurance of going to be with the Lord Jesus when you die. Now there's another song I'm thinking about. It goes like this. Come and go with me to my father's house. How many know this song? I see some hands. Very good. I see a few hands. OK, We need all the help we can get.
Because I didn't see too many hands. But it's a song that's easy to learn, so let's give it a try. And it starts with the word come.
Come and go with me.
To my father.
Do my father. I love you, my father's child. I'm gonna go with me to my father's house. Where is your joy and joy? Jesus is somewhere you, my father's house.
2500 thousand in my father's house. In my father's house. Will I be there in my father's house?
And his job. And his daughter. And John.
Not forcing girls.
Let's, uh, set these hem sheets aside.
And we're gonna take time to pray. It's very important to look to the Lord for his help and direction, especially when we're talking with children and somebody said one time.
We need to talk to the Lord about the children.
Before we talk to the children about the Lord.
And I think that's a very good.
Ways to do it? It's a good sequence, so let's pray.
Now, today.
I brought something.
I brought more than one table.
But I bought a pair of these.
Now does anybody?
No what these are?
These are a pair of ears and I'm wondering does anybody here?
Today need years. I see you boys got ears. OK, You don't need.
You don't need gears.
You got ears?
You gotta hear, Shelly.
Your hair is currently, but you still got them. OK, You got yours too. That's good. Everybody over here have ears. That's good. Nobody needs these, do they? Because you already got a pair of ears. Well, you know, I got a pair of ears too.
And I put these up like this.
And I didn't really like the way it looked.
I'm not going to be wearing these ears.
But I'd like to start this Sunday school by saying this.
Seven times in the Bible.
In the Gospels.
And I notice, and then you brought the Bibles here today, so that's good.
Because without the Bible, we wouldn't have a Sunday school. And you know, the Bible is the word of God. God speaks to us through this book. Now the question is, are you listening to what God has to say?
And four times over in the Gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke.
The Lord Jesus says this.
He that has ears.
To hear.
Let him hear.
Seven times.
And so I'm gonna.
Finding out if those who have ears today are fearing are listening.
Now you know I turned over the Book of Revelation, and in Revelation chapter two and three I see again seven times it says this. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says unto the churches.
You know, boys and girls, when we get saved.
And we get saved, I believe, by hearing the word of God.
Because faith itself comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.
But we get saved to become part of the church.
And I believe God speaks to us one at a time, but he also speaks to us in a group as the church or the body of Christ. We've been talking about that. And this is conference and it's been a wonderful portion. But here's the point. You got ears. Are you listening now? Who can tell me how many times in Matthew, Mark, Luke?
Did the Lord Jesus say he that has ears to hear?
Let him hear how many times.
Seven. Very good.
You're using your ears. That's good.
How many times in Revelation chapter 2 and chapter 3?
Do we read he that hath an ear to hear, Let him hear how many times? 7 Very good. So we've got some listening ears today. That's very good.
You see, God gives us ears to hear His word.
And people listen to many different things. I sat with beside a man.
On the airplane and he had.
Your PLA, uh, phones?
In his ears.
And he had those in his ears for the whole entire trip and I thought it might be nice to say something to him.
You know, I'll try to be friendly and.
But he he had his earphones in.
And it was difficult. And you know, people today, they are listening.
But they're often not listening to what God wants them to hear.
And it's the Bible. It's the word of God, God speaking to us through this book.
That is so important to hear. Well that man, he did take the earphones out and I head opportunity to give him a gospel track and he accepted.
Maybe he'll get saved. Maybe he'll listen to what God is saying.
Through the Bible now.
This morning I was thinking.
About something else that starts with an E.
And I in fact.
This is the other.
Item I brought.
I came across this, uh, bottle.
Does anybody tell me what starts with an E on this bottle here?
Can you can you see something starts with an E?
Just put up your hand if you think you can tell me what it is, Savannah, who excuses. That's what I was thinking about.
This morning excuse.
What is an excuse?
You know, I can't even see that clock. See, light seems to be reflecting off the clock. But I guess we got this one here anyway. We still got some time. What do you think? Uh, Isaac?
Exactly. It's a reason not to do something. Or maybe it might be a reason to do something.
And sometimes these reasons.
Are good reasons to do or not to do something, but often times an excuse is not a good reason.
To do or not to do something?
Now last night I was talking to.
A brother and he said, you know, I won't be able to come to the Sunday school tomorrow because I'm going to pick up.
A lady, she really wants to come to these meetings and she can't come on her own, so I'm going to go and pick her up. You think that was a good reason not to come to Sunday school?
You think so? I think so. I think that was a good excuse. But you know, there are so many people that don't have a good excuse for not coming to Sunday school. Maybe they say, well, I'm just too tired.
And I can't make it to Sunday school. But you know what? If somebody would go to bed a little bit earlier, they could get up a little earlier and they could come to Sunday school. There's so many excuses. Sometimes somebody says, well, I wouldn't want to go to Sunday school because my friends would laugh at me. You think that's a good excuse?
No, I don't think so either. What kind of friends are those that don't want you to hear about Jesus?
The best friend you could ever have, the one who can save your soul As we sing in a little song. You can cleanse your heart, He can make you whole, and He can make you happy for time and for eternity.
So we don't want to listen to friends like that, but often our friends do discourage us from coming.
To Sunday school, or perhaps to the meetings.
But we need to realize that God.
Has in mind what he wants you to do and he always will give you the ability to do it. Now I'm thinking of another excuse.
Where am I gonna put this?
No excuses.
We were.
On an island off the coast of Maine.
And we were looking for the lighthouse.
But we could not find the lighthouse. You might say we lost our way.
We came upon.
Two hikers, I believe it was a man and his wife.
And you know they.
We're up ahead of us.
Walking and they had these huge backpacks.
I mean, the top of the backpack was up here and the bottom was way down here and they were walking.
And my wife and I, we just had little backpacks.
They stopped.
They took off their backpacks.
And while they were stopped.
I take it they were taking a rest or they're going to adjust their backpack. We were able to catch up with them and of course we asked do you know how to get to the lighthouse?
And so the man, he pulled out a map.
He was well prepared to tell us where to go.
He has a map showed the lighthouse and.
He told us how he thought we should go to get to the lighthouse, so that was very kind and we really appreciated that.
And then it came time.
To go our separate ways.
And you know, I had my pocket.
Wanna eat?
Anybody tell me what this is?
It's a gospel tract.
So I said.
Sir, you have given us a good steer.
And I would like to leave you one as well.
This is a message of God's love that explains the way of salvation.
And he said no thank you.
And then his wife said something.
Yeah, I could hardly believe that she said this.
And I'm still thinking about it.
She said.
We don't want to carry any extra weight.
Extra weight.
Oh this is so heavy.
Can can you tell is this heavy?
No, you don't think it's heavy, You try. Is this heavy?
What do you think?
See how heavy that is? Is that heavy? No, I don't think so, but I'm sorry to say this man.
He politely refused.
The track and I believe.
Perhaps his wife was trying to be polite, but she seemed very serious.
We don't wanna carry any extra weight. Well, you know, I thought about that. We've got a big problem here.
This little gospel tract.
I believe.
Has in it the word of God?
And it explains how we can be saved and we can be satisfied.
It explains how we can be happy. It explains how we can get.
Rid of the weight of our sins.
And, you know, I believe that that is a weight that those people, they did not feel.
I would like to read a little verse here found in Psalm.
38 Now if you got a Bible, you can look this up. Psalm.
And it's through these people. They had heavy backpacks and I felt sorry for them.
They had those backpacks full of food.
And they had camping gear and they were going to spend 3 days, three nights at a campsite. And so they were all prepared.
To take care of their physical needs over the next few days, but they had a spiritual need.
I don't think they realized. Notice what it tells is Psalm 38, the Psalm of David.
And David says in verse 4, Psalm 38, verse 4, mine iniquities are gone over my head.
As in heavy burden, they are too heavy for me.
What I was gonna say?
Those people, they had a backpack that went over their head.
And that was a heavyweight.
But I believe they had something that went far further over their head, and that is their sins and you and I.
Have since.
And David, he recognized the fact that sin separated from God.
And I believe.
Nobody can be happy.
Separated from God.
And God wants.
To remove that separation now.
How is it?
You know we sing a song, Oh Happy Day when Jesus washed my sins away and as I looked I saw some with happy faces and just enjoying the fact that.
No doubt their sins, which once separated them from God, forever gone.
And you know, David could say, wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.
And you know, if that doesn't make a person happy, I don't know what can. To be washed whiter than snow in the precious blood of Jesus, and to be holy and without blame like we had yesterday before God.
It's such a wonderful.
Experience, if I could put it that way, it's so wonderful. Well, the Lord Jesus said, come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, I will give you rest. I will give you rest.
You know, we read about more excuses in the Bible.
I wonder has anybody here missed school recently?
You didn't go to school.
On a certain day.
You missed some school, Thomas.
Did did you have a good excuse?
You asked your mom if you could stay home.
And she said yes.
Maybe I should ask your mom. Well, I should have said that.
I think your mom knows what she's doing.
You know, I read one time about some boys.
And they didn't miss the day of school, but they came late to the school.
Like they got there about 10 in the morning and they were supposed to be there about 8:15 or so.
You know what they said?
He said, well, we had a flat tire on the way to school and so.
That's why we're late.
Well, you know those boys, they had a teacher that was pretty smart.
Because right away, she said, OK, boys.
I want you to sit.
She had one sitting over here at this desk, one here and another one over here.
She said.
You got 30 seconds.
To put down on the paper.
Which tire?
On the vehicle went flat.
You know the results of that test.
We're quite revealing. The results of that test show those boys are lying.
Because what they had really been doing was fishing.
They've been fishing, so that was not a good excuse, was it? We had a flat tire, but you know, so many.
Have excuses that are bad excuses.
Let's just, uh, look over here in Luke's Gospel chapter 14, here's somebody that has some bad excuses. In Luke chapter 14 and verse 16, it tells us about a certain man. And I believe this certain man represents God himself. And this man, he made a great supper and he paid many. He was a very kind man.
He had great riches, no doubt great resources, and so he could put on a very nice meal and he invited lots of people to come. Well, you know, God in his grace has provided for you and for me.
And not only salvation, but satisfaction.
And you know God offers freely these wonderful.
Things. And so here it tells us that the invitation went out.
The servant said.
To those that were invited, come for all things are now ready. And verse 18 it tells us that they began to make excuse.
The first one said I bought a piece of ground, I must need to go and see it. Is that a good excuse not to come and enjoy this wonderful meal? Is that a good excuse? Of course not. I heard of one time about a man, he bought some property.
Down in Florida.
And he never went to see it. But anyway, he bought it and he took a trip down to see what he had bought. He found out he bought a swamp.
You don't buy something before you see it. It's not a good plan but that's what this person said. Then another said well I bought 5 yoke of oxen and I go to prove that.
We heard about oxygen yesterday, didn't we?
How they go into a yoke.
Two oxen at a time and they pull.
And farmers plow their fields. They do work with the ox. This man, he had bought 5 yoke of oxen and now he was going to go and see if they were good ox. It's almost like somebody pulling into a tractor dealer, maybe a farmer.
Maybe somebody has a big garden, they want a tractor, so they pull into the place where they sell tractors.
And Sir, you got tractors for sale here. Yeah.
You got green ones or red ones or we got both? I'll take a green one.
Now, these are all used tractors. OK, they've already been used.
So right away, the man, he says, OK, I'll take the green one. Maybe it's a John Deere.
And he pays for the tractor.
Maybe it's $10,000 and he says.
Now I'll come back tomorrow and find out if I bought a good tractor or not.
Now you think that's a good thing to do?
Of course not, you need to test drive something before you buy it. But this man, he didn't do that with his ox and it was a flimsy excuse.
And then finally another said, well I married a wife and therefore I can't come.
Well, that's sad. That's very sad. You know, I look around this hall here today.
And I see husbands and wives, and they're so beautiful. You know, this man, he could have brought his wife and sat down, enjoyed a wonderful meal. But I think what we're learning from this portion is that people, they want to find their own.
Pleasure and satisfaction apart from God and what he has to offer. Very sad. I hope nobody's like that here today, but as we read on.
We see that the the master, he was angry, he wanted his house to be filled, his table full. He said go and bring in the poor command, the halt the blind.
The servant says, Lord, done as you've commanded, there's still room. The Lord said, Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. God wants a full house.
You know what God finds the light in doing? Showing kindness to those who don't deserve it.
And I'm sorry to say, these first people made excuse.