God's Way to Heaven

Children—Wally Dear
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Well, we wanna welcome everybody to the Sunday School this morning. Sunday School is especially for boys and girls, isn't it?
And it's so nice to see boys and girls here today.
And you know what?
The front seats are especially for boys and girls, so if there's anybody sitting in the back that's a boy or a girl would like to come to the front, you're more than welcome because we do have something to show you.
You know when I was in school.
I think that.
And one of the most.
Interesting times in school. It was called Show and tell.
Does anybody here do show and tell at school? Do you? Good for you, Sam. What's the last thing you showed at school?
A bell.
Well, that's interesting.
Did the bell ring?
Well, that sounds very interesting. I would have liked to been there that show and tell, but.
This morning.
We're gonna sing before show and tell.
So we're gonna ask you to give out a song and we're gonna sing.
You know, there's gonna be a lot of singing up in heaven.
Yes, What number would you like?
Number one. Alright, let's see #1.
Well, I think it's nice if we can do what we're gonna do in heaven.
Beforehand here on Earth. So let's think.
Number one.
Go and dare, and go thy way.
Some Lord has been unplanned.
On me in the house and all.
All of the translation.
Come to the same.
Almost Prince, We're in the necklace and.
10 * 10 * 2 hands.
Let him his client stop clear now going on by him.
Umm 130,000.
Yes #44.
In sheet #44.
Into the 10.
1000 you do some salvation with terrorists and he nobody ever had sold it to me now when I am now in life again.
Validation story. Did you really see it or handle the heart yell Thine can't stand out of the children of men. Nobody ever has told me before.
They don't like me out over there. So for my life and nothing to me, not because I think of joy. Need I not perish? My hand will behold.
No, I didn't have her, the story has told.
And I can't tell then I can.
Outrage him sorry maybe you know I'm alone yelled at you can't stay out of the gentleman's house and nobody has a very has told me please hold on for.
Then we caught the last word of his friend just as he answered. On how he answered. God sent his Son to so have her adversity and I am sure that I am intended him for being.
Hell, and I can now that I can.
Uh, patients or maybe do you know?
The night and stay out the children of men. Nobody ever had something before.
Oh so ever hear a shout? Shout it down back and hiding all the world around right and joyful neighbourhood wherever my son.
Will come. Everyone will come.
Leaves collaboration.
And the population of the rail until till the passing father of no wonder alone through the labour will make come.
So whatever, it must not be made now. The door is so bad. And answered while you may be, she insisted. The truth is living way.
You still have your will may come whosoever will whosoever will have an approximation over there land hill.
Is the loving Father of the wonderful.
Through the laughter will take come.
Yes. Umm.
Yes, I know.
Alright, well, let's sign the course when we get to it.
We come here that know how to sign the whole song.
Jesus loves me.
So let's go on to him.
He's not from me.
Yeah, she's not. Loves me.
Yeah, she loves me.
Help me some.
Help me, maybe I'm not. I've been getting through all of them like you will watch away my sins that God echoes out. Come again?
Yeah, she's not lost me. Yes, she's like lost me.
Yes, she does love me.
And I'll buy the motel, please. So.
Yeah, she's, uh, trust me. Yeah, she runs last week. Not Vital, tells me so.
And then verse five, we'll ask the boys to see. So we're gonna sing it in parts, OK Alright girls, can you go ahead please?
Verse 4.
Where I live.
Yeah, I don't like you. Don't love me, you guys. You don't like me.
Yeah, she comes from me, not by both tells me so. She is. God loves me, He is well stay close beside me all the way. If I trust him, should I die?
Yeah, doing well. Take Me Home on time. Yeah, she starts like.
Yeah, she's lost. Plus me.
Love. I don't tell me so.
I think we've got time for at least one more. Yes, Sam.
#32 Tell you what, let's sing the first and last verse on this one, and that'll give time for another. OK, so the first and last verse #32.
What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
What can make me whole? I can't. Nothing but the blood Jesus.
Oh, crushed up in the floor. That makes me like that song. No wonder some kind of.
Nothing but apology.
From my right chestnut, nothing but the blood Jesus.
Oh, righteousness of all thy makes me white. That's no, no wonder. Outside, no, nothing but the blood of Jesus.
So we get the point.
All right, let's point as we sing. So we're singing about our eyes, our ears, our feet, our hands.
Wonderful time to speak. It's true. One little heart warrior now is my children. Make them 13,000.
Feet always broken and truth to me.
Very nice.
Just saying about 10 parts of our body.
Didn't we 10 parts?
And every one of these parts.
Yeah, that's so wonderful that, you know, the Lord Jesus gives us bodies that we might serve him, and that's a happy thing. Well, let's look to the Lord in prayer. We might have time to sing another one later, but let's pray. Our God and Father, we thank you this morning for the wonderful message of the gospel.
The glad tidings of great joy.
We thank you that Christ has been born into this world.
Savior, we thank you, dear Father, for sending Thy Son to be the Savior.
Of the world.
And we thank you, Lord Jesus, that at the cross of Calvary thou was willing to suffer.
And to bleed.
And to die for sinners.
We thank you that we can sing with assurance that nothing but the blood of Jesus can wash away our sins. We thank Thee, precious Savior, for shedding thy blood, that we might be cleansed and that we might be made perfectly fit to be in a happy home in heaven. So we thank you for this time that the boys and girls.
We seek thy help as we continue this Sunday school. We pray, especially if there's a boy or a girl.
Who is yet not washed in the blood of Jesus, that they might call out to Him this morning. They might be saved, and know it with assurance and enjoy it. And so we ask this as we.
Thank you for all thy many mercies and Thy kindness to us. Our Father, we seek thy health, thy precious name, Lord Jesus, Amen.
Did anybody learn a verse here today?
All right, that's good enough.
OK, see I got this little device that helps us here.
I don't want to scare you.
You want to try to say it act 16/1.
Thank you.
Very good.
Anybody else?
Romans 8/31 What shall we say to these things of God before us? Who can be against us? Thank you, beautiful.
Did I see somebody else?
For it.
I really enjoyed.
Hearing those verses.
The couple of the boys.
Said a verse that talked about singing unto the Lord.
And making a joyful noise unto the God of our salvation.
That's exactly what we were doing, I believe We were singing unto the Lord, and the Lord, he listens, and he has given us a tongue.
Not only to speak his truth.
But to sing his praise, and I know it delights the heart of Jesus to hear you boys and girls sing.
And some people don't think they can sing.
But we can all make it joyful noise.
And that's a good thing, you know.
God does not.
Judge us.
On how well we can sing, I'd like to hear people that sing good.
But you know, our salvation does not depend on how well we can sing.
Well, what does our salvation depend on?
Now that's something I wanna talk about here this morning.
How many here would like to go to heaven?
Oh, even the older people raise their hand. That's good.
I think everybody in this hall here today wants to go to heaven.
And of course, to go to heaven means to go to be with Jesus.
And we've heard about the father's house, too. The father's house.
I believe is another name for heaven.
Who lives in the Father's house?
If I were to say.
I'm planning to go to Ellie's house.
Who lives there?
Yell. That's right. If I were to say I'm going to go to Max's house.
Who lives there next?
And so if I say I'm going to the Father's house.
Who lives there?
And it's so wonderful to realize that not only is Jesus gonna be in heaven, but the Father's gonna be there too. God the Father and all how much he loves us and he wants us to be in his happy home.
Up there in heaven.
And we like to talk about heaven.
We like to think about it. We can read about it in God's Word.
And these conferences are really a wonderful time.
I know a little girl, only three years old.
And she was at a conference recently.
And she said I believe it was to her mother.
Due to a recording software malfunction and unknown amount of the messages missing here.
I got some other signs here but what I want to.
To right now is I'm gonna turn to a a verse in the Bible.
This is from judges.
OK, now I'll tell you this reverse, OK?
Stretches Chapter 2.
And verse 19.
Following other gods deserves them and to bow down to them, and she is not from their own doing nor from their stubborn way, thank you very much.
You really read about those that?
Read a lot from the word of God.
About the way of man.
May I ask what? And you know, there's a way that seems right Uncle man, you don't have time to turn to it. Let's see Proverbs chapter 14. It also in Proverbs chapter 6 and I believe the verse is almost word for word. There is a way that seems right unto a man.
This morning.
We're gonna talk about man's weight.
And in order to illustrate this.
I brought.
There's one piece of wood right there.
This is going to be like a bridge today. See that?
It's like a bridge from earth up to heaven, and this will be working.
Where'd you wait ahead?
And you come in the start.
You know what he told me? He says. Well, I'm trying.
I'm trying to be She basically thinks that he has to do something to be rich.
Idea about.
Some way that, uh.
By being good. All right, so we're going to put this right here. That's very good.
This one is working, this one being good.
Another sticker.
Somebody think of another way?
You can agree to get. Well, yeah, people receive.
OK. Alright. Then I'll put that right down there, OK.
Trying to be saved by myself.
Now is there something?
That may be.
Boys and Girls, 6:00.
That will get into heaven.
That's God's way right there. That's really good. I'm thinking about a way that maybe boys and girls.
Think they can get to heaven, but it's a big mistake. Now you're God's way. What do you think? If their mom and dad are saying if their mom and dad are safe, OK, I'm going to put that right there. So your mom and daddy stays? Well, then I should probably be safe too. I'll get to heaven. What were you going to say?
Uh, by like giving things to other people and thinking that they're like, so fine, OK, yeah. In other words, if I am very kind and I give away and I share.
Can anybody speak very well? I gotta see. I'm going to stick some.
I got two sticks.
Jason They can go to church. Very good, I find that.
You know.
Putting drugs out in this room on the church.
Me. Go ahead, put sticker.
OK, we're well. Yeah, we had working right there. I think that was working.
Oh, just but not doing anything.
OK, well that's about as bad as trying to do something.
OK, so now we we got all these.
And he was the here man that loved the Lord. He wanted to preach the gospel.
And to spread the goods. So he went down to Ireland. It's called the New Hebrews. And this was in the Southwest Pacific. I believe it was Canada sometimes.
No, he went there.
And he was able to get the gospel.
He did some translation work.
Lazy deck. I don't know whether it's in.
It would work. Could not.
And he just threw himself into the.
Seat and it's just.
Instead of work.
Not sure where it was.
5 John stinks, but that's the word I want because the word actually means the rest. Your full weight to put your full weight on something to lean on it fully.
And so I wondered if somebody has faith.
I tell you what I'm going to go do.
Now you just sit right down.
Your feet lift, your feet lift your feet.
Like this?
Yeah, absolutely. You have to put your feet up.
That's not working.
What we're trying to tell you for boys and girls.
This is not God's way to get to heaven.
God has another way, and it's His way. This is a way, but I'm going to show you the way.
Yeah, you feel secure on there?
You don't think it's going to break? OK, Thank you very much.
Now, boys and girls.
See what I got in this time?
The Lord Jesus Christ said.
Skype went to his happy home.
Is by putting your trust in the Lord Jesus. I believe Sam he quoted the verse believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and everyone who is on this way.
Is on the right way.
And you're going to find yourself in heaven to be with Jesus because the Lord Jesus, he has paid the fare, He paid the price so that you could go to heaven his way. And what did it cost him? His precious blood.
He pierced his hands and his feet.
But then a soldier pierced his side, and forthwith came their out blood.
In water and boys and girls.
This is the only way we sang in a little song here and I enjoyed this so much.
In verse.
Two of #16.
Jesus is the true, the only living way. He's the only living way.
And this bridge is never going to break. You know there was a bridge.
It was I think in 1883 that it was opened up between Brooklyn and New York, expand the East River. Apparently there were two cities. I'm not sure the history, but anyway.
I believe it was the longest suspension bridge in the world at that time and when that was opened up.
People were reluctant to go across the bridge, but some did.
But there was a man, he had a circus. His name was Mr. Barnum. PT Barnum and PT Barnum said I will walk my elephant across that bridge.
And then you can know it's safe.
And they said to Mr. Barnum, no, we don't want that.
But you know, people, they continue to be scared about going across the bridge. So a year later, he made the offer again and they said, OK, go ahead. So he backed up his big trailers to the bridge.
And 21 elephants came off the trailer.
And I believe it was.
This troop is led by Jumbo, huge elephant. And so they begin to cross the bridge and then there was I think 7 camels and about 10 dromedaries and they all came behind and they all went across the bridge and they made it safe across. And you know after that took place, people said I think this is a safe bridge. And so they begin to go more and more across the bridge and people feel secured.
Well, I want to tell you about this project. This bridge is secure, you don't have to worry.
You're on the right way, and Jesus is the way Jesus died.
For our sins he was buried, he rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, and Jesus lives and he's coming again. Those that reject God's way through his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, you're going down, you're going to end up.
You know, lost eternity in hell. So sad.
So today is your opportunity to go Jesus way and put your trust in the Lord Jesus.
And in his precious blood and the work that he did at the cross to save your soul in mind, there's a little song about heaven, and it ends up Jesus.
Is the only way and I think maybe we can sing it here because it's quite simple.
But it starts off Heaven is a happy place. Does anybody know this song Heaven is a happy place?
I have it on the poster back at the.
Out, but I don't have it here. But it goes like this happy heaven is a happy place and then it ends up Hallelujah. So let's we'll sing the first verse and then maybe you can come in on the second, OK?
Heaven is a happy place, happy place, happy place. Heaven is a happy place.
Hallelujah. Now the next verse goes. Heaven Street is paved with gold in that city.
Heaven Street is paved with gold, paved with gold, paved with gold, Heaven St. paved with gold.
In that city now, the next one, no night ever shall be there in that city.
No night ever shall be there shall be there shall be there. No night ever shall be there in that city. The last verse. There's actually many verses, but this is the last one we're going to see. Jesus is the only.
Wait. And it ends up come go with me. Jesus is the only way. Only way. Only way. Jesus is the only way. Come, go with me.
So we're gonna pray, and as we pray, you can ask the Lord Jesus to save you, and then you'll know for sure you're on this one.
Dear Father and gracious God, we thank Thee this morning.
For the Lord Jesus, we thank thee that he could say I am the way, and we earnestly pray.
That each boy and girl here today.
Might be on Jesus way.
We ask that each one might put their faith, their trust in the Lord Jesus.
And not in works.
Or doing anything or.
Thinking that because mom and Dad is saved, they're gonna be saved too.
We thank you, Lord Jesus, that Thou has made salvation so simple.
That even a child.
Of seven or even three or four can enter into heaven through Christ the open door. So we ask thy blessing on thy precious word here today and wherever it's going forth. And so we ask and give thanks.
The lone, precious, and most worthy name of our Savior, the Lord Jesus. Amen.