
Children—Wally Dear
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Clock says 9/14.
That's close enough. Let's get started.
Good morning, everyone.
You know, I think this is going to be a good day.
I remember.
We used to have work done by a man and we'd say good morning.
Bill and he'd say, well, what's good about it?
And sometimes you just say morning. But you know what?
This is a good morning.
And I'll tell you one reason why it's good.
It's because the Lord Jesus, He loves you just as much today.
This morning.
As he loved you yesterday and the day before and the day before that, and in fact as much as when he hung on the cross of Calvary when he died for you, so that makes me happy, and I know others are happy because of that. And it is a good morning. So I think we ought to begin by singing.
Got a hymn sheet here and by the way.
Before we start singing.
I'm gonna be handing out money.
To the boys and girls that are sitting on the front rows. So if there's anybody interested now in coming to the front, come right on up. We'd love to see you on the front rows.
See my bag right there?
All right, who's got a song? Anybody have a number they like to sing off this hymn sheet?
5 Great. Let's start by singing #5 Let's sing the first and last verse, and that way we have time to sing a few more songs. So #5 verses one and three.
My God.
Well, that was good singing. Anybody else have a number?
Which one?
16 All right #16.
Whosoever he raised.
All the world around, friends and loved one of the drivers and I had to work on his phone. It was so far over. The world may come for him so far everywhere. So I've never been alone. The name of the proclamation over there and there.
No loving father of the Wanderer home.
So I'm prepared for the world who had gone.
I'd like to repeat what I said before for those that have arrived.
I'm gonna be handing out money to those that are sitting on the front row, boys and girls that are on the front row.
Are gonna get money.
I got a bag full of it.
No, I didn't win the lottery.
Because I don't do the lottery, but.
Anybody else have a number?
How about it?
I think we're off to a good start. I really enjoyed the singing here today.
We've got uh.
47 songs. We've already sang two. So anybody else have a number? Or if you don't know the number, how about just telling us the name of the song?
For the first line of the song, anybody?
32 #32 All right.
So we're going to see the first and last verse.
What can watch?
Us in the floor and I can't be quiet as long as no, no, no.
Nothing but.
Anybody else?
Yes, 11.
Will you write?
A gold strike, but when your eyes come together.
And I see those that are singing like they really mean it. They love the words and they love this thing about Jesus and they love the salvation that they have in Jesus and they love to sing about it. That's good now.
I'm gonna repeat what I said before.
And I'm gonna add something to it.
For anybody that's sitting on the front rows, we've got a couple of seats left here.
And maybe I'll say the second rose too, because we've got empty seats on the 2nd row, so any boys or girls that are sitting on the first or second rows.
You're gonna get.
A bag of money.
And also, I have to give to you something that's better than money.
Something better than money.
So it's getting better money plus something better.
OK, who has the number song? Anybody else have a song?
We've got time for at least one more.
I think we're just getting warmed up here.
Yes #30.
A thing will not.
Play my tears.
Winking well, not saving.
It like everyone died for me to get some time for your heart and dream. It's a place to make me free.
You, you know, I can't say Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, Yeah.
The intention risks will take me trust in him without a grin of Mars Bloodstone Delaware's diabetes and he has time to make one Thorny OK, run. Hey, hey, hey, the price will save me.
Him she'd here, but all the songs we sang were wonderful songs.
46 All right, I see it says children's hymns and choruses, so.
Let's do 46.
And of course, this one here, we like to break into parts, so we'll ask the girls to sing their part where it says any calls, any calls, all the GIRLS.
Like to ask only the girls to sing that line and the boys will ask you to sing the very next line where it says and he wants all the boys too. And together we sing the rest of the song #46.
Glad T.
ING last day and it began to last one. 2000 and 20.
So we'll just set these, uh, him sheets aside.
You can put them under your seat if you like.
Now question.
Did anybody learn a verse for today?
Oh, I see quite a few have learned a verse for today. Now we've been doing some traveling and I must say.
I'm not sure of which verse was in the Sunday school paper for today.
But you don't have to say the one in the Sunday school paper. That's very good if you can say it. But if you know a different verse, that's fine. But I'd like to call on those that really know the verse.
Really quite well because we don't have a whole lot of time.
To, uh, spend on the memory work. It's very important though memory work.
There was a little girl and she brought to the Bible hour something that she had made.
And it was an owl.
And it was very nice, and it was colored so very nice. And here were the words that were on the owl.
3 words.
Be wise, memorize.
And I never forgot that, you know, boys and girls.
You're young and you can learn verses quickly and that's good. So when you're young, memorize and memorize the word of God. Now who has a verse they would like to say today? And I don't want to scare you with this.
This is not a club. I think you already know what this is, but it's nice when everybody can hear what you're saying. It's so encouraging to hear the boys and girls. So let's see, we'll start with you, OK?
For the wages and stuff, but to get to God as you tell him, I said Jesus Christ the Roman 623 very good. That's beautiful. Well, why did you send us desk but the gift of God, eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord Romans 623 good, very good. How about anybody here 3. All right, the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord Romans 623 For the wages of sin of death is the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord and in 623.
The wages of sinisters with the gifts of God as eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 623 You know what I think I know what verse was in the Sunday Scope paper last week.
How about you? You wanna try it? No, OK, the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 623.
The wages of serious death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 623 Beautiful, huh?
All right.
Anybody else?
Oh, over here? Sure, let's start at the same.
Would you send a step? For the gift of God is eternal life. Romans 623 beautiful good way to have sent us that for the gift of God is eternal life. From 623 the wages are saying that the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Roman 623 beautiful. The widget of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life.
Romans 623. Good.
That everybody.
Don't wanna overlook a soul. Well, that verse wasn't hard to say. And you know, it goes right along with what I'd like to talk about today. It's beautiful.
And it's not a hard verse to learn. And I really appreciate the fact that God in this book, you know, this is the word of God. He makes verses simple so that boys and girls can learn verses. And we can know even as a child what the Lord is trying to say to us. And you know, the Lord Jesus, he loves the children so very much. He really appreciates you boys and girls.
And I hope you appreciate him. Well, I told you.
I was gonna be handing out money.
And I'm not going to make you work for it.
It's going to be a free gift.
And I understand from that first Romans 6 and 23 that even though the wages of sin is death the gift of God.
Is eternal life, well, isn't that wonderful? The very best possession that you or I could ever have, and I hope everybody has it here today, it doesn't cost you or me one cent is because Jesus paid the price.
On the Cross of Calvary to save our souls and to cleanse our hearts.
And to make us whole and to give us this wonderful.
Gift of eternal life.
Years ago.
I can recall we attended a conference over in Dorsey and our brother Jim. He may remember this and I'm sure others do too.
My uncle, Mr. Ralph Buchanan, or I should say Clawson Ralph Clausen. He stood up in the front and he offered.
A free gift to anybody that was willing to come to the front and accept it.
Can anybody remember what the gift was?
Nobody remembers. How about somebody in the back? Yes, you're exactly right.
He had a bunch of dollar bills in his pocket here and he began to pass these out and you know what, the line just got longer and longer and he kept passing out these bills one after another. And I got to thinking to myself, my he's very generous and the fact is that everybody that wanted.
A dollar bill. They got a dollar bill. I never asked him how many he gave out, but seems to me it must have been 100 or more.
Not today, I must say. I'm not being that generous.
I can't offer what I have in my bag to everybody, but I am offering it to those that are on the front rows.
And I'm gonna tell you this.
What I have in my bag.
Are bags of money and in each bag.
At least $100.
Of real money.
Now how many? Believe me, put up your hand if you do.
There's one boy here. There's two over here. See, my wife trusts me. That's a good thing, right? This boy here. OK, more hands are going up. Well, that's interesting how we seem to have an influence on one another.
If somebody else thinks something's good and you pay attention to that person and they mean a lot to you, then you start thinking about the fact. Well, yeah, maybe that is good because my friend, he goes for it and so.
What I think I'll do?
Is to ask.
The boys and girls to come to the front.
And receive your.
Bag of money.
Anybody wanna come and receive your bag of money? OK, just line right up here and then after you get your bag, you can go back to your seat, OK?
I hope nobody is too disappointed.
But this is real.
It's interesting what we will do for money, money, money, money. That's something that people place a great importance on today. We need some of it, you know.
It's nice to have food to eat and clothes to wear in the house and so.
Well, look at that. I didn't run out. All right, Everybody got their bag of money.
Anybody happy?
With their bag. OK.
Good. Good, good, good.
This money.
Is, I believe, worth something now.
It's not worth $100 bills.
Why? Can anybody tell me why? Yeah.
It's shredded. Exactly, it's shredded. I guess we all know what shredded means, don't we? Some of you maybe eat shredded wheat for breakfast. Well, this money has been shredded. And the fact is, every year the United States government shreds.
At the present time though, I understand they're not shredding it. It's being pulverized. Money wears out and instead of shredding it.
They pulverize it, which means they make a powder out of it.
And I found that very interesting.
Money wears out, it doesn't last forever. And I think that perhaps some of you here today.
We're a little disappointed.
In the fact that the money was shredded, but I will say this today they're pulverizing the money and they're not shredding it. And so it's possible that this time will be a collector's item.
So I said earlier.
In this little meeting.
That we were offering something even better than money, and that's why I put on this.
Little bag of money a verse, and this verse is from the Bible. And I wonder if somebody would be willing to read this first. OK, could you read that verse to us?
Everyone that asketh.
To the waters and he that has no money.
Come ye but.
Coming by and eat.
Yeah, yeah. Come by wine and milk without money, without price, Isaiah.
55 one very good. Thank you.
And so we have here.
In the Old Testament, a wonderful verse, I'd like to turn to it. Some have it on their bags. If you don't have a bag, you can turn to it in the word of God because I believe that what we have here is.
Is infinitely more wonderful than.
Money and people place a great importance on money, but money?
In time it disappears.
It goes away, it doesn't last, but what we have in this verse is an invitation, I believe, from the Lord Himself.
To enjoy that which truly satisfies our hearts. And that's what we want. We want to be happy. And you know, money really doesn't.
Make a person happy. I read an article about men that have died, very wealthy but very unhappy. And there was a man in Ontario some time ago and he won the lottery. I think he won over $6 million.
He rather regretted having won that much money. He was rather a quiet individual. He he enjoyed his life the way it was. But then after winning this money, he felt, well, he needs to spend it. So he went out and started buying some expensive toys.
Like race cars. And he bought a Camaro and he began to drive a lot faster than he used to drive and so.
He began to get speeding tickets and he got one after another after another to where they suspended his license.
So then he says, well, I need to get a chauffeur. He bought a Lincoln Town Car and now he has to decide who's going to be a chauffeur. Well, he put forth applications. I think he got 70 plus applications. Now he has to try to figure out which one of the 70 should be the one to drive him around. And things went like this and he really wasn't happy about his big win.
And I'm sure we could relate many, many stories, you know?
In the very town I live in.
The young man that plows our driveway, his name is Bill.
And just this summer, he won $100,000 in a lottery.
Well, no, it wasn't this summer. It was during the winter because.
I begin to wonder, is he going to continue to plow our driveways?
And he did. He continued to drive, follow the driveway. But you know what Billy told me?
He said I could not sleep for a week after I heard that I won that money, so now money's keeping him awake and that's not a good thing.
Somebody said that money can.
Are you a bed?
But it cannot buy you sleep, and sleep is very, very important.
And there are many people today that are very wealthy.
But they worry about their money.
They wonder if their money is going to be safe and they even lose sleep over it and that's not good. Well, I believe here in this verse we have.
A call.
Oh, and I believe it's the Lord himself.
And he's trying to get your attention.
You know, sometimes you drive down the road and.
There's somebody on the corner and they almost step out in front of your vehicle and they go like that.
And you find out what they want.
They want to wash your car, turn in here and get your car washed. It's like, hey, wait a minute. Well here I believe the Lord says, oh everyone that thirsteth.
Now, I believe we're not talking so much about physical thirst here as we are talking about.
A thirst in our hearts, in our souls, for that which can make us truly happy.
And I wonder if there's somebody here today, one of you boys or girls, you're not happy.
And you feel in your heart that.
You just you want something to make you happy.
Well, here we find the Lord is offering to you that which will satisfy your heart.
And the Lord Jesus, it tells us he satisfies the longing soul, and he fills the hungry soul with goodness.
Oh, everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters. Well, if you're thirsty, you really appreciate water. And there's fountains back there. And I've been back there taking a drink of that nice cool water and oh how refreshing it is.
The Lord Jesus, he wants to refresh your soul. He says come, come. That's a beautiful word. What does that mean? Come, little girl said one time. That simply means he wants me. And we sang it in the song Remember that was number.
46 He calls, and he calls all the GIRLS, and he wants all the Bois too.
And so he offers to you.
That which will make you happy. But it's an invitation. Come, come. Have you come?
Come ye through the waters, and he that has no money now.
These bags are supposed to have over $100.00 of shredded money in these bags, but you cannot go to the store.
The Walmart or you can't go to the.
Wendy's or the McDonald's and expect to get a hamburger with this. Because really, in the eyes of most people, this is no money. This is worthless.
But on the 1St here it tells us about those that have no money.
Something more than gold is in this verse, something that's more wonderful than $100 or $1,000,000 or a billion dollars. And I know there's people in this hall here today if they were offered.
A billion dollars on this hand, or eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord on this hand. They would accept this hand. How about you?
A billion dollars can probably buy you about anything you want here in this world, but it's not gonna last.
But eternal life in Jesus Christ is that which goes on and on and on. And it's wonderful. It's to be with the Lord Jesus forever in his happy home in heaven, eternal life. And so there's nothing more wonderful than to spend eternity with the Lord Jesus. And so it goes on here to say he that has no money, come, ye, the invitation goes out again, come.
Buy and eat ye come, come, come, come.
Buy wine and milk without money and without price.
Coming to the waters, Waters refresh.
And that fountain back there, so refreshing. Take a nice cool drink wine. It tells us in the Bible that wine it makes glad the heart of God and of man brings joy. And milk is that which nourishes, nourishes. And so God has for us a wonderful.
Offering here, and it's without money and it's without.
Price because Jesus paid the price on the cross of Calvary.
We sing those songs sometimes goes like this. On the cross for me, on the cross for me, dying there in agony. Jesus paid the price, himself the sacrifice.
On the cross for me and now the Lord Jesus if we turn over to the New Testament.
I believe it's John chapter 6 verse 35 the Lord Jesus says.
He that comes to me shall never thirst.
Because. Because.
I am the bread of life, He that cometh to me shall never hunger, and he that believeth on me.
Shall never thirst. So it seems to tie in very nicely with this verse that we have here.
Some time ago I gave these out.
In another place and I noticed after a meeting.
Some of the boys, they actually opened up this little bag and they were trying to piece together these little strips of money. And I think they were trying to make $100 or something like that out of money. And I saw that's not going to work, I don't think, but they were trying. But you know, we tried to.
Come up with money some way, somehow. But the important thing is.
What is more valuable than gold than money, $100 million dollars. It is salvation.
Is of the Lord and we need to trust Him for salvation.
Because the Lord Jesus, he did the work at the cross.
Tells us that he died, he was buried, but he rose again the third day, according.
To the scriptures for this wonderful book that we have here in our hands.
And salvation goes on forever and ever. And that's a wonderful thing. You can't lose it. You know, even if I was giving out dollar bills like my uncle back there and Dorothy, those dollar bills wear out. In fact, I'm told that the dollar bill, it lasts about 17 months. Now, that's the average lifespan of a dollar bill.
And I imagine $100 bill.
Would last longer than that.
But after 17 months, pulverized.
But what we're talking about here?
It goes on and on. It's a happiness that lasts.
Because it's eternal life. And it tells us over in John 17 that this is life, eternal, eternal life.
To know God, the only true God and Jesus Christ.
Who he has sent now?
I see our time is gone.
Sang a song. What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
It's the only remedy for sin, the blood of Jesus. Think about it. The Son of God gave his life and love for you and me at the cross, and now he lives and he is coming again.
Are you thirsty?
Are you hungry in your heart? In your soul?
There's only one who can satisfy your thirst, your hunger, and that's Jesus.
Jesus. Well, I see a kindness.
Go on SO.
You can keep these little packets, maybe put them away, and as I say, it's a collector's item. Might be worth something more.
In a few years, but I must say.
I hope the Lord comes before that.