The reason why many souls have not the assurance of salvation is that they are looking within for something to rest on, instead of simply resting on Christ and believing what God says about Him and them, when they believe in Him. This state of matters was forcibly illustrated by an old lady. God had converted her nephew, a worldly doctor, in a remarkable way; and no sooner was he in the enjoyment of the Lord's grace, than he sought to get all his relatives to share his new-found joy. Recognizing the state his aunt was in, he asked me to pay her a visit, apprizing her of my coming.
The old lady received me very pleasantly, and we had a long conversation. She knew she was a sinner—a lost sinner—and owned it. She desired most fervently to be saved.
She knew that no works of her own could avail before God. She believed the Lord Jesus to be the only Savior of sinners. She had often cried to Him to save her, but no answer had come to her cries as yet. After finding out that she was truly a seeking soul—ripe for salvation, I might say—I asked: "Now, what is the hindrance? Why do you not know that you are saved? You tell me that you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, that He is able and willing to save you, and that you are most willing to let Him save you, and yet you are not sure of salvation. Do you think He has anything more to do for your salvation?”
"O, no! I'm sure His work is all finished. He said so on the cross.”
"Quite true; only I suppose you think there must be something wrought in you before you can be sure you are saved?”
"Yes, that's just it," she replied. "And what is lacking in you?”
"Well, sir, I'm not thankful enough for all He has done for me. I think if I felt more thankful I should know I was saved.”
"O, I see where you are," I replied. "Now tell me, supposing I were to send you a basket of grapes by my servant tomorrow morning, what is the first thing you would do?”
"O, of course I should thank you," replied the lady, most energetically.
"Well, suppose on the other hand you sent me a basket of grapes, what do you think is the first thing I would do?" I replied.
"You would thank me, wouldn't you?"
"Not first.”
"Why, what would you do?" she asked most eagerly.
"I should take them. Then, secondly, I should send you a hearty message of thanks.”
"I see it! I see it!" exclaimed my friend, as the joy-tears welled down over her features. "I've just to take salvation first, and then thank the Lord for what He has given me.”
"Exactly so. 'The gift of God is eternal life' (Rom. 6:2323For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23)). What He gives we have only simply to accept, and then thank Him for time and eternity.”
"Dear me, how simple it is!" she exclaimed, falling back on her pillows. "I always thought I must feel something within that I never could feel; but, thank God, I see it all clearly now. It is so simple I wonder why I didn't see it before." Thus she entered into sweet peace and rest in the Lord.
Reader, can you say with her. "I see it"? If not, why not? Nothing can be simpler than the Gospel. God gives, man receives; God speaks, man hears; Christ acts, man believes. To look within for anything is sheer folly. It is His work for us, and not the work in us that saves us.
Christ's work on the cross is perfect. Nothing can be added to it. God has accepted it for us, and has set Jesus at His own right hand in glory, in token of His appreciation of Him. His atoning work on the cross has glorified God, and put away our sins forever from His sight. By it, too, Satan's power is broken, and the grave opened, death being annulled.
Every claim of God on us has been met by Jesus. He took our place in death and judgment, that we might get His place in life and glory. And He says, "Because I live, ye shall live also." Faith believes this. Faith reckons with God, and sees things as He sees them. Feelings or experiences have no place at all.
"Abraham believed God"—i. e., he took Him at His word. I believe Him, dear reader. Do you? If so, you will say, "Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift." 2 Cor. 9:1515Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift. (2 Corinthians 9:15).