A Chaplain's Anxiety

From the seat of War in France, a Chaplain writes to me: Convalescent Depot, France
Dear Sir, “I am Chaplain of the above depot, and I am anxious to satisfy the demands of the men for New Testaments. I may say that I have distributed forty in one week to men who said they really needed them. My stock is now exhausted, and I am asking you if you can send me a continuous supply. I should be extremely grateful for them, and they will be the means of leading many a soul to Christ. I minister to over two thousand men.... Thanking you in anticipation, Yours sincerely, C. F.”
NOTE. ―We are arranging to send him two parcels a week.
And so the mighty need is ever brought before us, the need of men facing death to have the Word of God giver them. We are more and more thankful that through the kindness of our friends we are enabled to give to all who ask our help. We do not believe that well of kindness will ever dry up.