Bringing Food to Starving Men

The Italian Alpini are noted for the desperate courage which makes them fight to the death against adds which are often so overwhelming as to make the issue a foregone conclusion. The picture on the cover depicts an incident during the great retreat last November. A band of Alpini was holding a mountain position against the enemy, and found themselves surrounded. In the face of the fire from the Austro-German guns it was impossible to effect a retreat. In fact, this band of intrepid men had determined to hold out as long as their ammunition lasted. They held fast, and at length bread was brought to them by their aviators, who flew over the position and dropped their precious freight of loaves to the starving men below them.
So hundreds of brave and starving men were kept alive by bread rained down upon them from the skies. They were in a place of death, and were fed from above.
This is a picture of men and women in the world today, in the place of danger and of death-in danger because the wrath of God may fall upon them at any moment; of death because “The wages of sin is death,” and “The soul that sinneth it shall die,” and the sinner before God is “dead in trespasses and sins.” To feed the starving souls of men and women in the place of danger and of death, the “Bread of Life” was sent down from heaven. Christ said: “I am the Bread of Life: he that cometh to Me shall never hunger.” If you come to Christ your soul-hunger will depart and you will be fed with the heavenly manna. Christ can satisfy every heart that trusts in Him. If men were as eager to satisfy soul-hunger as they are physical needs, what blessing would rest upon their lives!